Episode 3 Release Date Discussion - PC/Mac/PS4&3/Xbox One/360/iOS/Android Out Now



  • No , its been canceled. trust me

    Poogers555 posted: »

    So episode 3 is June 23rd, Awesome right?

  • Thats cause Deadpoolian was on ps4 , u were on pc :P

    Kruzii posted: »


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    S_O28046 posted: »

    No , its been canceled. trust me

  • You have to try better next time. : /

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    You have to try better next time. : /

  • So does each system use its own stats? Kinda always thought the stats were universal across different platforms.

    Regardless, the PS4 stats very much seem to be glitched. I recall only about 35% of players trusting Jack, and several of those other choices are wrong too. Any other Playstation users getting this, or is it only me?

    S_O28046 posted: »

    Thats cause Deadpoolian was on ps4 , u were on pc :P

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    WalkerHH93 posted: »

    The guy with the gasmask is no other then the stranger from Walking Dead Season 1.

  • yeah , they have their own stats, But they change over time and people would be replaying now that ep.3 is 10 days away

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    So does each system use its own stats? Kinda always thought the stats were universal across different platforms. Regardless, the PS4 stat

  • After seeing that badass Rhys screen shot, people have finally seen the error of their ways.


    Deadpoolian posted: »

    Are the episode stats currently glitched right now or something? Was checking out the stats on PS4 and looks like some of the results are showing up backwards. Like it's saying 72.2% of players sided with Jack. Which would be awesome, if true. :P

  • Even if people are replaying, I doubt the stats would change that drastically? xD Oh well, it's no big deal. Was just kinda curious if anyone else's stats had changed for E2.

    S_O28046 posted: »

    yeah , they have their own stats, But they change over time and people would be replaying now that ep.3 is 10 days away

  • See I knew it. He got rekt by a little girl so he needs to compensate with a big gun now. It totally makes sense!

  • Your grace.

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    After seeing that badass Rhys screen shot, people have finally seen the error of their ways. #HailToTheKingBaby

  • iOS users have not been kind to Jack...

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    (And before anyone calls me heartless for not bro-fisting Vaughn, this is my douchebag playthrough.)

    Kruzii posted: »


  • Wait, looking at @Kruzii's screen shot, these seem to be the same as PC figures (just the opposite choices).

    iOS users have not been kind to Jack... (And before anyone calls me heartless for not bro-fisting Vaughn, this is my douchebag playthrough.)

  • What a relief! I'm glad people came to their senses and trusted the savior of Pandora. I mean, look at that adorable face! What could possibly go wrong?! :P

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    After seeing that badass Rhys screen shot, people have finally seen the error of their ways. #HailToTheKingBaby

  • I wish I could Blingee my life...

    WalkerHH93 posted: »

    Your grace.

  • That pretty much confirms what I was originally thinking; Telltale stats are universal across all platforms. The only time stats change drasticaly are within the first few days of release. Like I remember the first day, the majority of players had chosen Jack. So yeah, PS4 E2 stats are glitched, or it's just happening to me lol.

    Wait, looking at @Kruzii's screen shot, these seem to be the same as PC figures (just the opposite choices).

  • let us choose? is this a choice based game??

    projacker posted: »

    come on man! it's bad... at least i hope the game will let us choose.

  • Why not? I don't know how they do that, but I have 3 saves with Jack and only one with Fiona for example, and I chose her on my first playthrough (and way back statistics said ~75% trusted her). And I think many people've been replaying it as they want to see what'll happen in the third episode. So if they're counting each playthrough as a choice it makes sense... I guess.

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    Even if people are replaying, I doubt the stats would change that drastically? xD Oh well, it's no big deal. Was just kinda curious if anyone else's stats had changed for E2.

  • please god no

    I am all for Rhack, bring that shit on. Rhys is obsessed with him anyway, so!

  • Nah Jack was an ass LONG before Lilith showed up. Like, way before BL1 even.

    I would still love for Lilith to show up though, I want to know how she's doing.

    WalkerHH93 posted: »

    Thanks buddy. Hope we get to slap Lilith atleast. She was the reason our dear Jack got his madness.

  • Leluch123Leluch123 Banned
    edited June 2015

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    How can you not trust THAT face!

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    What a relief! I'm glad people came to their senses and trusted the savior of Pandora. I mean, look at that adorable face! What could possibly go wrong?! :P

  • I'd say they are the same as they get stats simply over the internet. I've played on ps4 and pc . Ps4 and xbox have seperate stats that they get ever psn and xbox live

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    That pretty much confirms what I was originally thinking; Telltale stats are universal across all platforms. The only time stats change dras

  • Only 10 days guys!! The glorious day is coming :D I really can't wait to see the new episode! I miss those pandoran scums. :P

  • Me too! I can't wait to see them again! :D

    SoMuchSass posted: »

    Only 10 days guys!! The glorious day is coming I really can't wait to see the new episode! I miss those pandoran scums. :P

  • I can't wait to get back to Pandora :)

    SoMuchSass posted: »

    Only 10 days guys!! The glorious day is coming I really can't wait to see the new episode! I miss those pandoran scums. :P

  • Oh my god! It's coming at the speed of light! It's nearly here!!! Alt text Oh wait... Alt text


    ... wait.... shivers

    Honzikca posted: »

    Oh my god! It's coming at the speed of light! It's nearly here!!! Oh wait...

  • What, you mean "SOON"?

    DONT SAY THAT WORD... ... wait.... shivers

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    clap-tp posted: »

    please god no

  • cries forever.

    AlfMusic posted: »

    What, you mean "SOON"?

  • 74% of players just came to their senses.

    DeityD posted: »

    Why not? I don't know how they do that, but I have 3 saves with Jack and only one with Fiona for example, and I chose her on my first playth

  • Tevix, I totally read your comment in the Stranger's voice

    Tevix posted: »

    This. Seems to easy to make it someone we know. If it WERE a vault hunter, I'd want it to be a BL2 hunter. Would like to see more of them. Nothing he's done or said matches any of their personalities, though.

  • Aww, I wanted my choice to be in the minority, so that I would get a unique scene very few people would see.

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    So does each system use its own stats? Kinda always thought the stats were universal across different platforms. Regardless, the PS4 stat

  • edited June 2015

    My ears! My eyes! My brain! They're all melting!!!

    (insert Raiders of the Lost Ark death scene here)

    AlfMusic posted: »

    What, you mean "SOON"?

  • If it were a BL2 vault hunter, it kinda looks like Axton. Just look at the body shape, it can't be Salvador as he's too tall and lacks an accent. Also he's too broad to be maya or zero.

    Tevix posted: »

    This. Seems to easy to make it someone we know. If it WERE a vault hunter, I'd want it to be a BL2 hunter. Would like to see more of them. Nothing he's done or said matches any of their personalities, though.

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    AChicken posted: »

    My ears! My eyes! My brain! They're all melting!!! (insert Raiders of the Lost Ark death scene here)

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    The_Duck posted: »

    74% of players just came to their senses.

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