The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Suck a big one.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    That's funny, coming from you.

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    papai46 posted: »

    Suck a big one.

  • Mmm randomly combined food. drools

    papai46 posted: »

    Make ice cream using all that and then go out to make friends

  • I think Patrick and Kirby are related. lol

    Markd4547 posted: »

    ALL of it :'D

  • This is really good. The overall shading is nice, I like how you gave her subtle shading beneath her eyes. I love the brown to red in her hair. Like papai said, I think her head is too big for her body and I feel like the hoodie neckline is a bit awkward, like the sides of her hood should be closer to her neck. Overall a really nice drawing.

    blueneon posted: »

    If you are kind enough, I would like you to give me honest critisism and tell me what you like and what you don't like, or what is wrong. Thank you for your time. ^-^

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    Mmm randomly combined food. drools

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  • I like it. Overall it is well done. I think the only things that needs a little fixing are the head and nose. The nostrils are too edgy, just make it a little more smooth, and show slighty less of them unless the nose is pointing up. The head is just a little too big. But other than that I think you've done well!

    blueneon posted: »

    If you are kind enough, I would like you to give me honest critisism and tell me what you like and what you don't like, or what is wrong. Thank you for your time. ^-^

  • Now that you bring it up...

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    I think Patrick and Kirby are related. lol

  • I love how if you connect the gifs it would seem they're having an eating contest trying to see who eats the most on the table and also who sucks the fastest. lmao

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Now that you bring it up...

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    Gaben Cut my favourite game I was waiting to get for so long on PC from 50 euro down to 10 euro this weekend I love steam :D

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    I'm not getting a Ps4 till the price cut expected so my next targets on ps3 are Spec Op's the Line and Dishonored I can get both in my local store for 20 euro

  • Dishonored is really great, I suggest getting the GOTY edition with all the DLC.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Gaben Cut my favourite game I was waiting to get for so long on PC from 50 euro down to 10 euro this weekend I love steam I'm not ge

  • Aaaaahhhhh, Gaben: The eater of virtual wallets and the ruler of the PC master race.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Gaben Cut my favourite game I was waiting to get for so long on PC from 50 euro down to 10 euro this weekend I love steam I'm not ge

  • I have a story to share today.

    I've been having a joke argument with someone for the Past 3 Days. This argument was about Aglets, which are the ends of a shoelace. Now, He stated that Aglets were created by Communists as a joke, and I stated something about him being a communist because he knew what aglets are, Then he stated that I'm part of the Illuminati because I knew that he said something about Aglets, Then I called him a Racist Chupacabra, and now we're talking about our Mulit-colored Children.

    Ladies and Gentlemen, I am not making this up. Do you realize, That I am having a joke argument, about The tips of shoelaces, being involved in Russian warfare, and This argument has lasted so long, that we're calling each other a Mexican bigfoot. Do you realize this?

    My life... This is my life

  • Fuck Stannis.

  • Shit, I know it doesn't matter much, but I just realized my one year anniversary is tomorrow.

  • Get Spec-Ops the story is pretty interesting, though be warned that the game is actively trying to piss you off.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Gaben Cut my favourite game I was waiting to get for so long on PC from 50 euro down to 10 euro this weekend I love steam I'm not ge

  • I don't like the trilogy myself but a lot of his complaints are incredibly stupid, I don't think that the existence of the Nolan trilogy really affects the older movies at all, the one about Maggie Gyllenhaal being less hot than Katie Holmes is just stupid and the one about saving Joffrey it's just so unbelievably stupid that it shouldn't even have been mentioned, I mean that's just a joke, besides that his arguments are not entirely wrong but something about the way he wrote them ticks me off.

    @Markd4547 What do ya think?

  • He's mislead by a prophet who's forcing her prophecies on the wrong guy.

    Fuck Stannis.

  • edited June 2015

    When your friend suddenly brings you into a random group of people you never met before on Skype...

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  • For a second I thought this was on marriage and was like 'Dafaq'.

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Shit, I know it doesn't matter much, but I just realized my one year anniversary is tomorrow.

  • Okay...?

    I have a story to share today. I've been having a joke argument with someone for the Past 3 Days. This argument was about Aglets, which a

  • AYY

    When your friend suddenly brings you into a random group of people you never met before on Skype...

  • Happy one year anniversary.

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Shit, I know it doesn't matter much, but I just realized my one year anniversary is tomorrow.

  • TDMshadowCPTDMshadowCP Banned
    edited June 2015

    Shia Lebeouf has a positive message for everyone :)

  • I accidently liked this, we need a function that takes the "like" :P

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Shia Lebeouf has a positive message for everyone

    edited June 2015

    Anyone heard about The Monty Hall Problem? It really fucked up with my mind before I understood it.

  • edited June 2015

    This is awesome
    This is dang awesome!

  • TDMshadowCPTDMshadowCP Banned
    edited June 2015


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    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I accidently liked this, we need a function that takes the "like" :P

  • 4th grade is never easy

    I have a story to share today. I've been having a joke argument with someone for the Past 3 Days. This argument was about Aglets, which a

  • I'm in 10th Grade. What do you mean by 4th grade? XD I just enjoy having joke arguments with strangers over the internet. XD

    4th grade is never easy

  • I don't know the feel, But my friends definitely do! XD

    When your friend suddenly brings you into a random group of people you never met before on Skype...

  • edited June 2015

    Just sounds like an argument 4th graders would have. And if I had to guess this argument must be taking place on youtube

    I'm in 10th Grade. What do you mean by 4th grade? XD I just enjoy having joke arguments with strangers over the internet. XD

  • Yeah... It DOES sound like that kind of argument. It's all a joke though. And no, Not on YouTube, on tumblr. XD

    Just sounds like an argument 4th graders would have. And if I had to guess this argument must be taking place on youtube

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    TDMshadowCP posted: »


  • edited June 2015

    I just looked it up, and played the game three times. The first time through, I stayed with my answer and won the game. The second and third times I switched my answer, and won both times as well. While I only briefly skimmed over the explanation, I really don't get why it's not a simple 50-50 sort of thing. The fact that you're initially choosing from three doors is pointless, considering a wrong door is simply removed right away, with you still having no knowledge of what is behind the other two doors. From there it could be considered starting over and choosing between two doors, as in you have a 50-50 shot at getting it right from a blind guess.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Anyone heard about The Monty Hall Problem? It really fucked up with my mind before I understood it.

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