Which character do you prefer Rhys or Fiona



  • Its loader bot not bit.Anyway its a good answer some people said a name and thats all thanks for the comment.

    Personally, I prefer Ryhs. I find him funnier and his interactions with Vaughn are hilarious. He also has Handsome Jack with him for even mo

  • Mother!

    Eryka posted: »


  • Both...ok, I like Fiona more but I don't know a thing about her. Maybe in episode 3 we'll learn more about Fiona. And Sasha. btw Rhys is awesome and funny. Bc of them I have a stupid smile on my face the whole time I'm playing it.

  • I'm so jealous of your name.

    Rhyiona posted: »

    Both...ok, I like Fiona more but I don't know a thing about her. Maybe in episode 3 we'll learn more about Fiona. And Sasha. btw Rhys is awesome and funny. Bc of them I have a stupid smile on my face the whole time I'm playing it.

  • Every word. ;-;

    Rhyiona posted: »

    Aww...shucks you mean it ?

  • Aww...shucks you mean it ? :D

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I'm so jealous of your name.

  • Alt text

    Rhyiona posted: »

    Well...Team Rhyiona. What more to say ?

  • edited June 2015

    Well...Team Rhyiona. What more to say ? :D

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Every word. ;-;

  • Rhys.

    Alt text

    How can you not love him?

  • Rhys.

    I like Fiona, she just gets on my nerves when we switch back to the present day with the kidnapper.

  • Fiona for life

  • edited June 2015

    Ugh...I don't want to pick favorites, because they both play differently and I love them both.

    With Rhys you are able to use Echo-eye in order to hack and control stuff. And he can control Loader Bot.

    With Fiona you are able to use money. This was a feature that I enjoyed immensely in episode 2. Being able to buy your own version of the caravan! She has a lot more actions scenes than Rhys so far.

    How about this. In terms of character and story, I am choosing Rhys. In terms of gameplay I am choosing Fiona.

  • Rhys has Vaughn, Loader bot and Handsome Jack in his head, Fiona has a sassy little sister and daddy issues.

  • and daddy issues.

    Fiona has daddy issues? Wat?

    Aaira posted: »

    Rhys has Vaughn, Loader bot and Handsome Jack in his head, Fiona has a sassy little sister and daddy issues.

  • Oops. Typo. Heh.

    Its loader bot not bit.Anyway its a good answer some people said a name and thats all thanks for the comment.

  • Rhys, no contest.

    But that doesn't mean I don't have hopes that Fiona will become more interesting and likable in future episodes. I think the main reason Fiona is so much less likable than Rhys (and even Vaughn and Sasha) is that Fiona has few, if any, endearing character-defining moments that AREN'T contingent on the player's choices. She can call the guys "friends," and that's sweet, but it's a choice moment. She can be encouraging to Vaughn before the race, and I like that, but it's a choice moment. She can be sensitive to Sasha when she cries over Felix, and that's wonderful, but it's a choice moment.

    Compare that to Rhys, who has a multitude of character-defining moments that are not contingent on choice. I wrote a post about character-defining moments, and every moment I picked for Rhys was a non-choice moment. Obviously, all moments I picked for Vaughn and Sasha were non-choice moments, because they are non-playable characters.

    However, when it comes to Fiona, I don't know if I like Fiona or if I just like the choices I made while playing as her. I don't know what Fiona would do in a certain situation. I just know what I would do while playing as her in a certain situation. She's a bit nondescript. A lot of people probably think that that's just part of Fiona's character, so it's good that I think of her as nondescript because she's got all these walls up that prevent anyone from seeing who she really is and how she really feels. A good story, however, is supposed to break down the characters' walls and show their deepest insecurities, hopes, and wounds. The things that really bother them. The things that really scare them. The things they really care about. It's not human not to have those things. And since (IMO) Fiona hasn't shown that she has those things yet, it prevents her from seeming real and human.

    I think this could easily be remedied in future episodes, though. I mean, I imagine Fiona has all these walls up because she was an orphan and was raised into a life of crime while dealing with the loss of her parents and the pressure of trying to be strong for Sasha. That kind of backstory has been done a lot, but that doesn't mean it's not still sympathetic. If Telltale could find a particularly original and poignant way of relating that backstory for Fiona and have her start opening up to other characters, Fiona would instantly become a lot of more likable. (If she opened up to Rhys only to end up hating him eventually as we've seen in the future scenes with the Stranger, that would be especially dramatic.) Heck, it may even make it more powerful for her walls to come down now that we've spent two whole episodes with a walls-up Fiona.

  • I am going to make this short: Rhys..... definitly Rhys.

    The reason: Handsome Jack.

    Thank you for your time.

  • Rhys all the ****ing way!!!

  • Rhys by quite a large margin. I like Fiona, but Rhys' character just catches me in a way I don't think hers ever will. He's just that lovable jerk who somehow manages to be completely charming despite the bit of sleaziness to his character. I think part of it might be the voice actor's performance too, which I find far better than Fiona's. My issue with Fiona is that I get her, but she doesn't have the charming edge to balance out her more grating moments. And I feel like we still don't know her too well.

  • I can choose between the two but what your saying should be in reverse you can be nice or nasty with Fiona that what makes her a good character to Rhys and i hope in later episodes that her wall will break down she is reviling her true self slowly that what makes her an interesting character.

    TWDGFTW posted: »

    Rhys, no contest. But that doesn't mean I don't have hopes that Fiona will become more interesting and likable in future episodes. I thin

  • Yeah, I guess I should have said "what makes Fiona so much less likable TO ME is....etc. etc. etc." I understand that some people might actually like that Fiona is kind of a blank slate that we can shape with our choices, and I know that "character-shaping" is half the point of these choice-based adventure games. I love that we can shape the characters with our choices, but I also love when the characters are at least somewhat concrete already. Otherwise, I dont really feel like I can say I like a character. She's just a collection of choices that I made, so it's almost like I'm saying I like myself...? Which I do of course. I LOVE myself. :) But I want my playable characters to not all be me...you know? It's actually really complicated. I think the Telltale characters should be (and usually are) exactly the right mix of pre-determined character traits and fluid player choices. I personally feel that Fiona is currently too heavy on the player choice side. But if she does reveal her true self in upcoming episodes, that will make her very interesting to me. :)

    I can choose between the two but what your saying should be in reverse you can be nice or nasty with Fiona that what makes her a good charac

  • Alt text

    Rhyiona posted: »

    Well...Team Rhyiona. What more to say ?

  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni

    Aww... what a choice! I love them both. I love them all. I even love ASSquez and his big dumb murder-y face. Every main character in this series makes me feel something, and I totally didn't expect that. I just love interacting with them and living in their world for a while.

  • Far enough for me personally i can't choose because of those reason from mine and yours thats why i like Rhys because hes nice and the thats the reason i like fiona you can choose to be nice or a jerk. Thanks for your comment.

    TWDGFTW posted: »

    Yeah, I guess I should have said "what makes Fiona so much less likable TO ME is....etc. etc. etc." I understand that some people might actu

  • thats how people become assholes, most of the time

    DeityD posted: »

    and daddy issues. Fiona has daddy issues? Wat?

  • Rhys fits my personality, almost to a pinpoint. So I can relate more to him than Fiona.

  • Rhys. Why? The dude's funny.

  • I'd initially have said Rhys, but in retrospect I'll probably say I like Fiona more due to how head-strong and competent she is.

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