Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!




  • If you eat your computer you won't be able to watch it. :^)

    Waiting for the Trailer like:...ghgfhgfhjjjfghvnofh3837846rgufbodfew8hTelltale,y.Udodis?fgkjdsbleriuhg;rfg;sgliegtylriagolaerikrure....

  • Holy! What the F is that?

  • Quiff the master of spooks strikes again.

  • whoops sorry..........obfguaib;iluuyftwu65op7go7sasdoiyghhjbidwaqtedTotalyNotSmashingMyFaceAgainstMyKeyBoardRightNowkbdjbvdAlt text

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    If you eat your computer you won't be able to watch it. :^)

  • Well, if you destroy your keyboard you won't be able to comment on it. :^)

    whoops sorry..........obfguaib;iluuyftwu65op7go7sasdoiyghhjbidwaqtedTotalyNotSmashingMyFaceAgainstMyKeyBoardRightNowkbdjbvd

  • edited June 2015

    ((This is a little short story. I hope some of you get the joke. :) ))

    A quiet night in somewhere. And in the somewhere, there is a house. And in the house there is a room. And there is a bed. And in the bed, there are two people sleeping. I know this is a strange way to start a story...But screw it, this is my story, so listen up!

    One of them is having a dream. A very strange dream. The man woke up with a gasp.

    Rhys: "Uargh!"

    Fiona: "What!? What is it!?" [She quickly turn on the lights and look over at Rhys.]

    Rhys: "I...I have this...super strange dream, Fiona." [Rhys said while clutching his blanket.]

    Fiona: "I did warn you, Rhys. I told you not to eat pizza before going to sleep. You get bad dreams from that."

    Rhys: "It...it wasn't a bad dream. It was just super weird."

    Fiona: "Since you woke me up, then do enlightened me then." [She said as she laid her head comfortably on the pillow.]

    Rhys: "We were in a strange place. Technologies were overwhelming. I saw lots of fireworks and everything was so bright, shiny and too clean."

    Fiona: "Eh...You sure those pizzas were okay?" [She looks worried]

    Rhys: "I dreamed that...I was this...Super tall blonde dude with a trench-coat. And I was packed with muscles."

    Fiona took a moment to laugh.

    Fiona: "You? In a trench-coat? Super tall with blonde hair? Packed with muscles? My, you were dreaming." [She laugh while trying to hide the fact that the thought of a super tall, muscular, blonde Rhys is alluring]

    Rhys: "There is more. For some reason, my trench-coat enhances my strength to the point of superhuman. I could punch through irons."

    Fiona: "That's...That's pretty impressive. Was I in the dream by the way?"

    Rhys: "Actually, you were."

    Fiona: "Oh? How did I look?" [She look at Rhys with a curious look.]'

    Rhys: "A teenage with a beautiful pink hair. And...extremely young and attractive."

    Fiona gave Rhys a look.

    Fiona: "This sounds weird...You sure she looks like me?"

    Rhys: "She have your voice...But her voice is more light and young. Not the gruff accent and old voice like yours."

    Fiona "Just keep talking, soldier and you won't sleeping tonight." [She said annoyed and tried to sleep again.]

    Rhys: "I also sounds pretty strange. I always keep saying, OH YEAH! THE HERO IS COMING! LOVE IS AWESOME!"

    The sudden shouting scared Fiona. She look at Rhys again with a deathly look.

    Fiona: "Go to sleep, Rhys or I will make sure you will be sleeping as deeply as Snow White!" [Fiona angrily turns off the light and tried to sleep.]

    Rhys: "Snow White? Snow...? That name sounds familiar..."

    Rhys made a shrug and tried to fall asleep again.

  • "Snow White? Snow...? That name sounds familiar..."

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    (This was too cute, Dave. ;_;)

    ((This is a little short story. I hope some of you get the joke. )) A quiet night in somewhere. And in the somewhere, there is a house.

  • Glad that you like it, mate!

    Did you get the refference? :D

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    "Snow White? Snow...? That name sounds familiar..." (This was too cute, Dave. ;_;)


    ABigBadWolf posted: »


  • edited June 2015

    This would probably be my reaction when the TFTB trailer comes out -----> Alt text

  • Just call xxx-xxx xxxx and I'll come and strike your thread too.

    buntingsir posted: »

    Quiff the master of spooks strikes again.

  • Reading new (and adorable!) Rhyiona fanfic like

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    ((This is a little short story. I hope some of you get the joke. )) A quiet night in somewhere. And in the somewhere, there is a house.

  • edited June 2015

    That Rhys was refering to other characters Laura and Troy have voiced? I'm guessing, at least.

    Glad that you like it, mate! Did you get the refference?

  • "A teenage with a beautiful pink hair. And...extremely young and attractive."

    Rose Red...? This^ just reminded me.

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    Anyway, really nice story as always! It was a pleasure to read. (:

    ((This is a little short story. I hope some of you get the joke. )) A quiet night in somewhere. And in the somewhere, there is a house.

  • I see no point in the trailer no more as the new episode comes in a few days.

    GoldTooth posted: »

    This would probably be my reaction when the TFTB trailer comes out ----->

  • Alt text

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    Just some small icon changes I noticed.

    I promise I'll post the rest of the pictures soon. <3

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    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    "Snow White? Snow...? That name sounds familiar..." (This was too cute, Dave. ;_;)

  • Snigby is almost as great as Rhyiona.

  • Well, that's certainly right. :)

    Hmm...Perhaps I should have used Full Metal Alchemist as the references instead

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    That Rhys was refering to other characters Laura and Troy have voiced? I'm guessing, at least.

  • Glad that you like the story, I was kinda worried that I was hinging the story too much on a reference.

    Reading new (and adorable!) Rhyiona fanfic like

  • Or Soul Eater. Both of them voiced characters there.

    Well, that's certainly right. Hmm...Perhaps I should have used Full Metal Alchemist as the references instead

  • Actually, I don't mind Laura Bailey voicing Rose Red.

    And I miss this Rose from the comics, not what she currently is now. :(

    buntingsir posted: »

    "A teenage with a beautiful pink hair. And...extremely young and attractive." Rose Red...? This^ just reminded me. Anyway, really nice story as always! It was a pleasure to read. (:

  • I'm sure it's nomal but normal? Nah.

    Quiff posted: »


  • I mainly used this reference (I won't reveal it yet, because somebody else might know) because their characters are lovers.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Or Soul Eater. Both of them voiced characters there.

  • seriously, i love them.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Snigby is almost as great as Rhyiona.

  • That could provide some interesting dialogue...( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    I mainly used this reference (I won't reveal it yet, because somebody else might know) because their characters are lovers.

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    xfuriouss posted: »

    seriously, i love them.

  • Well......I guess you're right.

    Quiff posted: »

    I see no point in the trailer no more as the new episode comes in a few days.

  • Wolf what are you talking about?

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I'm sure it's nomal but normal? Nah.

  • 300,000 PAGEVIEWS!?!?!

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  • i feel pride everytime i look at all rhyionas :')

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  • The sexual tension in the game was STRONG.

  • Well, what do you expect from a ship as glorious as Rhyiona?

    300,000 PAGEVIEWS!?!?!

  • idk man you tell me. :P

    Quiff posted: »

    Wolf what are you talking about?

  • You got an "eye" for goodness ;D

    August tends to spork's wounds August x Spork?


    300,000 PAGEVIEWS!?!?!

  • I was expecting episode 3.


    Well, what do you expect from a ship as glorious as Rhyiona?

  • Same, we build a great community. <3

    xfuriouss posted: »

    i feel pride everytime i look at all rhyionas :')

  • edited June 2015

    They've all come a long way and changed a lot... :'(

    Actually, I don't mind Laura Bailey voicing Rose Red. And I miss this Rose from the comics, not what she currently is now.

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