The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Foreveralone

    Even I was in this one.

    Thank god I'm not popular enough to be included in that sausage fest.


  • ... I need to go to the bathroom now. o_O

  • Goddamit Lehfeels.

  • edited June 2015

    A little harsh don't ya think? I mean yeah he shouldn't have made a pm since they never end well but there's been things that were said and done far worse than this. His intention was good and none for exploiting. Lehfeelz should just get a warning imo.

    And besides everyone just needs to do the smart thing and SIMPLY NOT POST IN THE PM. For me though, it wouldn't bother me if my feed blown up if I was in it. Anyway I hope everyone has sweet dreams, I'm tired. 'Night!

    Green613 posted: »

    Oh my God. I honestly think @Lehfeels needs to take a ban for this. Don't care how long it is.

  • No, I don't think it's harsh at all. Again I would be fine if he got a warning for it IF it was the first time, but it isn't the first time he's done this.

    A little harsh don't ya think? I mean yeah he shouldn't have made a pm since they never end well but there's been things that were said and

  • Why am I in there ;_; . I got like 17 notifications when I woke up, and I was like wow! Some people actually talked to me! PM? What is this? Lehfeels? Oh...

    Green613 posted: »

    @Lehfeels Really now, we're doing this again? Did you already forget how badly this backfired last time? Anyone in the chat, don't ac

  • Good god I just heard the loudest thunder of my life. Scared the crap out of my dogs lol

  • I agree. This kind of behavior, intentional or not, shows how little though he puts into thinking about other members here. I think a 24-hour ban would be good enough.

    Green613 posted: »

    No, I don't think it's harsh at all. Again I would be fine if he got a warning for it IF it was the first time, but it isn't the first time he's done this.

  • Lehfeels, if you want that big of a discussion, just make a public thread about it. And besides, if you wanna talk about E3, we've already got a thread for that.

    Lehfeels posted: »

    listen i was not trying to start a conflict or anything can u please end it here i dont want a conflict just forget it drop end of story

  • Well there's a chance that my school will be banning cell phones entirely. Exactly why do you expect anyone to follow a rule if you treat them like a criminal regardless?

  • This is why you shouldn't be a mod.

    Green613 posted: »

    Oh my God. I honestly think @Lehfeels needs to take a ban for this. Don't care how long it is.

  • My school had that rule and I agree it helps student concentrate on the lesson more without messing on their phones it will lead to higher results in your school

    Well there's a chance that my school will be banning cell phones entirely. Exactly why do you expect anyone to follow a rule if you treat them like a criminal regardless?

  • Alt text

    He wanted to discuss E3 with his friends I didn't mind at all :)

    Goddamit Lehfeels.

  • Alt text

    Lehfeels posted: »

    Ok guys i just got back from the movie theater i saw jurassic world lemme just say it was great i rate it a A+ no joke this movie was a awe

  • edited June 2015

    When are people gonna be held responsible for their actions? If they're on their phone in class, then punish THEM, not the entire school. If I'm gonna cop the blame for what others are doing regardless of what I do, then why should I give a damn about the rules?

    One thing I know about this world is that sometimes you don't get any praise for being a saint. People are so fucking unappreciative of people who do the right thing that sometimes I feel like not bothering to be a good person, because nobody's grateful if I am.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    My school had that rule and I agree it helps student concentrate on the lesson more without messing on their phones it will lead to higher results in your school

  • He lost most of those friends in the process thou

    Markd4547 posted: »

    He wanted to discuss E3 with his friends I didn't mind at all

  • It doesn't need to be long. A day or two. That's all.

    ps3gamer095 posted: »

    I don't really think he deserves a ban, it doesn't seem like it was intentional.

  • edited June 2015

    I always hoped users would post reviews of games they just completed here I would love to read them :)

    Alt text

    I completed Injustice and this

    I loved this game it mixed my beloved Far Cry gameplay with a funny parody story where everything is a Joke definitely the funniest game I ever played

    The Tutorials would mock you so awesome

    All the tips at the loading screens would be like this

    Alt text

    The Missions I can't find a picture but be like save the scientist and kill all enemies you don't care why plus kill the snipers there kinda like jerks

    The animals are so badass Dragons, Snakes, Sharks etc

    With great descriptions

    Alt text

    I loved the easter eggs to

    Alt text

    This was a reference to Austin Powers when Dr Evil had sharks with "friggins laser beams"

    This mission the minute I saw the pizza playing it I could tell it was referencing one of my fav cartoons as a kid :'D

    Alt text

    The Arrow to the Knee Skyrim reference

    Alt text

    The amount of movie references and easter eggs in this game I spotted just truly epic


    The usual main story, side quests and taking over places it takes 6 hours in total to complete everything with many upgrades for weapons and upgrades for yourself as you level up

    So many unique weapons, unique animals everything in this game is over the top awesomeness if you played Far Cry before you know what to expect

    Alt text

    When you click the stab button R3 and no one is nearby or to hit he sticks his finger up I cannot tell you the satisfaction in trying to kill a hard enemies by R3 then the minute you beat him your character sticks his middle finger up at the enemie


    Best 5 euro ever spent on DLC up there with Red undead DLC as the best dlc I played I'd recommend this game highly plus it's so cheap a must play and it's a standalone title to you won't need the original game to play it :D


    I would of liked the game to be a little longer but it's DLC so I can't really complain I guess :)

    Now onto Spec OPs the line and dishonored


  • If you don't use your phone in class like them why does it matter then? just be the same during class just switch off you phone and hide it in your bag

    Some People are naturally just obsessed with themselves they won't notice unless it can affect themselves in a negative way well some might not be grateful but better then being hated if you become a douche

    When are people gonna be held responsible for their actions? If they're on their phone in class, then punish THEM, not the entire school. If

  • If you lose friends over something so small maybe they were not your friends in the first place so I wouldn't worry

    He lost most of those friends in the process thou

  • edited June 2015

    Okay for the first time I'm actually putting steam wallets on my account. But what's this tax verification or whatever all about? Is this like a bill?

    Alt text

    I thought I just put in the card code then I can use it to get my games.

    PS: My brain's not working at the moment, forgive my stupid question.

    Please help. I'm trying to get a birthday present. ;_;

  • They're planning on banning them entirely, not just during class. And they don't let us take school bags to class, we keep them in our lockers.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    If you don't use your phone in class like them why does it matter then? just be the same during class just switch off you phone and hide it

  • Can you put your phone in your lockers?

    They're planning on banning them entirely, not just during class. And they don't let us take school bags to class, we keep them in our lockers.

  • Fuck it. I'M GOING IN!

    Alt text

  • Never forget; grammar sets you free.

  • That was a long summer

  • With all the colours of the wind?

    Fuck it. I'M GOING IN!

  • You're gonna buy Azlyn a game? Awesome

    Okay for the first time I'm actually putting steam wallets on my account. But what's this tax verification or whatever all about? Is this li

  • Yup! Along with ice cream, pizza, and my army of hopping bunnies. ^.^

    Alt text

    With all the colours of the wind?

  • [removed]


    Fuck it. I'M GOING IN!

  • like she'll ever play it.

    You're gonna buy Azlyn a game? Awesome


    Markd4547 posted: »


  • TDMshadowCPTDMshadowCP Banned
    edited June 2015

    Just as it states "for the purpose for collecting sales tax". It's like if you went to the store and bought a normal size bag of chips that costs 2 dollars, but when the cash register guy scans it, it automatically adds tax depending where you live. Then let's say the bag of chips now costs $2.75 Don't worry about puting your info on there.

    Okay for the first time I'm actually putting steam wallets on my account. But what's this tax verification or whatever all about? Is this li

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