The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • I miss Azlyn! When is whe coming back Tobi?

  • The Gamespot review video is just a short summary of the actual written review which actually is somewhat fair and outlines the reviewer's points much better and is positive in areas.

    Of all the things I'm hearing about the game, the one thing I'm disappointed with is that it seems like every boss fight in the game is a Batmobile vs Tank fight and that, to me, is a step backwards from City which had a good variety of boss fights.

    kaleion posted: »

    Why do people care about the scores of games so much? Doesn't really affect your enjoyment of the game, plus since it's opinion based a 7

  • Anyone ever seen this movie, this scene is just, o.

  • edited June 2015
    Talimancer posted: »

    Anyone ever seen this movie, this scene is just, o.

  • So... I know that posting heavy personal stuff on here can be a no no, and I literally just found the time this summer to finally come back to the forums. But something really bad happened to me and my family this morning...

    My parents are more than likely getting a divorce in the coming days or weeks. I honestly don't know how to process this. I mean, I'm already making plans for an apartment for my mom, sis and me. I just... I don't have any friends IRL who I can talk to who have been through something like this. Would anyone have any advice or a experience they could share with me? I'm really lost at the moment. Just kinda sitting around, feeling sick to my stomach, trying not to cry.

    Like I said, sorry for the heavy topic... if you don't want to share something personal on the thread that might be similar to my situation but you think might help me, then could you PM me?

  • edited June 2015

    My best wishes to you hoping things go well in ur life situation

    So... I know that posting heavy personal stuff on here can be a no no, and I literally just found the time this summer to finally come back

  • I know the feel and I pm you :)

    So... I know that posting heavy personal stuff on here can be a no no, and I literally just found the time this summer to finally come back

  • I seen it before a bit cheesy but the ending saved it we the I AM THE BATMAN of Kevin Conroy so badass :D

    I am the Batman!

  • Oh hi markd how ya doing?

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I know the feel and I pm you

  • It's just something that will get better with time. I don't want to say any more than that because I don't know your parents' situation.

    So... I know that posting heavy personal stuff on here can be a no no, and I literally just found the time this summer to finally come back

  • Finally finished witcher 3 and got the best ending :D. Problem is now I don't know what to do till Arkham Knight comes out xD. Maybe I will replay Mass effect trilogy again.

  • I just love how everyone assumes their will be a GOTY edition lol. Me I'm buying it day one because I love the Arkham games and I couldn't care less about the season pass. I will just pick and choose what I want from it.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Fans were pissed People are even mocking the outrage XD

  • edited June 2015

    Alt text

    I dont understand the hate for shadow the hedgehog i just started playing it and it has a good music,awesome levels,very fun gameplay,the story i cant say much about but ill update this when i have played all the game and seen all the story but so far to me its a pretty good i dont get the hate at all its pretty dang fun and a good game so far in my opinion

  • Not a bad list but Clementine is way over ranked. Her over Lee? F*** that lol.

    Markd4547 posted: »

  • I agreed with it, I guess that's why people have different opinions, lol

    Not a bad list but Clementine is way over ranked. Her over Lee? F*** that lol.

  • I'm Batman

    I'm serious with having that kind of struggle and I don't appear to have any kind emotional intelligence or just some slightly emotions, we all have our inner demons and that's why we should learn to inhibit our emotion from time to time, only then we'll truly content with our self.

  • I'm with ya. Just like one week left for me though.

  • Just something random on my mind, but does anybody else here think the voice acting in mass effect 1 is just robotic compared to the later entries? Don't get me wrong still a great game, but the voice acting just seems emotionless in the first game.)

  • My parents got divorced when I was a kid, around age 10 or so. I imagine it feels different at a different age. Just realize it's not your fault, your mom is still your mom, and your dad is still your dad, and that will never change. Everything will work out.

    So... I know that posting heavy personal stuff on here can be a no no, and I literally just found the time this summer to finally come back

  • Well, looks like I have a little extra time. The festival was okay, and I ended up helping my uncle today shortly after the festival. Turns out I have more work to do later in the week. Oy vey...

  • She'll be back sometime after her exams. So I think around the end of the month and early July. I THINK anyway.

    papai46 posted: »

    I miss Azlyn! When is whe coming back Tobi?

  • I didn't think I would be able to do it, but I did, I beat Borderlands 2. Fantastic game, and I'm glad I got it in before episode 3 of Tales From the Borderlands.

    Click here

  • Oh, there was a video? I didn't see it.

    And yeah, it's kinda sad that hey took a step backwards on that particular issue since it was Asylum's worst problem and one that City fixed, you'd think they'd pay more attention to that since they had already done it wrong before (Remember that last god-awful boss fight with the Joker in Asylum?).

    Still for the most part it seems like the game is about as good as the past games so I guess that's something to look into, though I'm still pissed that Harley was a pre-order exclusive, dick move Warner, I'll probably wait for the GOTY since they normally pack it with all the DLC including some of the things that were originally exclusive.

    J-Master posted: »

    The Gamespot review video is just a short summary of the actual written review which actually is somewhat fair and outlines the reviewer's p

  • That movie is pretty good, I enjoyed it a lot and yes that scene is great.

    Talimancer posted: »

    Anyone ever seen this movie, this scene is just, o.

  • edited June 2015

    Too long though, and I hated that you can't play the DLC until your second playthrough because I really don't feel like going through it again, I mean it was good but it's so LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG! I don't have time for that.

    And yeah that song is good, I like Short Change Hero more though, but the whole album is good if you want to give it a listen, it's called The House That Dirt Built.

    I didn't think I would be able to do it, but I did, I beat Borderlands 2. Fantastic game, and I'm glad I got it in before episode 3 of Tales From the Borderlands. Click here

  • XD I agree Lee is the best imo

    Not a bad list but Clementine is way over ranked. Her over Lee? F*** that lol.

  • Great how are you? :)

    Lehfeels posted: »

    Oh hi markd how ya doing?

  • Alt text


    Kerny this is awesome watch pls

    Alt text

    This video is spot on about bats

    I'm Batman I'm serious with having that kind of struggle and I don't appear to have any kind emotional intelligence or just some slightly

  • I wasn't really interested in the DLC's anyway, the only one that seemed kind of interesting was Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep. And yeah, it was kind of long, I felt like I would be nearing the end, but it just keeps going, which is both a good and bad thing. But it's still a very good game.

    kaleion posted: »

    Too long though, and I hated that you can't play the DLC until your second playthrough because I really don't feel like going through it aga

  • edited June 2015


  • Alt text

    Trying out some pixel art. Would love it if you could give me honest critisism. Thank you for your time ^-^

  • Alt text

    I'm not to experienced with Pixel art so I can't really say but I love this picture I find it fascinating looking around the room at the various objects and I'm so impressed with the fact all the objects have a shadow making this picture feel realistic you did an awesome job :D

    blueneon posted: »

    Trying out some pixel art. Would love it if you could give me honest critisism. Thank you for your time ^-^

  • edited June 2015

    Do you mind POSITIVE critism?

    blueneon posted: »

    Trying out some pixel art. Would love it if you could give me honest critisism. Thank you for your time ^-^

  • Anything you might have to say, positive or negative, is welcome.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Do you mind POSITIVE critism?

  • I honestly can't find any criticism. But I especially love the shadows and shading of the different objects. It has depth, and I love that. Great work!

    blueneon posted: »

    Trying out some pixel art. Would love it if you could give me honest critisism. Thank you for your time ^-^

  • Well originally i was just going to say it is amazing but i want to go into detail why hence why i call this 'critism' when really its an analisys of what i like it. Its also an excuse to use words like hence ;).

    I really like the color variation since it really makes everything stand out. The brightness of the colors is really eye catching and appealing. And the detail with the shadows is amazing. It really almost looks like proffesional artwork for a pixel game in the late 90's. You really show alot of effort and attention to detail (which is something alot of art critics these days really appreciate). I have to wonder if you actually saw this or just imagined it off the top of your head but either way you can't deny the fact that you did a fantastic job.

    So like i said it is amazing work and i feel happy to tell you as a friend that you did a great job.

    blueneon posted: »

    Anything you might have to say, positive or negative, is welcome.

  • Did you get all that?

    blueneon posted: »

    Anything you might have to say, positive or negative, is welcome.

  • Great job! I can see a LucasArts character just walking in the door, and slipping on the beach ball! The only thing is, if this were a real '80s-'90s game, there wouldn't be shadows on the floor, because they'd be too hard to animate as the character walked across. And the "reverse shadow" of the window shouldn't be there unless that's a trap door signal.

    blueneon posted: »

    Trying out some pixel art. Would love it if you could give me honest critisism. Thank you for your time ^-^

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