Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • That's fair, they should probably appeal to the majority. But I'm still going to whine about it. ;P

    Green613 posted: »

    Agreed actually, but from a business perspective Telltale's going to aim for their majority audience, which would be the casuals, who don't

  • Daily reminder that Rhyiona is love, Rhyiona is life.

    [Pretend picture is here till I can edit it]

  • Asked? You mean to tell me I could've walked like this all this time if I had!?

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    I am disgusted, disgusted!...sign me up already! T.T I gotta practice my waddle.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    First of all it's not freaking out, it's... just being really, really really dedicated, I swear. ;-; Second, you didn't ask to join so I

  • edited June 2015

    He prob just wants popcorn to enjoy the and watch as that thread is burnt after the release of ep 3

    Normally I don't comment in this thread, or read it, but for those who haven't seen, I leave this for you: Adios.

  • It's a talent you automatically get when you join. :^)

    I'll add you when I can then. :) But I'm confused, do you ship both ships?

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Asked? You mean to tell me I could've walked like this all this time if I had!? I am disgusted, disgusted!...sign me up already! T.T I gotta practice my waddle.

  • I don't know on the hardcore shipping front, but I admirer both dynamics working in that way. Certianly wouldn't say no to reading some good fics on them.

    ;.; so, am I in? Do I earn my waddle?

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    It's a talent you automatically get when you join. :^) I'll add you when I can then. But I'm confused, do you ship both ships?

  • That's totally cool, I was just super confused. We have more than one person here who ships both ships. :)

    Of course you're welcome here. :D

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    I don't know on the hardcore shipping front, but I admirer both dynamics working in that way. Certianly wouldn't say no to reading some good fics on them. ;.; so, am I in? Do I earn my waddle?


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    Making my way downtown, do do de de.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    That's totally cool, I was just super confused. We have more than one person here who ships both ships. Of course you're welcome here.

  • welcome to da club B)

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    WOOHOO! AT LAAAST! Making my way downtown, do do de de.

  • Now that Quiff isn't here.

    Praise Sasuke

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    You don't know... tell 'em Wolfy SasukeIsLoveSasukeIsLife

  • 3 days to me.

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Why sad? Cheer up, four more days left (or something, I'm really bad at this whole keeping track of days thing). Four more days until episode 3!

  • I'm going to color this family photo. You gonna remember that.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Update Our Denmark is now called "Dave"

  • Bruh i was dead yetersday today i will be same sad,but 3 days lefted for me from Thursday mwhahah.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Just have fun!

  • Noice.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Daily reminder that Rhyiona is love, Rhyiona is life. [Pretend picture is here till I can edit it]

  • wot? why? the end is f*cked up in many ways, but until the start of the fourth ninja-war, it was awesome! why do you hate it? I thought I could trust you ;_;

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I still hate this manga and want it to burn. :^)

  • Photoshopped, eh?

    Normally I don't comment in this thread, or read it, but for those who haven't seen, I leave this for you: Adios.

  • (?) Rhyionas will remember that.

    Green613 posted: »

    I feel like replaying Sonic Adventure 2 and making a new Chao garden where I name all my Chao after all my glorious Rhyiona members. Maybe I'll start that today :P

  • Haha jayy! ;D

    I'm going to color this family photo. You gonna remember that.

  • :|

    Normally I don't comment in this thread, or read it, but for those who haven't seen, I leave this for you: Adios.

  • I have to give the Rhyiona thread props for reacting way better and more mature than the tumblr fandom did to this comment.

    Normally I don't comment in this thread, or read it, but for those who haven't seen, I leave this for you: Adios.

  • Lol, tumblr fandom is losing their shit now. :D

    LoseMyHome posted: »

    I have to give the Rhyiona thread props for reacting way better and more mature than the tumblr fandom did to this comment.

  • Give me a link I want to laugh too.

    LoseMyHome posted: »

    I have to give the Rhyiona thread props for reacting way better and more mature than the tumblr fandom did to this comment.

  • Sorry but that photo was very misleading the first 3 seconds I saw it

  • I'm from romania lel.

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    Romania ofc. Aka "That guy" Hello there, my fellows from Poland ^^

  • Alt text


    Quiff posted: »

    Sorry but that photo was very misleading the first 3 seconds I saw it

  • Because the end was shit, man. He turned it into a terrible shoujo.

    Dracu98 posted: »

    wot? why? the end is f*cked up in many ways, but until the start of the fourth ninja-war, it was awesome! why do you hate it? I thought I could trust you ;_;

  • You're not dead, ghosts can't type. ;P

    Bruh i was dead yetersday today i will be same sad,but 3 days lefted for me from Thursday mwhahah.

  • can't argue with that, the ending was really horrible

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Because the end was shit, man. He turned it into a terrible shoujo.

  • Reason why I'm not bothering to read Gaiden. From what I hear, he's just making it worse.

    Did you know now he did a stupid plot twist where Sarada is Karin's daughter?

    Dracu98 posted: »

    can't argue with that, the ending was really horrible

  • Aaaand I forgot to edit



  • I feel you the plot of Gaiden is down right moronic. Also they let Orochimaru off the hook...can you understand that?

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Reason why I'm not bothering to read Gaiden. From what I hear, he's just making it worse. Did you know now he did a stupid plot twist where Sarada is Karin's daughter?

  • i just woke up and i see... nothing.

  • WOW, okay. Okay, Kishimoto.

    I should've expected this when no one made a big deal out of Sasuke trying to kill Sakura like four times.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    I feel you the plot of Gaiden is down right moronic. Also they let Orochimaru off the hook...can you understand that?

  • Leluch123Leluch123 Banned
    edited June 2015

    Yeah a guy who ruined coutless lives is free to do whatever he wants and Naruto's only comment was
    ,,Wow you're so young again"

    Orochi reply " Ahh you know me" aka took over another poor souls body.

    And yeah he almost killed Sarada to but I guess it's an Uchiha thing to go after your family members

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    WOW, okay. Okay, Kishimoto. I should've expected this when no one made a big deal out of Sasuke trying to kill Sakura like four times.

  • You see glory.

    xfuriouss posted: »

    i just woke up and i see... nothing.

  • no news, but rhyiona is still rhyiona.

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    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    You see glory.

  • Dude. Are you joking?

    Did the conversation literally go that way? What the hell? This is a five year old's level of writing.

    I hope Sarada has at least some common sense compared to the rest of her family. The again, Uzumaki genes aren't the best either. Looking at you, Naruto, you orange baboon.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Yeah a guy who ruined coutless lives is free to do whatever he wants and Naruto's only comment was ,,Wow you're so young again" Orochi

  • I know, I'm reading gaiden, and there's so much crap in this manga. as leluch said, why the fck is orochimaru still allowed to do whatever he's doing? he killed gaaras father,the fourth kazekage, attacked konoha, killed the third hokage, and killed hundreds of humans, even children, for his experiements. I mean, that's why he's my favourite villain in naruto, but why the fck is he still alive? WHY? and I still think that sakura is saradas real mother and they somehow screwed up that dna-test, otherwise I don't know what to think of sakura. she's living with the proof that the man she loves hasn't any feelings for her. wtf, girl? as I said, I want more informations about orochimaru and kabuto (I swear if kabuto is still alive, we'll have to kill kishimoto before he can screw up even more stuff)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Reason why I'm not bothering to read Gaiden. From what I hear, he's just making it worse. Did you know now he did a stupid plot twist where Sarada is Karin's daughter?

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