Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Plot twist:

    ClementineTheGirl CONFIRMED TO BE MAX.

    I don't even want the episode,and i was right about 4 weeks i mention,"Week 14 it releases" and it releases in week 14 REWIND IS REAL.

  • edited June 2015

    Alt text In a alternative universe this happend.

  • Man, the months are long as hell in that AU.

    In a alternative universe this happend.

  • What's AU?

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Man, the months are long as hell in that AU.

  • Alternate Universe

    What's AU?

  • Lel true,i discovered ep4 ending tho without any vid and it's.....all i can say from what devs confirmed too Max will be surprised again,but i know why and more things....and what they planned,ik the whole ep4 almost,theoryes come to real again.I even had ep4 gameplay in dreams like ep3 and it was really footage from ep3 that dream lel.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Plot twist: ClementineTheGirl CONFIRMED TO BE MAX.

  • Lel.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Alternate Universe

  • I already got spoiled for LiS episode 4 lol

    Lel true,i discovered ep4 ending tho without any vid and it's.....all i can say from what devs confirmed too Max will be surprised again,but

  • Need ideeas for art any ideea?

  • Since you did Gortys... Loader Bot?

    Need ideeas for art any ideea?


    Extremely well done @bembiann! You are extremely talented as always. :)

    bembiann posted: »

    Maybe it is a little obvious couple in that game but i don`t care, i just like how they look together. I release that picture much later tha

  • XDJulieXD(same) add pls, je sunt from Bacau :3

    Bucuresti man.Nu sa inteleaga ce vorbim dar ma rog. <--- Bucharest man.They will not undestand what we talk but what ever.Steam?

  • 24/24 for me

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Well, we think about ships 24/7.

  • Alt text

    xfuriouss posted: »

    you don't even have to compare it, rhyiona is better than every love story.

  • I was going to ask if you don't sleep but then I remembered dreaming with Rhyiona is a thing.

    Quiff posted: »

    24/24 for me

  • when you just can't wait anymore

    Alt text

  • Alt text Another profile photo.

  • seriously, where's this damn trailer? telltale, i swear to god i'll kill you someday.

    Alt text

  • OoooOh, awwwww, thank youuu

    Green613 posted: »

    Bless your soul. Your art is glorious as fuck, and all of us Rhyionas thank you deeply for this ;____;

  • edited June 2015

    Not really god`s work X)) I have a point to grow, and... oh it is not perfect actually X) I can much more, i am just lazy ass

    buntingsir posted: »

    This is incredible... ;__; So many details, simply god's work! Thank you so much for this.

  • Nope, just trying to do my best :P

    xfuriouss posted: »

    you're a god :O

  • ahah, lack of words - the best compliment ever, believe me! Thanks! ^^

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    holy how did you oh my god it's Rhyiona I don't even how what so cute ah so nice what oh my...

  • Never once I'm my life have I not been dreaming about Rhyiona.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I was going to ask if you don't sleep but then I remembered dreaming with Rhyiona is a thing.

  • it`s pleasure to know that you like it :)

    Cody_nara posted: »

    I.... I can't believe this.... This is too amazing.... I have no words.....

  • That just proves your top tier quality taste.

    Quiff posted: »

    Never once I'm my life have I not been dreaming about Rhyiona.

  • drooling

    Isn't it awesome? Art belongs to Bembi Ann.

  • edited June 2015

    No i do not know :O Till this moment XD

    Oh my god this is too amazing, I'm squealing! You are a saint, you know that?

  • It's so nice to see their progress in life :^)

  • Hey everyone! I, my hubby and Dave decided to visit my homeland Finland!! <3 <3 Let me show you our holiday photos!!

    a typical Finnish scenery:

    Alt text

    another typical scenery:

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    Lakes and forests...that's all we really have..

    Alt text

    Thank god we also have Ikeas everywhere!!

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    Here are some iconic Finnish statues..

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    They are so iconic that they get a summer vacation too..

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    Dave don't climb up there!! It's dangerous!! ;---;

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    Quiff really loves this....thing..

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    Ah, Moominworld! <3

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    From Tom of Finland gallery: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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    During our stay I showed Quiff some Finnish comedy shows..

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    He didnt like them...

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    I don't understand why! ;(

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    We also visited Lapland!!

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    Lapland sure is beautiful!

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    Alt text

    Dave was having a blast in Lapland!

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    Wolf was there too!

    Alt text

    Aww Dave drew this lovely picture!!

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    Wolf don't even think about eating them!!

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    Thank god there are Ikeas in Lapland too!

    Alt text

    Dave learned his first Finnish word!! <3 Now he says "juoksentelisinkohan" all the time! In English: ''I wonder if I should run around aimlessly?'

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    We are so proud of him!!

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    (I promised these holiday pictures. Hopefully this was funny at least on some level..)

  • edited June 2015


    Wolf don't even think about eating them!!

    But... but... ;_;

  • i see :)

    bembiann posted: »

    Nope, just trying to do my best :P

  • if you kill them, we won't get episodes

    xfuriouss posted: »

    seriously, where's this damn trailer? telltale, i swear to god i'll kill you someday.

  • Ikr?

    Sometimes I keep thinking "man! I have such good taste in ships.)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    That just proves your top tier quality taste.

  • It's true, tho. Rhyiona's the ultimate proof.

    Quiff posted: »

    Ikr? Sometimes I keep thinking "man! I have such good taste in ships.)

  • edited June 2015

    naaah...i`m trying to grow, but it is cool when people like my work

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. You really do have some serious talent :O

  • as always - aaaawwwww ^^ Cool that people recognizing the author and style :3

    THE MOST BEAUTIFUL ART I HAVE EVER SEEN! It is god-like! Extremely well done @bembiann! You are extremely talented as always.

  • edited June 2015

    Taught Rhys how to walk so he could impress the bae. (Just testing out Vine for updates btw ;]])

  • :DDD

    Quiff posted: »


  • Wonderful holiday, mommy! :D


  • edited June 2015

    It was such a nice trip. Lots of snow, snow ands snow... Plus we got to meet my fathers family in Lapland too :)

    (just for the record I'm not obsessed with ducks, it's not like I keep a dozen picture of them in my room doing various thing with them... *which I'm not.)

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