I don't get why...

The Forresters and Whitehills weren't aligned with one another pre Red Wedding. Think about it the Whitehills were sworn to The Boltons and The Forresters to the Starks who were allies. It's not like it's always been a case of Ironwood since most of the Whitehills are stone masons and specialize in stone while the Forresters specialize in wood, a steady supply would be very profitable foe both Houses. They could have married into one another's families along with the Glenmores. Even Lord Forrester said good words of High Point.


  • Gregor supposedly did something to piss off Ludd but before they were aligned they even share blood. As you can see they have a sigil with their sigils combined.

  • I don't get it either.

  • It's like what the master said in Episode 1:

    "I don't doubt someone killed someone, which led to more killings of someones and then, well... here we are."

  • I guess the Gwyn and Asher thing might play a factor.

    I don't get it either.

  • What gives you that idea about Gregor?

    Churned posted: »

    Gregor supposedly did something to piss off Ludd but before they were aligned they even share blood. As you can see they have a sigil with their sigils combined.

  • When your rival is weakened, particularly leaderless and their precious Ironwood is ripe for the taking, they won't think of any cooperation or peace.

    And considering it is a world where simple slights will be remembered for centuries, it is not easy to have peace. The only way to have a proper peace between the Forresters and the Whitehills, it is that Gywn somehow manages to become the Lady of the House or Ludd and Gryff somehow managed to get some common sense in their head and let go of their desire for oppression, which I honestly doubt they will.

  • Ludd says their share of Ironwood was stolen from them, they were probable assigned shares which the Whitehills burned through quickly thanks to their harvesting techniques while seeing that the Forresters still had plenty. The only explanation from their point of view is that the Forresters cheated their way to more Ironwood than they were granted, they bring this up wanting a bigger slice of what they see is their rightful share, get told to GTFO and the rest is history.

  • Ludd was always spiteful when talking about Gregor. Plus I don't think Gregor was a godlike individual he was a good man but there's no doubt he messed up at least once in his life. Ned was a good guy but there's no doubt he pissed alot of people off also similarly to Robb as well.

    What gives you that idea about Gregor?

  • Ned was too stubborn and Robb was too foolish and dumb

    Churned posted: »

    Ludd was always spiteful when talking about Gregor. Plus I don't think Gregor was a godlike individual he was a good man but there's no doub

  • Their houses are friends before as seen on episode 4 when Gwyn showed the sigil of the Forresters and the Whitehills together carved in wood. I think they don't have much choice since the Whitehills are the bannermen of the Boltons and the Forresters to the Starks. So the Whitehills and the Forresters are enemies automatically because of the houses they've sworn allegiance to, things got even worse when Asher and Gwyn fall in love with each other.

  • In episode 1 Maester said that enemity between the houses has long tradition, which means that it started before Gregor.

    Churned posted: »

    Gregor supposedly did something to piss off Ludd but before they were aligned they even share blood. As you can see they have a sigil with their sigils combined.

  • Forresters are bannermen to Glovers not Starks.

    Khun07 posted: »

    Their houses are friends before as seen on episode 4 when Gwyn showed the sigil of the Forresters and the Whitehills together carved in wood

  • "For centuries the Forresters have been loyal bannerman to House Stark: A house of traitors."

    They're vassals to House Glover.

    Forresters are bannermen to Glovers not Starks.

  • edited June 2015

    If Forresters are bannermen to Starks then Whitehills are too bannermen to Starks.

    And Ludd said that Whitehills were bannermen to Bolton for fuive fookin centuries.

    Lewsblake23 posted: »

    "For centuries the Forresters have been loyal bannerman to House Stark: A house of traitors." They're vassals to House Glover.

  • They kind of remind me of the Blackwoods and Brackens from the book.

  • The text at the start of the game kind of confirms it, along with what Cersei says to Mira.

    Alt text

    If Forresters are bannermen to Starks then Whitehills are too bannermen to Starks. And Ludd said that Whitehills were bannermen to Bolton for fuive fookin centuries.

  • Well then text is wrong.

    Lewsblake23 posted: »

    The text at the start of the game kind of confirms it, along with what Cersei says to Mira.

  • The Whitehills are sworn to the Boltons, who are sworn to the Starks. The Forresters are sworn to the Glovers, who are sworn to the Starks.

    Well then text is wrong.

  • I doubt Telltale would make the FIRST LINE of the game incorrect. xD

    Well then text is wrong.

  • They are all sworn to the Starks because they are the warden of the North before Joffrey had Ned Stark beheaded.

    The Whitehills are sworn to the Boltons, who are sworn to the Starks. The Forresters are sworn to the Glovers, who are sworn to the Starks.

  • @shellturrleguy that is what I am saying

    The Whitehills are sworn to the Boltons, who are sworn to the Starks. The Forresters are sworn to the Glovers, who are sworn to the Starks.

  • You don't need to tell me that, I know that already...

    Khun07 posted: »

    They are all sworn to the Starks because they are the warden of the North before Joffrey had Ned Stark beheaded.

  • i think that Ludd isn't evil,in fact i think there will be multiple endings,where you could become allies with him,destroy the whitehills,or kill him but let Gwyn rule house whitehill.

  • Ok. Sorry

    You don't need to tell me that, I know that already...

  • I'm the biggest Game of Thrones fanatic I know :P

    Khun07 posted: »

    Ok. Sorry

  • we can go along just fine then

    I'm the biggest Game of Thrones fanatic I know :P

  • Ok.

    we can go along just fine then

  • The Forrester/Whitehill thing was to show that they were close once, though I do think they shared blood hundreds of years ago.

    Churned posted: »

    Gregor supposedly did something to piss off Ludd but before they were aligned they even share blood. As you can see they have a sigil with their sigils combined.

  • Besides the fact that in episode 1 Ludd says 'the late Lord Forrester was no friend to me or my House.'

    Lord Thorren the Bold, father of Gregor, who seized the river valley from the Whitehills, before Robert's Rebellion I'd assume.

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