The future of House Forrester

Anyone else being pretty pessimistic about the future of the Forresters? I mean yes, it's a Telltale game so that shouldn't be a surprise.

But I can't see how this House will survive. They are pretty much doomed.

I'm just going to assume that an army of sellswords marching in the general direction of Winterfell (even if it wasn't their destination) wouldn't go unnoticed by the Boltons and would be easily destroyed by one big attack. That would mean Asher will probably fail either way, no matter if he manages to land an army big enough to take back Ironrath or not. But it doesn't look like Daenerys will give him her Second Sons anyway.

Mira loses a big ally in Tyrion, Cersei will never allow her to send her family the financial help it needs, even if she had it. Andros wants her dead, especially now that she knows about his alliance with Lord Whitehill and their plan to attack Ironrath. Morgryn is very shady, Lyman Lannister and Lord Tarwick seem to be cowards and not willing to help. Mira will probably die in this Season, though I'm not sure.

Rodrik has Ramsay to worry about, who will obviously not allow them to leave the castle or send ravens if they had them. Also, the complete absence of smallfolk and the Glenmores is worrying me. If he killed them, there could be full out war between the Forresters and the Glenmores, especially because Lord Glenmore seems to be a opportunistic man aswell, who will side with the winners.

Whatever Gared finds in the North Grove, it doesn't seem to be enough in the end. Just a hunch, but he'll probably bite the snow next Episode (sorry for that horrible pun).

Anyway, I think House Forrester is done for. If they have joined Stannis, they have been destroyed in the Season 5 finale of the show. Whatever Gared found hasn't been mentioned in the show, nor has it appeared, so it probably won't matter anyway. Asher hasn't managed to sneak an army in, I don't think he would be able to.

All in all, these odds are not so great.


  • I don't agree with you.. I think Forresters will survive. I don't know how. I am sure they will find a way. Yes this situation seems complicated. However, Gared, Mira, Rodrik, Asher are trying to save their house. Maybe one of them will die. But they will survive. If Forresters don't survive this game will finish. Our aim save Forresters in this game. More trouble will be for Forresters next episodes and seasons. But i believe Forresters will be alive.

  • The more the game progresses, the more I'm seeing multiple endings based on your choices, where the Forresters are either all burned to the ground or forced into a life of serving the Boltons. The chances of them freeing themselves seem very slim, indeed

  • I admit, I was optimistic until I saw the finale of the show, now I am deadly worried. Because I was sure that the light at the end of the tunnel was Stannis, he was the only hope, hell they might even be apart of his army if they are following the books in that respect. But no, that hope was crushed and flayed alive, they might survive this season, but next season will likely be there end, I just can't see a way for them to survive.

  • I am sure we will survive this season becuase TT will continue with season 2. Also I think there is very good chance for us to survive: As we saw Ludd fucked up with Ironwood bussines, Ramsay as well as anybody knows that we are only people that can deliver him quality and I pretty sure he has a proposal to offer.

  • Ramsay isn't one to propose deals, he forces them onto you, this will be no exception.

    He knows his father needs the iron wood, but he also knows his father doesn't need all of the Forresters.

    I am sure we will survive this season becuase TT will continue with season 2. Also I think there is very good chance for us to survive: As w

  • Fighting for Stannis Baratheon according to A Dance with Dragons

  • Doubt it at this point. The game is canon to the show so that's not really confirmed, and seeing that we know how that turns out for him it'd make the whole game anti climatic at this point imo

    Clemenem posted: »

    Fighting for Stannis Baratheon according to A Dance with Dragons

  • Well.... the Forresters were given a passing mention in the books where it was revealed that they along with a few other minor Houses in the Wolfswood supplied scouts to Stannis to conduct espionage on Winterfell (I can sort of see the Forresters supporting Stannis - since he did try to unsuccessfully take Winterfell - which is currently being run by the Boltons including Ramsay who killed Ethan Forrester - plus his prospects did initially look alright and he had a fair chance of capturing Kings Landing a second time (had he not been forced to kill that poor girl) - being on the good side of a potential King could have worked to the Forresters advantage - of course anyone whose seen S5 and up to date about Stannis's current situation must know this was another indirect defeat for the Forresters who sent him scouts to help with his siege.

  • Pretty much.

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