Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Look there's a otter in my lair.....dundundundun dundundundun

    Quiff posted: »

    I think we need some otters here.

  • lies :(

    Quiff posted: »

    i promise everything is gonna be fine

  • There was a poll before, yes, but it's gone now.

    JCleto10 posted: »

    Is there an actually poll to vote ships? cuz this fore sure NEEDS to happen

  • I woke up to news so I only have to wait a couple of hours now.

    So excited!

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Guys, if you haven't seen the countdown clock on the release date thread go do it now. I think it's actually happening! Edit: You may need to check the earlier pages (specifically page 107) to understand exactly what's going on.

  • That's gonna take a while but it's worth it!

    JCleto10 posted: »

    Trying to fully catch up on the thread, currently on page 32 out of 163

  • I also can't wait! I woke up extremely tired, but I managed to use my phone to see the site. When I saw the news, I instantly felt energized. :D

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I woke up to news so I only have to wait a couple of hours now. So excited!

  • Yaaaay :D excited to the max!

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    I'm sure the answer is yes but I'm gonna let @ABigBadWolf do the honours.

  • Can I join the Rhyiona Army? :D

  • I'm sure the answer is yes but I'm gonna let @ABigBadWolf do the honours.

    Can I join the Rhyiona Army?

  • edited June 2015

    ( ! ) no

    ABigBadWolf posted: »


  • I welcome you with open arms!

    Can I join the Rhyiona Army?

  • Alt text

    Can I join the Rhyiona Army?

  • "Oh boy I haven't been in the Rhyiona confirmed thread forever let's see what everyone is doing"


    Alt text

  • I can imagine that :^)

    "Oh boy I haven't been in the Rhyiona confirmed thread forever let's see what everyone is doing" Me:

  • Aaaaaaaaa! And I have things to do just when we are going to get some news!!! ;---;

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I woke up to news so I only have to wait a couple of hours now. So excited!

  • Well, at least you know you'll come back to some news!

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Aaaaaaaaa! And I have things to do just when we are going to get some news!!! ;---;

  • I was kinda half asleep but once I saw @JumpyJoey's post I went



    I also can't wait! I woke up extremely tired, but I managed to use my phone to see the site. When I saw the news, I instantly felt energized.

  • Everyone is welcome here!

    Welcome to the family, buddy!

    Can I join the Rhyiona Army?

  • yea

    Quiff posted: »

    ( ! ) no

  • Don't deny it, you know this thread is super high quality.

    "Oh boy I haven't been in the Rhyiona confirmed thread forever let's see what everyone is doing" Me:

  • Have a great time with us!

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    (^_^) Thank you!

  • (^_^) Thank you!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Everyone is welcome here! Welcome to the family, buddy!

  • This is true! I just wanted to see the news at the same time as everybody else. I want to be in the same hype train!

    It feels so unrealistic that we are so close to the episode.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Well, at least you know you'll come back to some news!

  • Alt text

    Can I join the Rhyiona Army?

  • Hello there!!

    Alt text

    Can I join the Rhyiona Army?

  • Will you be gone for a while? If so, that probably does suck, sorry.

    Right? It feels as if it was never going to release.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    This is true! I just wanted to see the news at the same time as everybody else. I want to be in the same hype train! It feels so unrealistic that we are so close to the episode.

  • Ta da! This is the second part of my fan fiction. It's going to be a long story, I think. Well, enjoy! Feel free to criticize as well, I get the feeling that this story has some loose ends anyway.

    Part 2

    Of course, she got to her senses after a while. She couldn't sit and cry forever, especially since the kids were supposed to go to school soon. What would they say if they found her there by the kitchen table?

    So Fiona dried her eyes and prepared breakfast while trying to seem normal. As she fried pancakes, she couldn't help but remember every single time that Rhys had tried to cook something, the terrible mess he always left behind. She remembered her birthday (or rather, the day before her birthday) and how they'd all tried so hard... a tear slid down her cheek and she hurriedly wiped it away, flipping a pancake.

    When the children had gone to school (with heartbreaking questions like “Where's daddy?” and “Where has the righteous father gone?”) Fiona called Vaughn and Sasha.

    They arrived in a cloud of dust and Sasha practically jumped out of their new caravan, shouting:

    “Oh my god, sis, are you okay?”

    Vaughn got out after her, rubbing a bump on his head that was probably the result of furious driving, and walked up to them as Sasha hugged Fiona.

    “I..uh... don't know how Rhys could do this...” he admitted, scratching his head.

    “He's a bloody id- sorry, Fiona, but it's not like he can hear me, sitting up there on his fat ass!”

    Fiona led them into the house and invited them to sit on the couch. Sasha immediately put her feet up on the coffee table while Vaughn was rather stiff.

    “I-I only found out this morning,” Fiona said quietly. “I didn't know- he seemed so happy here.”

    She felt the tears start up again as Sasha stood up and hovered soothingly over her and Vaughn offered her a tissue. Her eyes unfocused for a bit and she stared at a stain of the wooden floor... wait a second. That stain hadn't been there before. It looked kind of like... blood...

    Fiona gasped and stood up, crossing the room and crouching by the stain. It was blood, there was no doubt about that. But she wasn't bleeding, and the only other person in the house who was capable of leaking anything other than oil (except for Lee, but he was jumping around and seemed just fine) was... Rhys.

    “Guys,” Fiona whispered, her voice quavering. “What if he didn't leave on his own? What if he had no choice?”

    Vaughn walked over and almost threw up at the sight of the blood.

    “Who's is that?”

    Then he saw Fiona's stricken expression and his eyes opened wide. Sasha came over, looked at the blood and exclaimed:


    Then she walked around the house and up the stairs to the bedroom. Fiona was too confused to move, but she heard her sister walking around her room. Soon, there was a shout from above.

    “Guys, I think I've found more.”

    Fiona felt like she was going to be sick. Rhys, her Rhys, had been bleeding in this house while she was peacefully asleep. Someone must have come in and taken him right from under her nose. How had she not woken up? She walked slowly up the steps with Vaughn trailing behind her with a dazed look on his face.

    “Uh, Fiona, Rhys still sleeps with that sock puppet?” Sasha called out from the bedroom.

    “Yeah,” Fiona said warily, stepping into the room. “Why?”

    “Well, here it is.”

    Fiona walked up to where Sasha was standing, dread writhing in her stomach as she peeked at what she was holding. There was Mr Froggy Wiggles, torn up into scraps with one eye missing. He had been thrown down right next to Rhys's favourite socks. Next to them was the stun baton, lying as if someone had tried to grab it from the bed.

    There was also a rag lying on Fiona's side of the bed. Vaughn picked it up and sniffed it.

    "Ether," he stated. "We- Hyperion, I mean, sometimes use it when a business deal goes wrong and drastic measures are needed. That's probably why you didn't wake up, Fiona."

    Fiona hadn't noticed any of the things lying around when she woke up because she was too tired and felt half-drugged (if she was to believe Vaughn then she probably had been drugged), but now all the signs were there. Rhys had been kidnapped.

  • I will be here tomorrow again. I'm just busy today. Rant.

    It's so weird because for a while I kinda forgot that this episode exists and now I'm overflowing with hype.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Will you be gone for a while? If so, that probably does suck, sorry. Right? It feels as if it was never going to release.

  • When the struggle of waiting is too much, remember:

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  • Well, it's gonna be a while before you know what the news are, then. Sorry to hear. :(

    I can barely concentrate on anything right now. That's how hyped they can get us with one tweet.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    I will be here tomorrow again. I'm just busy today. Rant. It's so weird because for a while I kinda forgot that this episode exists and now I'm overflowing with hype.

  • Whoa, there's some serious and dark buisness going on, I like it.

    I have a feeling something will happen to Rhys' arm, I don't know why.

    Can't wait to read part 3!

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Ta da! This is the second part of my fan fiction. It's going to be a long story, I think. Well, enjoy! Feel free to criticize as well, I get

  • There was Mr Froggy Wiggles, torn up into scraps with one eye missing.


    I knew Rhys hadn't left on his own! There was no way!

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Ta da! This is the second part of my fan fiction. It's going to be a long story, I think. Well, enjoy! Feel free to criticize as well, I get

  • edited June 2015

    Alt text

    I can't stop thinking about them, the hype is too real.

    Edit: found source of the gif

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    When the struggle of waiting is too much, remember:

  • edited June 2015

    Think of them while you wait and everything will be alright.

    Do it for them.

    buntingsir posted: »

    I can't stop thinking about them, the hype is too real. Edit: found source of the gif

  • No problem, I didn't even take this drawing seirously xD

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    No problems, thanks for sharing.

  • Hey, it's still really cute and fitting for the situation!

    No problem, I didn't even take this drawing seirously xD

  • Thanks :3

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Hey, it's still really cute and fitting for the situation!

  • You're welcome!


  • Lost in the mysterious jungle of an Atlas terraforming facility, Fiona finds help from an unexpected mentor, Rhys continues to share brain-space with the disembodied mind of a dead dictator, and love is in the air.


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