The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited June 2015

    Yep, pretty excited for Ted 2 :)

    Lehfeels posted: »

    Just saw the original ted its good im for sure hyped for the sequel coming in theaters soon

  • Sure.

    I need more forum user names for my XCOM playthrough. The only thing I need from you is to reply to this post(if you didn't already reply t

  • I am in love with Borderlands 2, seriously, this game is awesome, and I'm usually not a fan of first person shooter games.

  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited June 2015

    Great news! Today I got six adult 3D RPX tickets for Jurassic World at 10 PM on Friday! It's gonna rock. My theater has Jurassic World themed cups too.

    My right now, Barbasol is tickets:

  • What you playing it on?

    I am in love with Borderlands 2, seriously, this game is awesome, and I'm usually not a fan of first person shooter games.

  • Nice, I'm seeing it on Friday too :)

    Great news! Today I got six adult 3D RPX tickets for Jurassic World at 10 PM on Friday! It's gonna rock. My theater has Jurassic World themed cups too. My right now, Barbasol is tickets:



    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Nice, I'm seeing it on Friday too

  • What do you mean, like what system am I playing it on, I'm using a PC, also I decided to go with Zer0, and he's awesome.

    What you playing it on?

  • I'm pretty sure you already got me.

    I need more forum user names for my XCOM playthrough. The only thing I need from you is to reply to this post(if you didn't already reply t

  • Alt text

    Me and my twin are basically like that too!

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Ah this brings back memories me and twin fought lots of times, We evn tagged up to fight our older brother a few times, We tag up and fight to if any of us get in a fight good times

  • edited June 2015

    Yep totally understand everything. I'll look for my car keys and set my phone somewhere. I'll find the keys but don't know where the duck I put my phone. .___.

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  • The warriors, Silent Hill, crash bandicoot, spyro are great bro :)

    Lehfeels posted: »

    are there any on ps1 i should know about? also yeah ill for sure buy em if i get the chance ever

  • edited June 2015

    I know this guy he did the banjo kazooie theme song cover and the diddy kong racing theme song cover and tons more i love his music covers of popular game-series songs

    Markd4547 posted: » :'D

  • edited June 2015

    Saltlick it comes in my theater friday but i think ill be going on the 3rd showing since its usually packed on the 1st showing in my theater and im not a big fan of packed theaters its harder to find a seat and such you know

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Nice, I'm seeing it on Friday too

  • edited June 2015

    Heres a few more of his awesome theme song music covers of awesome video games

    Banjo Kazooie Theme Song Cover

    Crash Bandicoot Theme Song Cover

    Diddy Kong Racing Theme Song Cover

  • Alt text

    I love these

    Lehfeels posted: »

    Heres a few more of his awesome theme song music covers of awesome video games Banjo Kazooie Theme Song Cover Crash Bandicoot Theme Song Cover Diddy Kong Racing Theme Song Cover

  • edited June 2015

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    There is a big sale on PSN

    I just got Far Cry Blood Dragon and Injustice being a patient gamer is great you get all the best games for pennies :D

    What game have you ever bought a launch?

    Mine is just Far Cry 3 and GTA V

  • Um do u mean what games have i preordered would that count as got at launch since if u preorder something usually get it delivered at launch date

    Markd4547 posted: »

    There is a big sale on PSN I just got Far Cry Blood Dragon and Injustice being a patient gamer is great you get all the best games for pennies What game have you ever bought a launch? Mine is just Far Cry 3 and GTA V

  • I mean pro-order or just a game you wanted so much you paid full price for it when it got released :)

    Lehfeels posted: »

    Um do u mean what games have i preordered would that count as got at launch since if u preorder something usually get it delivered at launch date

  • edited June 2015

    Well i did pre-order far cry 4 awhile back so thats really my only example and that was back when it was full price

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I mean pro-order or just a game you wanted so much you paid full price for it when it got released

  • edited June 2015

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    Hello, hello, hello. I'm back from the police department. lol So I got a lot of thangs to talk about, beware of the long post.

    It's been a busy couple of days (had to go out more than once, help family, etc.) but yesterday I finally got my hands on the new update for GTA Online. Ill-Gotten Gains (expensive shit, but some were worth the spending). I can't remember everything, but I'll try my best to explain everything that happened. For a week or two I've been getting my ass handed to me when I started playing Online after a temporary hiatus. A streak of bad luck I say. Heist failures, getting destroyed in a all-scale battlefield at the airport, and getting ganged up on by 6 players. 4 were in an insurgent (ridiculously armored, I don't see how it's possible to take 2 rockets and still keep going), 1 was on a roof, and one in a jet. After a while I hid in the Pacific Standard Bank ready, but one of the guys said they won't kill me anymore and thought it was unfair. My luck seemed to turn around from that moment as the other day I gotten much better at shooting again.

    Anyway, yesterday after finally getting back home from the mall I played GTA Online and went straight to shopping. Got some clothes and a new gun, really digging my new outfit (Sad there's no new hair still, I want long hair!). Oh yeah I also got a Turismo now, gotta flaunt my swag. And at that point I had a very great day on GTA Online. I first drove around, took down a bounty then straight to a boating race. I'm usually horrible at boating but this time I managed to win both races easily. Then I was in a new session and some guy sorta came after me so I just fought with him. I think I mighta killed him for his bounty and he wanted revenge. We ended up fighting in the red parking lot building where the wall glitch is, he got some shots on me but I ended up beating him with 6 wins over. Cops were chasing me so I drove off, got them off of and then sold some cars to make money. I did some driving and ended up encountering the same guy from before who was battling 2 others on his own. I was tempted to fight him but I thought he had enough on his plates so I drove somewhere else (he did finally get a kill on me). I tried to help in someone's heist, I asked to be the guard since all were level 30 or below but the leader didn't listen. So I stick to pilot (I hate flying), shortly after we started the guard left the heists. So I just roamed around after that, didn't really care. Tried to join Pacific Standard heist but cloud servers DENIED my service. Sigh...

    Later I did a 2 on 2 deathmatch at a luxury mansion, which I inevitably won since I got the most kills. I then did capture the flag match by a shoreline with a partner versus one other player. Surprisingly no one died even though I shot at the enemy, we ended up winning of course thanks to numbers (I didn't like how unfair it was for him). We then did a mission where the runners had to evade the hunters in jets. First round us two were runners, the jet ended up killing us both. Second round we're jets and I managed to kill him when he was in a plane. Now this is where things get interesting. In the 3rd round I came up with a plan to steal a jet in the military base (hunter's start point, I was the runner), so I let my partner drive off in his jeep while I stay behind in the airport of the little town. I stayed in the shed and allowed the hunter to fly at first, predict his movements (plan b was to cause him to crash in the shed). Thankfully my partner was being chased by the hunter (he was my bait haha, I'm an asshole for that), during which I took a plane and went to the base and grabbed a jet. By the time I got in the jet my partner died so I had to be quick. I took off and flew at the hunter, we were over the hills heading towards each other. I was sweating a little waiting for my missiles to lock on, it locked, and so did his. We both fired our missiles, he managed to dodge them and I got shot. I thought I died... but I didn't! My wing was shot so I quickly bailed, parachuting away to the city down the hills. The hunter attempted several times to shoot me down and ram. I was close to the ground but I managed to keep my feet off and floated to the city. I just thought of landing in an alley and run my to the hangar (crazy, stupid idea lol). Just my luck, the guy tried to turn and crashed into the ground! XD I won the round. The next round began with me and my partner as hunters. We got in our jets and just as he takes off he crashes and kills himself. .____. He left the session so it was me and the other guy. I took off and flew to the runner, who was approaching the base, trying to copy my strategy. We flew over the mountains almost crashing, he jumped out and parachuted to the base. I landed the jet in the base and he landed by a jet. We both fired our pistols at each other, he missed more than I did. He ran to the jet and I ran up and tried to stop him. I almost killed him but he started the jet. He tried to fire missiles as he turned while I dodged them all luckily. He drove over to me and by my luck I got hit by the wing and survived. And he... well, he crashed into the fence and died. rofl And finally we reach our final round! I wasn't going to do the same plan so I flew off to the city, aiming to fly low at the mountains hoping to be there in time. Luckily I made it to the mountains, blocking his homing lock on me. We were above a stadium, he was getting close so I jumped out and parachuted down, fortunately for me so did he. He was behind my wide ass shooting at me and we both landed a distance apart. I took a car and sped to my destination with him far behind me. I crashed once which slowed me down but I managed to trick him once again by driving on the road above the ground one at the airport then dropping down and smash through the fence to reach the hangar. I won the match and left after a long quarrel.

    After that I ended up in a session filled with dozens of red players in the upper parts of the city. I drove around and head up to a roof top that is the motor shop in the upper parts. One red player tried to stop me but I took him down. On the way up he tried to shoot me but I was too wiggly for him and I got to the roof. I sniped him down with a marksman rifle. I got distracted by a white player's presence was shot down by the guy I fought. We then battled all over the grounds, and in a parking lot. I was kicking his level 241 ass (I was level 124 by then, I leveled up one recently) and then another red player came in and we both killed each other. After that all the red players were there and getting heated, I don't do well with too many players in the area so I drove off. I had fun so that's what mattered.

    In another session I found one level 31 player getting grieved by two very high level players with red blimps, near the military base. The guy stood no chance so I decided to help the guy. I sped all the way over there and tried to sticky bomb on of the guys. I parked at a hill, and took one of them down, defending the lower level player. I got flanked by one of the two when the cops were after me. Then came in a tank (of course it's almost always a high level red player that uses one. First they gang up on a player now one of them uses a tank, pathetic.) I had to battle both of them on the sand, with the tank killing me 5 times and the other guy sniping me (I got him a good number of times). The sniper then took a jet while the tank was killing me and the weaker player. A tank and a jet? Really the amount of cowardice is strong with these two (I class those who grief with Armored-Kurama's, Insurgents, Jets, and Tanks cowards. Oh and modders, fuck them too.) I had no choice but to use passive mode a few times to survive their attacks in their toys (pardon the hypocrisy but I was at a serious disadvantage when both a TANK and JET were trying to kill me). Then came some random player in a Humvee with a gun on it, he let me and I ended up using the gun! Time for payback! It was crazy! The guy drove in high speeds while I shot in great accuracy (I'm surprised myself) at the tank who was shooting at us and I got him nearly destroyed until he knocked me out of the vehicle and blew me up. I then fought his partner who lost his jet and we were at each other's throats in the gun fight. The guy I rode with end up killing the weaker player and shot at me with the sniper/jet guy, seemed like he was the other two's friend and I was in the vehicle by coincidence. I shot the both down and the tank killed me. I blew up the sniper guy with a rocket and he complained (umm... you were using a jet and have a friend in a tank, why are you complaining?) Anyway the tank got knocked over by some cars somehow and I took advantage to blow up the damn thing. I noticed the weaker player left the area (I think he did anyway) so I did too. On the way I told the weaker player to get to the city it's safer since it really is with the cover you can utilize (he was far away, half way to the city). Unfortunately the cops killed me and when I took another car I got a bounty on me , I was at the mountains opposite of the base. I noticed the sniper once again got into a jet and went after me, I went on foot on top of the mountains and faced off with him. I used my marksman rifle at first and got some shots (had no homing launcher ammo). He missed his shots and passed me, I took out my golden mini-gun (my shit is custom lol hope someone gets the reference) and started to shoot the shit out of that jet. He missed several times and I got his jet smoking so much he flew away to the base to get another. I went further on foot and he came back with another, however this time he got me. For 1000 bucks. lol Anyway I drove off to the city and they left me alone. I got myself ammo and sold a car. Most players left and the guy who killed me with a tank went after me again. I hid in a subway waiting but he just drove away after I said "Sigh... here we go again...". I didn't give a shit by this point. Sure he and his friend had more kills, but I didn't really care since I just wanted to help that one player, and I did. I think I act like an anti-hero in GTA Online, but I think I'll try to help players more often, it felt good.

    Finally I did one last mission that was capture the flag with delivering Besras to the hangars opposite of your starting point. It was pretty basic at first, and two of the enemies ended up in our hangar and I killed them but I got shot down when they somehow spawn back there. Later 2 out of the 3 in the enemy team left after me and my partner outsmarted them with diversion tactics. Then the guy got desperate using a copter to destroy us but we delivered on time. The next round, the enemy used a jet to take us down. He took out my partner when I came back to his location (his starting point) with a jet (I hate jets but I gotta use it for this occasion) and took him down. My partner was coming in with a Besra and I landed in the base to shoot down the enemy. He got the best of me when he killed me by the hangar door, and blew up my partner in the Besra. I messaged him saying "resistance is futile" for fun. No one scored points but he won the round by killing us 5 times. Weird but whatever. Anyway third round began and my partner left so it was me and my opponent. I figured of doing it back to him like he did to us. So I waited in the hangar just chilling out while he slooooowwwwlllyyyyy flies over to my hangar (basically our hangars are the goal nets), I stood on the side of the hangar doors and as soon as his nose flew in... BOOM! I blew up him up! lol I think I pissed him off cuz he left as soon as I did that. So I won the dough! Haha I think I won't play much of it today. Hmm... maybe I will though, I'm still feeling the adrenaline pumping!

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    Feed me more. Feed me more! FEED ME MORE!

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    Holy shit it feels like I went back into the future! Nostalgia fucking overloaded! @_@

    Markd4547 posted: »

    @tobi The Hype is real

  • Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Very Interesting discovery.

  • Lolwut

    Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Very Interesting discovery.

  • Did you get meh?

    I need more forum user names for my XCOM playthrough. The only thing I need from you is to reply to this post(if you didn't already reply t

  • Alt text

    Hello, hello, hello. I'm back from the police department. lol So I got a lot of thangs to talk about, beware of the long post. It's been

  • edited June 2015

    I hope @PuhChewyChomp doesn't mind but I loved the idea of naming xcom soldiers after telltale members, and I was looking for an excuse to play xcom anyway. So would anyone like to participate in my xcom game? If you will tell me if you want to sacrifice your flesh and become a MEC because I get those early

  • Once I get to my computer I will tell you the tale of the Great Bounty Escape, as told by me.

    Hello, hello, hello. I'm back from the police department. lol So I got a lot of thangs to talk about, beware of the long post. It's been


    The world has lost another legend. RIP Christopher Lee. You will remembered by Lord of the Rings and Star Wars fans. Or anyone who has seen a movie.

  • edited June 2015

    I know this has been stated many times before on these forums but me and my friends are working on a animated series and have started a team that will continue to make animated series.

    Right now our hands are full going into 2015-early 2016 if u do have ideas for series for us in the near-future send em to us we do series with no profit the only profit we recieve is the profit of joy and happiness from making these animated series.

  • Let me tell you, that stealth mode comes in real handy if my shield is weak, gives it 5 seconds to regenerate, and some of the lines he says are great. "You just activated my trap card," reminds me so much of Yu-Gi-Oh, oh the nostalgia.

  • Yes. I'm guessing Mec is something from enemy within? Haven't tried enemy within yet.

    I hope @PuhChewyChomp doesn't mind but I loved the idea of naming xcom soldiers after telltale members, and I was looking for an excuse to p

  • Sign me up.

    I hope @PuhChewyChomp doesn't mind but I loved the idea of naming xcom soldiers after telltale members, and I was looking for an excuse to p

  • edited June 2015

    So you want to join? As a MEC trooper maybe? If you don't become a MEC you can be genetically augmented that's 2 of the choices in enemy within

    Yes. I'm guessing Mec is something from enemy within? Haven't tried enemy within yet.

  • Interesting!

    Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Very Interesting discovery.

  • It's been a long time... but now I'm back.

  • Yes, send me into the grinder. It's only fair after what happened to you in my game. Speaking of which, I need more volunteers as well.

    So you want to join? As a MEC trooper maybe? If you don't become a MEC you can be genetically augmented that's 2 of the choices in enemy within

  • Pls tell me I didn't die from a sectoid ;_;

    Yes, send me into the grinder. It's only fair after what happened to you in my game. Speaking of which, I need more volunteers as well.

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