The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Welcome back dude!

    ualexen92 posted: »

    It's been a long time... but now I'm back.

  • you write three dots after "a long time" this mean Portal 3 is confirmed!

    ualexen92 posted: »

    It's been a long time... but now I'm back.

  • Even before E3, people are announcing all kinds of cool stuff beforehand. I'm on pins and needles to find out what they're going to show on that Smash Brothers Nintendo Direct on Sunday (alongside the release of the Lucas DLC) and then on Monday we get the Walking Dead news.

    Ugh, this week can't possibly end soon enough! :O

  • edited June 2015

    @Luthor_92Light Or better yet Sonic boom rise of lyric 2 confirmed ;D


    you write three dots after "a long time" this mean Portal 3 is confirmed!

  • I guess PS4. I mean, I mostly play PC games anyways but I'd guess that a PS4 would have the best value out of all of them.

    Lehfeels posted: »

    Blind sniper what current gen console should i get ps4 or xbox one or wii u?

  • Blind sniper what current gen console should i get ps4 or xbox one or wii u?

    Even before E3, people are announcing all kinds of cool stuff beforehand. I'm on pins and needles to find out what they're going to show on

  • No it wasn't a sectoid. :D I may have to start drafting people if no one else volunteers...

    Pls tell me I didn't die from a sectoid ;_;

  • Also off-topic but me and my team are producing some animated series i was curious if u could give ur opinion on it when it releases im not gonna advertise im just asking some fellows who could do that to help us improve as we go along just so we do the series to the full extent correct

    I guess PS4. I mean, I mostly play PC games anyways but I'd guess that a PS4 would have the best value out of all of them.

  • Honestly, I'm not into fan fiction that much and I'm not sure if I could give any good advice but I can still check it out if you like.

    Lehfeels posted: »

    Also off-topic but me and my team are producing some animated series i was curious if u could give ur opinion on it when it releases im no

  • edited June 2015

    Its not really gonna be what ya think its gonna be like a modern day toonami/4kids line up with original cartoons made from scratch combined with series that are based on already built franchises with a whole new story and such we have a composer he makes original music we have animators we also have writers with talent so overall we will be a team making anime/animated series and heck even cartoons with a comedy element to widen the variety

    Honestly, I'm not into fan fiction that much and I'm not sure if I could give any good advice but I can still check it out if you like.

  • Sonic boom rise of lyric 2

    better yet

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    Lehfeels posted: »

    @Luthor_92Light Or better yet Sonic boom rise of lyric 2 confirmed ;D /Sarcasm

  • TDMshadowCPTDMshadowCP Banned
    edited June 2015

    Man, you should really get a capture card or a PS4 so we could see everything on video.

    Hello, hello, hello. I'm back from the police department. lol So I got a lot of thangs to talk about, beware of the long post. It's been

  • Ew...

    ualexen92 posted: »

    It's been a long time... but now I'm back.

  • Okay I'm drafting people for my XCOM army now. You are all now potential fodder.

  • edited June 2015

    Hey magic mirror, I got a question. (I didn't mean for that to be a reply to you Chewychomp. Sorry >~<)

    Okay I'm drafting people for my XCOM army now. You are all now potential fodder.

  • That's okay, but you're drafted now. :)

    JustinCage posted: »

    Hey magic mirror, I got a question. (I didn't mean for that to be a reply to you Chewychomp. Sorry >~<)

  • Did i die already?

    That's okay, but you're drafted now.

  • Nope, you actually just got promoted to Colonel.

    papai46 posted: »

    Did i die already?

  • I volunteer to be cannon fodder.

    I hope @PuhChewyChomp doesn't mind but I loved the idea of naming xcom soldiers after telltale members, and I was looking for an excuse to p

  • The spider had eight legs in the original; It then lost the legs in the second image. If we are assuming that each leg is a change unto itself individually (which it is, technically speaking), then there lay our eight differences.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    @blueneon Doet

  • I'm playing on normal so there's a 10% chance you might survive

    kaleion posted: »

    I volunteer to be cannon fodder.

  • To be honest, I liked Arkham Origins. It is not a bad game at all, but rather just does not live up to the expectations one gets after the past two games. Just because a historical movie like Titanic is not entirely historically accurate does not mean that the movie is a bad story.

    Now, if you shall excuse me, I need to prepare myself for my immediate virtual lynching.

    J-Master posted: »

    I am very angry....very angry. "Arkham Origins is definitely canon and the events will be referenced in Arkham Knight."- Rocksteady, 2015.

  • My fanboy levels have exceeded 9000!

    @Markd4547 @Saltlick123

  • Saints Row the Third. Pre-ordered it and got disappointed at not getting the cool shit.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    There is a big sale on PSN I just got Far Cry Blood Dragon and Injustice being a patient gamer is great you get all the best games for pennies What game have you ever bought a launch? Mine is just Far Cry 3 and GTA V

  • edited June 2015

    Decency is existent in this country's population of pupils, but it is rare. I know a few respectable individuals within my school, but they only amount to a single person within my form and a further seven without (in my experience).

    Disrespectful little shits who have nothing better to do than stir up shit about others. I've had people say that I'm gay and I've had peopl

  • mindfuck

    Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Very Interesting discovery.

  • (Preforms the sign of the Trinity) Amen.

    If I stand up to them, I get shot down by the teachers. My school is pretty damn appalling. Teachers don't teach students to take care of th

  • Ah, so true.

  • Derfuch?

    Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Very Interesting discovery.

  • edited June 2015

    That's good enough for me, I should play it too but maybe I should get Enemy Within first? I mean I already own the base game.

    Edit: Damn but Darksiders Franchise is on sale too, how do I choose?

    Bleh... Who am I kidding I'm not buying anything, even with those discounts buying something will be enough for me to lose a meal while at work and I'll probably regret it next Wednesday.

    I'm playing on normal so there's a 10% chance you might survive

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    Have any Steam users tried the Monster Summer Sale clicking game yet? It's similar to cookie clicker but with steam cards and spaceships and it's quite addictive, i needed to take break as i started getting cramp in my fingers :P

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  • Where can I find it?

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    OzzyUK posted: »

    Have any Steam users tried the Monster Summer Sale clicking game yet? It's similar to cookie clicker but with steam cards and spaceships and it's quite addictive, i needed to take break as i started getting cramp in my fingers :P

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator
    edited June 2015

    You can find it here, you will need a Steam account to play as playing the game unlocks games that will go on sale.

    Where can I find it?

  • edited June 2015

    Yeah I already found it. But when I click play now it says

    There was a problem trying to join a game. Please try again later.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    You can find it here, you will need a Steam account to play as playing the game unlocks games that will go on sale.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    It gave me the same error last night, keep trying and you should get in eventually.

    Yeah I already found it. But when I click play now it says There was a problem trying to join a game. Please try again later.

  • It seem's you can join friends games here?

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    OzzyUK posted: »

    It gave me the same error last night, keep trying and you should get in eventually.

  • Alt text

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    It's happening...

  • Yeah I'm gonna do that too I think. I'm pretty sure 4 people is not enough for a long lasting squad

    Okay I'm drafting people for my XCOM army now. You are all now potential fodder.

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