The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Disrespectful little shits who have nothing better to do than stir up shit about others. I've had people say that I'm gay and I've had people say that I fuck dolphins (yes, my school is that fucked up). Decency is non-existent in this fucking country.

    Markd4547 posted: »


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    I just ordered Spec Op's and Dishonored from a store online for 20 euro which will get delivered to my door if I used PSN to purchase these game it would of been 60 euro :)

    I'm so hyped to play these :'D

  • Hey!

    Cyreen posted: »

    Holy crap, it's been it's been YEARS since I've been on here; I'm posting just to remember what the hell my avatar looks like. HI!

  • I'm sorry to hear that you will have to stand up to them or it will get worse

    Disrespectful little shits who have nothing better to do than stir up shit about others. I've had people say that I'm gay and I've had peopl

  • If I stand up to them, I get shot down by the teachers. My school is pretty damn appalling. Teachers don't teach students to take care of themselves or sort out their own issues, they teach them to get others to do that for them. Seriously, is someone is getting on your nerves when you're an adult, you can't exactly go running to someone and get them to deal with it. The government treats students like children, which makes them act like children. Half of the kids at my school need to go back to primary school and learn some manners.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I'm sorry to hear that you will have to stand up to them or it will get worse

  • Spoilers?

    I've read sole reviews (avoided spoilers) and seen lots of 3 1/2 out of 4 stars.

    Click here

  • Got in a fight with my twin brother at practice this morning.... This is going to be an interesting day :D

  • Nobody here cares, no need to repost.

    Lehfeels posted: »

    anyone who missed my 1st post here it is again Sega announced a sequel to sonic boom 3ds version here it is sonic boom fire and ice

  • Not really, he does a good job of keeping it spoiler free, there's one thing but it's small (dinosaur gets out, but that's kind of what we expected). But if you still don't want to watch the video, he says it's a good time, if you're drunk (Yeah, now it's a party).

    Spoilers? I've read sole reviews (avoided spoilers) and seen lots of 3 1/2 out of 4 stars.

  • Ayy I love assaults and snipes

    Who wants to be a soldier in the Xcom game I'm going to start? It's going to be classic ironman so it's more of a question of when and how you'll die as opposed to if you'll die.

  • Well those that liked sonic boom the 1st game on 3ds will like this 1 just sharing to those who liked the 3ds version for the original besides u cant say that about everyone since some people here liked sonic boom on 3ds...

    no need to be mean im just sharing the news

    papai46 posted: »

    Nobody here cares, no need to repost.

  • People missed it because they don't care. Sega are freaking idiots for making a sequel to their worst game like wtf

    Lehfeels posted: »

    anyone who missed my 1st post here it is again Sega announced a sequel to sonic boom 3ds version here it is sonic boom fire and ice

  • Aloha.

    Cyreen posted: »

    Holy crap, it's been it's been YEARS since I've been on here; I'm posting just to remember what the hell my avatar looks like. HI!

  • Well actually the 3ds version is the better of the 2 i heard from people it aint bad i heard the wii u version was the worse of the 2

    People missed it because they don't care. Sega are freaking idiots for making a sequel to their worst game like wtf

  • Being better doesn't mean being good

    Lehfeels posted: »

    Well actually the 3ds version is the better of the 2 i heard from people it aint bad i heard the wii u version was the worse of the 2

  • Who won?

    Got in a fight with my twin brother at practice this morning.... This is going to be an interesting day

  • Me too. Except it's gotten to the point where kids are disrespectful to teachers, not just other students. It's not even lunch and I've already heard a girl say to our teacher that she "didn't know how to teach" and that she was "the worst teacher she's ever had".

    This was, of course, right after the teacher told her to back off after the girl told me to move, and when I told her to say please, she proceeded to tell me to go fuck myself.

    I'm getting really fucking sick of people at my school.

  • edited June 2015

    I know dude but atleast it was better people have told me its pretty good it improved on what the wii u version failed to do so i heard i guess i could agree a ok game on 3ds aint enough to validate a sequel

    Being better doesn't mean being good

  • Failure breeds success you learn more from it,

    Failure to me just means work harder and better if you really want this

    Good luck :)

  • In Ireland pretty laid back if someone acts the tough guy the teachers don't mind if you sort it out or just leave a blind eye if the persons a troublemaker I would of tried to wind them up back and the minute they try to strike me I'd knocked them out then they'd never do it again

    If I stand up to them, I get shot down by the teachers. My school is pretty damn appalling. Teachers don't teach students to take care of th

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    Ah this brings back memories me and twin fought lots of times, We evn tagged up to fight our older brother a few times, We tag up and fight to if any of us get in a fight good times :)

    Got in a fight with my twin brother at practice this morning.... This is going to be an interesting day


    Stuckman and Jahns I always see both for films they are awesome :D

    Click here

  • @Markd4547 I posted the original one but I just saw this XD

  • The part where Theon and Ramsay saw eachother is the best thing ever.

  • Alt text

    @Markd4547 I posted the original one but I just saw this XD

  • edited June 2015

    Just saw the original ted its good im for sure hyped for the sequel coming in theaters soon

  • That last part was the story of my life. It's a different matter if it's a narrow space, but you should still ask politely that they move. If there's room to go around, then go around. This is something they should explain to kids at my school.

    Me too. Except it's gotten to the point where kids are disrespectful to teachers, not just other students. It's not even lunch and I've alre

  • edited June 2015

    Um so uh where can i get the other ratchet and clank games on ps1 or ps2? because i wanna play em before this game comes out so im up to date


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    Markd4547 posted: »

    @tobi The Hype is real

  • edited June 2015

    Get a Ps Vita and get the trilogy they are awesome :D MY CHILDHOOD

    But as well you won't need to play any previous games to understand this game tbh because it's a movie game so it's probably an origin game and thanks XD

    Lehfeels posted: »

    Um so uh where can i get the other ratchet and clank games on ps1 or ps2? because i wanna play em before this game comes out so im up to date Also...

  • markd but are the games on ps2 and ps1 i would rather play em on there for nostalgia feels

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Get a Ps Vita and get the trilogy they are awesome MY CHILDHOOD But as well you won't need to play any previous games to understand this game tbh because it's a movie game so it's probably an origin game and thanks XD

  • edited June 2015

    Yes I replayed the crash trilogy on Vita and still got dem feels :'D

    But yes go for it they are awesome on ps2

    Alt text

    (don't play Agent Clank it's terrible)

    Lehfeels posted: »

    markd but are the games on ps2 and ps1 i would rather play em on there for nostalgia feels

  • are there any on ps1 i should know about? also yeah ill for sure buy em if i get the chance ever

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Yes I replayed the crash trilogy on Vita and still got dem feels :'D But yes go for it they are awesome on ps2 (don't play Agent Clank it's terrible)

  • I need more forum user names for my XCOM playthrough. The only thing I need from you is to reply to this post(if you didn't already reply to the first one). After that you're meat for the alien grinder! Only 2 forum user deaths so far but I'm still in the first month. This is all for my own amusement but I'll post a full report after I have lost the game. It's classic, and the game fkn cheats so I have no hopes of actually winning.

  • Am i in?

    I need more forum user names for my XCOM playthrough. The only thing I need from you is to reply to this post(if you didn't already reply t

  • I don't see why not. I'm up for it if you're willing.

    I need more forum user names for my XCOM playthrough. The only thing I need from you is to reply to this post(if you didn't already reply t

  • You are.

    papai46 posted: »

    Am i in?

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