Opinions about episode 3



  • I took a minute to laugh my ass off. Fantastic writing!

    Please tell me I'm not the only one who genuinely fell for that. Yes, it seemed completely un-Tales-like (I actually yelled, "this isn't TWD

  • edited June 2015

    Wow. Sasha and Rhys had a moment where the flower spurted pollen over Rhys' face, and they both laughed. Really cute, until the bleeding jellyfish/ flower things got pissed at me picking a flower.

    Depends which choices you picked... However, I believe Jack blew any semblance of a chance my Rhys had .

  • Romance forced? Nope. I am totally unbiased as to that opinion.

    But yeah, more Jack would have been nice.

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    I thought the episode was pretty awesome! Positives: -That intro montage of the gang traveling was so great. -Gortys is adorable an

  • I was on the edge of my seat!

    The ending was Slow?!

  • I may have cheered slightly... I really didn't like 'Assquez'.

  • I loved this episode, it was great except for the forced love interaction with Sasha (Which I avoided at every possibility). My favorite parts were with Jack and customizing people was fun...Except I was only able to customize Fiona. Still, the ending was great and the song was fantastic.

    Quick question, what was the song called again?

  • edited June 2015

    People above my have already said a lot about how they feel and I'm going to say my bit as well.


    Ok, done.

  • Holy shit I'm so lucky I didn't trust Jack. # Rhysha4life

    Echopapa posted: »

    Well, I did put the flower in her hair, compliment her and all that jazz. Everything was going so well until Jack slapped her booty -.-

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    OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD. I feel like I don't have the right words to express my satisfaction xD This episode was so good I almost died. Just look at that picture, LOOK AT IT! 2 hours of massive fangirling, I'm not the kind of person who laughs out loud, but I was laughing and giggleing like an idiot! The romantic scenes, gosh I loved it! 10/10 absolutely! (maybe the first TTG episode I'd give a 10) :) Can't wait to play the episode again (and again).

  • Finished my first playthrough, and I must say I'm SO glad that they really did a good job on Fiona's sections this time around. I'm still excited and ready to go back in and see what choosing Jack is like, so I'll leave you with one of my favorite screenshots from the episode.

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  • I almost fell off my bed gasping for air once I saw the sunglasses drop on her face! XD

    SoMuchSass posted: »

    OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD. I feel like I don't have the right words to express my satisfaction xD This episode was so good I almo

  • Not a fan of this episode.

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    Don't do that anymore pls.

    CarL_J posted: »

    Nevermind, I'm sorrry lol I messed it up, I meant she kinda made him bleed from his nose, I didn't mean to say she killed him, I'm sorry! My brain is still processing what happened...

  • It was hilarious! I need a gif of that really reallly!

    I almost fell off my bed gasping for air once I saw the sunglasses drop on her face! XD

  • I loooooved ittttt ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    Jack taking over if you chose him >:D

    Also, the guys talking to Scooter as they fixed the caravan in the intro

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  • The only thing I hated was the forced Rhysha moments the game is trying to force you into. >:| Fuck you, game, this jungle is jungle-y, I'm keeping the damn flower, and Sasha looked ridiculous with that plant. Ugh.

    If it weren't for that, it would be an even 8/10, but instead I'll go for 7/10. It felt weaker than episode 2, not a flop in the slightest though. Gortys is adorable, I really can't wait to see more of her. RIP Vasquez, though. He was a great villain, suddenly killing him off like that didn't feel right.

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    Pipas posted: »

    Don't do that anymore pls.

  • sigh I was grinning in anticipation and then there was nothing :(

    Ooh, can someone please tell me what the notification for skipping the credits was? My douchebag playthrough is on my iOS save so I have to wait until Thursday.

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    Not a fan of this episode.

  • It was good a bit sappy with the Gortys stuff for me hopefully it turns into a super kill-bot. I find Jack and Vaughn annoying so them being sidelined made my experience better. I liked how they put so many different characters in this episode and the weird dome setting and many other things.

  • At first when he said that and pointed I thought, "What? Is something coming up on the road?" nothing, and then, "...OH MY GOD." * pause the game for laughter*

    I wonder if someone happens to have a screenshot of Jack saying "What the hell is that?" I really need it.

  • You missed out how cute Rhys can be :D I agree about Vasquez, I really thought that Fiona was just embellishing again but not :|

    fayescarlet posted: »

    The only thing I hated was the forced Rhysha moments the game is trying to force you into. >:| Fuck you, game, this jungle is jungle-y, I

  • Am I a bit of a sadistic prick for having lap danced for Vasquez's death?

    SoMuchSass posted: »

    You missed out how cute Rhys can be I agree about Vasquez, I really thought that Fiona was just embellishing again but not

  • I'd like a cute adorkable Rhys in a situation I choose, not forced shipbait. :v I know I wouldn't be saying this if it was forced Rhyiona moments, but honestly...people should be able to choose their ships. Not be forced into "awkwardly sweet and romantic" moments.

    SoMuchSass posted: »

    You missed out how cute Rhys can be I agree about Vasquez, I really thought that Fiona was just embellishing again but not

  • Say, am I the only one who hasn't spent any money since the beginning? I've been saving all of the cash over the episodes. It might come in handy at the very end.

    I loved this episode, it was great except for the forced love interaction with Sasha (Which I avoided at every possibility). My favorite par

  • I haven't made the best money choices. :P

    Say, am I the only one who hasn't spent any money since the beginning? I've been saving all of the cash over the episodes. It might come in handy at the very end.

  • That's... pretty harsh. As someone who doesn't care about "ships", I can't say I found their interaction bad or wrong o_o.

    Look, romance or budding feelings between individuals who have spent a very long time together is natural, and telltale has integrated that basic human experience perfectly well into this story. Thinking about how long they've been working together, it makes sense. You should be happy you had a choice to stray away from it, but respect that telltale has the sense to recognize the possibility.

    fayescarlet posted: »

    The only thing I hated was the forced Rhysha moments the game is trying to force you into. >:| Fuck you, game, this jungle is jungle-y, I

  • Fair enough :D But I was happy for it, I've been wanting Telltale to make some romance in their games for so long.

    fayescarlet posted: »

    I'd like a cute adorkable Rhys in a situation I choose, not forced shipbait. :v I know I wouldn't be saying this if it was forced Rhyiona mo

  • I absolutely loved this episode. Well, the shipping scenes were a bit cringeworthy, but good nontheless.

    I'm just wondering, can anyone tell me what changes if you shoot at August at the beginning instead of Vasquez? Are they just 2 sides of the same coin, or does Vasquez always die and August just doesn't have an arm for the rest of the episode?

  • Jack, you're the worst wingman ever :(

    I have literally just finished it this second and my only reaction was: WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK!?! And I mean that in the best possible

  • The way I think about it is; it's a choice-based game but not a dating sim. The story is designed to go in a certain direction and you can steer it to avoid obstacles and go on detours, but you'll always reach the same destination. Despite being able to control Rhys, the story isn't written around choosing who he ends up with and I guess one of the paths to our destination may be flirting around Rhysha Road. You can still dodge all the really romantic bits and maybe not end up with her I'm sure, but since it's not a dating sim they aren't obligated to give us a choice to live out any ships we want.

    I'm sorry for actually enjoying them together myself, but there's plenty of evidence that Sasha might not want to be with Rhys if you needed reassurance that it can be avoided. She has that moment talking about August and doesn't really seem as happy as Rhys is in all those little romantic bits.

    fayescarlet posted: »

    I'd like a cute adorkable Rhys in a situation I choose, not forced shipbait. :v I know I wouldn't be saying this if it was forced Rhyiona mo

  • Now that I've cooled off from episode-finishing-high, I can see I came off as a bit too salty and bitter. :v I do apologize for that, thank you for saying so.

    That's... pretty harsh. As someone who doesn't care about "ships", I can't say I found their interaction bad or wrong o_o. Look, romance

  • edited June 2015

    the episode almost made me lose interest, in a "did i seriously wait that long for this?" kind of way

    it was a bit of a mess, especially the second half, switching pov that often isn't a good idea imho

    the main villain (the ugly fattie) was pretty good, but the fact that she could somehow order around (or talk down to) Vault hunters was a bit of a deal breaker, and she only survived her first scene due to plot induced stupidity, which is... pretty bad, it was like in those 200+ episoes long shows where, to make the new villain look scary they have the previous villain job to him, she ened up looking scary, sure, but in the worst way possible.

    this time they gave a lot of spotlight to Fiona, (which was a given since the plot switched from wallethead main villain to landwhale main villain), but i still liked the Rhys parts better (minus the parts with him and Sasha flirting, which was all kinds of awkward), it seemed like they changed her character a bit, but it still feels like there's something off about her. her Athena induced character development wasn't bad, but nothing remarkable either (then again, multiple choice dialogues tend to do that).

    the Gortys parts were kinda cute (especially liked the voiceacting) but again, nothing special

    also Jack had a drunkard's speech pattern

    also download got stuck at 2% for half an hour, and the first loading time went really, really slow, but whatever

    TL;DR: it was "meh"

  • it flies off the van by itself

    it's magic, apparently, but only at certain times

    Wait, so what happens if you've taken Athena's shield - does she just have another one or do you give it back?

  • edited June 2015

    I'm kinda sad that we lost Vasquez, especially since it looks like we'll be going to Helios in the next ep. Also because he's Patrick Warburton. I find Vallory to be kinda dull by comparison.

    Gortys is now my favorite character in the series. Ironically the robot characters in this game are better characters than the humans.

    Not sure what to make of the Rhysha stuff. I don't take sides on this issue, but I expected romance subplots to be handled with a bit more wit than we saw here.

    I'm not big on the "Fiona is a vault hunter now" thing, either. I try to keep both of the lead characters as morally sleazy as possible, and having Fi as this gun-toting acrobatic combat master just doesn't fit with how I've played her so far. But that's just a personal nitpick.

    Overall I wouldn't call it a disappointment. But it definitely wasn't as exciting as the first two eps in the series, and it wasn't particularly funny either. I sense that some of the drive and inventiveness we saw in Zer0 Sum has kinda wasted away at this point.

  • Now I played the episode twice. One where I trusted Fiona and the other where I trusted Jack.

    In my opinion, this episode would have been perfect if they have handled Rhys' story better. I kinda feel that his story is in later part of the episode is hindered by the ship teasing. It made his statement in the Dome feel awkward. But I really like his continual struggle with Handsome Jack or his increasing attachment to the AI. But I totally enjoyed Fiona's story. She is taken levels in badass and she is becoming a much better fighter. This serves to give her a lot of character development. The fact that she is able to fight Vault Hunters show that she does has the potential to be a Vault Hunter herself.

    But maybe this was the point. This is Fiona's episode. This is her episode, where she is given the most development. I hope in Episode 4, it is where it will be Rhys' episode, because he will be in his element, because it will take place in Helios.

    In terms of rating, I would give it a 8/10.

  • Also, since I didn't see that scene...gonna need a video of that...

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    Batteries posted: »

    Holy shit I'm so lucky I didn't trust Jack. # Rhysha4life

  • Was my favourite episode yet, but my main regret was not being able to buy Loader Bot's badass tuxedo.

  • My favorite part was Sasha and Rhys in the jungle.

  • the funny thing is that i though of titanic when sasha said that.... i was like WTF NOPENOPENOPENOPENOPE this is not happening! but yeah, sasha got me there xD

    Please tell me I'm not the only one who genuinely fell for that. Yes, it seemed completely un-Tales-like (I actually yelled, "this isn't TWD

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