Better than GOT?



  • You can still compare which one you enjoy more.

  • i like Tales more than GoT. But I still think Wolf is the best. Yes, even better than TWD 1.

  • Tales is better that GOT in my opnion. its WAY more fun with a very nice choise setup. Got is more like a story. realy dosent matter t choises you make you will allways get to the same point. i think tales is better in everithing that got. got its like a book. also good but tales and wolf realy nice.

  • My dude right here. :P I agree Wolf is the best.

    jarmoksk posted: »

    i like Tales more than GoT. But I still think Wolf is the best. Yes, even better than TWD 1.

  • I don't know if The Wolf Among Us is better than TWD 1, but in my opinion it is definitely better than TWD 2.

    jarmoksk posted: »

    i like Tales more than GoT. But I still think Wolf is the best. Yes, even better than TWD 1.

  • My intent was to emphasize how uninteresting I find the borderlands universe. Even though it gets such good reviews. If anyone interpreted my post as hostile (Likely due to my use of curse words. Children often feel threatened by that) so be it, I really don't care, but I think the real reason my post got such a reaction is because I hurt some fanboy feels when I declared GoT far superior to ToB. I just call it how I see it, no bias, and of course the answer to this question is subjective, but that doesn't mean my opinion can't be better than anyone elses, just FYI.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I don't think your critic is hurting people's feelings per say, but the tone of it does come out as being a bit hostile, even if that wasn't your intention.

  • edited June 2015

    Probably won't. Will it might win? Maybe by a margin since a lot of people on these forums seem to like it. But blow it away? Nah fam

    Post this on the GOT thread and I can almost guarantee TFTB still blows GOT away

  • edited June 2015

    I love GOH

    (jk I agree with you bruh)

    clap-tp posted: »

    to be honest, i kind of agree with you. i loved teh rest of the borderlands games (and even their stories) to death, but tales just dosnet c

  • TWD 2 had a good start, but was butchered later.

    I don't know if The Wolf Among Us is better than TWD 1, but in my opinion it is definitely better than TWD 2.

  • They're very different games. At the moment, I like them both equally. I'm able to stay invested in both stories and never lose interest, so that must be a good sign.

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