Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Can we not?

    The thread has been peaceful in a while. Can we not jab at each other?

  • Maybe a giant terror is chasing them

    Rakk hive 2.0?

    Syberian posted: »

    Up for debate, up for debate. The fact that the episode hasn't been released yet (Soon...) makes this screenshot ambiguous in nature.

  • But this isn't a war, Leluch. :( People around the forum have gotten an impression that it is. Imagine they visit this thread and the first thing they see is this. They'll think we really hate each other when we don't.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Oh come on Wolf that's the point of this whole shipping war. To use every advantage either side have. Ep 2 was your time Ep 3 will be ours. Besides it's been bit too boring here in recent weeks. Just look how lively the forum got again!

  • None of them really make me uncomfortable but preferences are preferences and I'm just not feeling it in any of those.

    Yeah, it's just a screenshot, don't worry. :)

    Yeah, I am worrying too much xD It's just for some reason I don't like Rhysha because it makes me uncomfortable -next to Augsha and Augiona- Damn screenshots can be powerful xD I'll stop try and stop worring

  • Yeah, I am worrying too much xD It's just for some reason I don't like Rhysha because it makes me uncomfortable -next to Augsha and Augiona-

    Damn screenshots can be powerful xD I'll stop try and stop worring

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I think you're worrying too much; it's just a picture of them on Loader Bot. If they were staring into each other's eyes or something then I

  • Oh come on Wolf that's the point of this whole shipping war. To use every advantage either side have. Ep 2 was your time Ep 3 will be ours. Besides it's been bit too boring here in recent weeks. Just look how lively the forum got again!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Can we not? The thread has been peaceful in a while. Can we not jab at each other?

  • Aw man, I hope the best can come soon then xD

    tessie0713 posted: »

    The best is always yet to come Screenshots can cheat people actually.

  • I get what you mean, I freaked out in TWD fandom when everyone kept saying that Daryl was going to die in season 5/6 but he didn't in 5 and now I doubt he will in 6.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    It's normal! I've freaked out over little things in other fandoms before and they turned out to be nothing.

  • Thanks :) Idk why I'm worried xD

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    None of them really make me uncomfortable but preferences are preferences and I'm just not feeling it in any of those. Yeah, it's just a screenshot, don't worry.

  • Your post with that chick from Inuasha (forgot her name) says something else

  • It's normal! I've freaked out over little things in other fandoms before and they turned out to be nothing.

    Thanks Idk why I'm worried xD

  • Rakk Hives, from what I've seen in my hundreds of hours of game play, more or less rest in desert environments.

    Maybe it's the truck? Then again, we don't see Gortys anywhere in that screenshot, so I'm not 100% certain on it. Excuse me for that.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Maybe a giant terror is chasing them Rakk hive 2.0?

  • Rest, Kimmy, your head will be mush otherwise. :P

    Kimmy-klu posted: »

    I can't sleep DX and I just went to check here for awhile, just to see the screenshot..and i'm just

  • edited June 2015

    Rhys and Fiona are unreliable narrators.

    So as long as we don't see the actual episode, all of those screenshots can as well be a scheme really... x)

  • Then they read more into it and know that those are just jokes. Besides like I mentioned rivality between our ships keep this forum alive so from time to time there's a need to slighty fuel it ;)
    No hard feelings or anything.

    Besides tell me that if Fiona was sitting next to Rhys and you would see a ,,love in the air" line can you honestly say you wouldn't poke fun at us? Even a little bit?

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    But this isn't a war, Leluch. People around the forum have gotten an impression that it is. Imagine they visit this thread and the first thing they see is this. They'll think we really hate each other when we don't.

  • I freaked out at the Clementine vine back before episode 5 was released. It had the "Oh my darling Clementine" song in the background and I assumed it was foreshadowing she would die.

    Look how that turned out. :P

    I get what you mean, I freaked out in TWD fandom when everyone kept saying that Daryl was going to die in season 5/6 but he didn't in 5 and now I doubt he will in 6.

  • edited June 2015

    Fk rhysa.....more important is loader bot, they're gonna kill him.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    The fact that you post something like that is a sign that your morale is low. All hail Rhysha

  • edited June 2015

    Oh, I know there's no hard feelings, I just worry that people outside don't realise that. ;P They seem to think this is serious.

    I wouldn't poke fun, honestly. It's not my style. But I'm sure others might have. :P

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Then they read more into it and know that those are just jokes. Besides like I mentioned rivality between our ships keep this forum alive so

  • ;A; Alright, Goodnight again <3

    Alt text

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Rest, Kimmy, your head will be mush otherwise. :P

  • She's still alive and badass. I freaked out when Luke died though, I thought he would of lived :/

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I freaked out at the Clementine vine back before episode 5 was released. It had the "Oh my darling Clementine" song in the background and I assumed it was foreshadowing she would die. Look how that turned out. :P

  • Sleep, buddy, sleep. Good night. :D

    Kimmy-klu posted: »

    ;A; Alright, Goodnight again

  • Ouch, the Luke subject still hurts. ;_; He was my favourite behind Clem.

    She's still alive and badass. I freaked out when Luke died though, I thought he would of lived

  • Same I loved the brother/Sister thing he had with Clem ;__;

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Ouch, the Luke subject still hurts. ;_; He was my favourite behind Clem.

  • It was great. He was a genuinely good person, too. Those never make it.

    Same I loved the brother/Sister thing he had with Clem ;__;

  • Well apperantly when the thread AsherxBeshka appeared in GoT there was a backslah that shipping is something more native to TfB hahaha looks like we made ourselves a reputation.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Oh, I know there's no hard feelings, I just worry that people outside don't realise that. ;P They seem to think this is serious. I wouldn't poke fun, honestly. It's not my style. But I'm sure others might have. :P

  • Also the Lyman x Mira thread. They kept saying "keep this shit in the TftB section". Oh, well, their loss. ;P

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Well apperantly when the thread AsherxBeshka appeared in GoT there was a backslah that shipping is something more native to TfB hahaha looks like we made ourselves a reputation.

  • He was the most human out of that group, hell even little Clemmy had dark thoughts -well if you choose her to- why must the univerise punish the good D:

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    It was great. He was a genuinely good person, too. Those never make it.

  • Yeah, my Clementine wasn't exactly a pure cinnamon roll. ;P So you're right.

    He was the most human out of that group, hell even little Clemmy had dark thoughts -well if you choose her to- why must the univerise punish the good

  • That's just GoT salt honestly, most of them hate anything TFTBL related. Same with most of this section hating anything GoT related. It's just the natural order of things.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Also the Lyman x Mira thread. They kept saying "keep this shit in the TftB section". Oh, well, their loss. ;P

  • Don't worry so much. :)

    Jaesong1 posted: »

    Episode 3 description mentions love is in the air screenshot suggest we have to be alone with Sasha again Telltale might confirm Rhysha instead of Rhyiona This this... hurts... someone hold me ;_;

  • Episode 3 description mentions love is in the air

    screenshot suggest we have to be alone with Sasha again

    Telltale might confirm Rhysha instead of Rhyiona

    This this... hurts... someone hold me ;_;

  • It's June 23rd.

    Everyone starts their game in anticipation of the love in the air.

    Everyone sweats nervously too just in case they get trolled.

    And everyone does.

    But not in the way they expect.

    A romantic song starts playing.

    Two shadows are seen closing in on each other.

    Their faces are shown.

    It's Vasquez and Vaughn.

    Everyone cries in disappointment.

    What do you do?

  • They have no reason to be salty though, they've had more luck than TftB. :P

    Green613 posted: »

    That's just GoT salt honestly, most of them hate anything TFTBL related. Same with most of this section hating anything GoT related. It's just the natural order of things.

  • Mine was also pretty sassy and watched Carver die. She didn't help Sarah but she did save her life. She was an odd one.

    I went for Jane.

    Nither was mine. She had a mouth on her, watched Carver die and is on her own -thats only because I couldn't decide out of Jane or Kenny-

  • Fiona ships Vausquez confirmed?

    This must be a sign.

    buntingsir posted: »

    It's Fiona embellishing and teasing, move along.

  • Nither was mine. She had a mouth on her, watched Carver die and is on her own -thats only because I couldn't decide out of Jane or Kenny-

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Yeah, my Clementine wasn't exactly a pure cinnamon roll. ;P So you're right.

  • I mean, Vausquez is OTP material.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    It's June 23rd. Everyone starts their game in anticipation of the love in the air. Everyone sweats nervously too just in case they get

  • It's Fiona embellishing and teasing, move along.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    It's June 23rd. Everyone starts their game in anticipation of the love in the air. Everyone sweats nervously too just in case they get

  • Well, salt is a magical thing.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    They have no reason to be salty though, they've had more luck than TftB. :P

  • Alt text

    @nohuhhuh said it's fine to use her gifs :p

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Fiona ships Vausquez confirmed? This must be a sign.

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