At least you can play it, PC owner here, the port was so disastrously terrible that they removed it from Steam, I do hope they fix it because I want to play it eventually and I don't really want an XboxOne or a PS4, I do want a Wii U though but I don't think it's on that system for obvious reasons.
Yeah I heard about the pc port I'm sorry pc owners can't play it . It's so weird it seems like pc ports haven't been that good lately when they're first released. If I remember correctly there was problems with witcher 3 when it was released.
At least you can play it, PC owner here, the port was so disastrously terrible that they removed it from Steam, I do hope they fix it becaus… moree I want to play it eventually and I don't really want an XboxOne or a PS4, I do want a Wii U though but I don't think it's on that system for obvious reasons.
I ADORE THIS GAME I'm only under half way through but I love the graphics are so beautiful as I said before worth the purchase of the ps4 alone for me I completely agree
Witcher 3 wasn't actually bad if you had settings like the ones they had on consoles it ran fine and even on higher it ran fine if you could run it, it didn't work well if you tried to run it on max but that had more to do with the Nvidia hair (Yeah fucking hair!) physics not being all that well optimized (A feature that isn't on the console versions) and some other advanced settings, basically the game ran well but there were some advanced options that didn't work well so you had to turn them off for the game to run well.
There was also a thing with the game not looking as good as some of the alpha footage but that was because the Alpha didn't have the finished map and since areas were a lot smaller it could handle more effects and they weren't able to manage making all of them work well on the bigger areas but they are constantly releasing patches to try to get it there, however it's unlikely it will happen and even if it does you'd need an absolute monster of a PC to run it, which if we're being fair you already do if you want to run that game on high settings.
But anyway PC version of Witcher 3 was actually better than console on release because the game was designed for it which lead to some issues with the UI in the console versions, although from what I hear it was mostly not being able to read tiny font that you would be able to read if the monitor was close to you rather than across the living room from your sofa.
However, I should add that the majority of AAA releases on PC are shitty ports that normally don't as they should some only being able to be played with community made patches because the devs couldn't be bothered to figure out how to fix it themselves (Looking at you Dark Souls), so yeah it's pretty shitty, not only do we get games late but also they normally don't work as well as they should and you often have to look around the Internet in order to find a way to make the damned things work, if graphical stuff like Field of View, Draw Distance and Frames per Second bothers you though it's definitely worth the hassle, for me I just can't the tunnel vision of the 75 FOV most console games have, I'm not sure why but it greatly annoys me so PC it is because I need that wider field of view otherwise I can't play games for more than 30 minutes at a time without having to stop.
Yeah I heard about the pc port I'm sorry pc owners can't play it . It's so weird it seems like pc ports haven't been that good lately when they're first released. If I remember correctly there was problems with witcher 3 when it was released.
Or even Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. (Yes, I learned that by heart and it was a waste of time since I found recently that one can simply say silicosis in place of this mindfuck.)
Or even Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. (Yes, I learned that by heart and it was a waste of time since I found recently that one can simply say silicosis in place of this mindfuck.)
Cringe of the Week
Ugh what am I doing with my life. I just realized I've been playing Batman Arkham Knight for like 12 hours straight xD
Ignore. This post never happened.
Dat double post doe
At least you can play it, PC owner here, the port was so disastrously terrible that they removed it from Steam, I do hope they fix it because I want to play it eventually and I don't really want an XboxOne or a PS4, I do want a Wii U though but I don't think it's on that system for obvious reasons.
Yeah I heard about the pc port I'm sorry pc owners can't play it
. It's so weird it seems like pc ports haven't been that good lately when they're first released. If I remember correctly there was problems with witcher 3 when it was released.
Hey I wanna know. What's you're opinion on the Batmobile and the tank battles? I've seen some people complaining about them.
Witcher 3 wasn't actually bad if you had settings like the ones they had on consoles it ran fine and even on higher it ran fine if you could run it, it didn't work well if you tried to run it on max but that had more to do with the Nvidia hair (Yeah fucking hair!) physics not being all that well optimized (A feature that isn't on the console versions) and some other advanced settings, basically the game ran well but there were some advanced options that didn't work well so you had to turn them off for the game to run well.
There was also a thing with the game not looking as good as some of the alpha footage but that was because the Alpha didn't have the finished map and since areas were a lot smaller it could handle more effects and they weren't able to manage making all of them work well on the bigger areas but they are constantly releasing patches to try to get it there, however it's unlikely it will happen and even if it does you'd need an absolute monster of a PC to run it, which if we're being fair you already do if you want to run that game on high settings.
But anyway PC version of Witcher 3 was actually better than console on release because the game was designed for it which lead to some issues with the UI in the console versions, although from what I hear it was mostly not being able to read tiny font that you would be able to read if the monitor was close to you rather than across the living room from your sofa.
However, I should add that the majority of AAA releases on PC are shitty ports that normally don't as they should some only being able to be played with community made patches because the devs couldn't be bothered to figure out how to fix it themselves (Looking at you Dark Souls), so yeah it's pretty shitty, not only do we get games late but also they normally don't work as well as they should and you often have to look around the Internet in order to find a way to make the damned things work, if graphical stuff like Field of View, Draw Distance and Frames per Second bothers you though it's definitely worth the hassle, for me I just can't the tunnel vision of the 75 FOV most console games have, I'm not sure why but it greatly annoys me so PC it is because I need that wider field of view otherwise I can't play games for more than 30 minutes at a time without having to stop.
Found a tumblr blog for you
It goes away when you learn how to spell ^_^. Jk lol it gies away when you stop being an fagit
why is everyone so meeaaan
do you know how to spell supercalifragilisticexplialidovious? no?? then dont patronize me sonny
Or even Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. (Yes, I learned that by heart and it was a waste of time since I found recently that one can simply say silicosis in place of this mindfuck.)
Meh, I like Balgruff's Ballin' rap better.
This is still good, though.
My favorite video in the whole wide world:
This reminds me of Trevor Phillips quite a bit. This fits him perfectly provided you give him the voice Nixon.
Thats some verbal diarrhea if i ever saw one man good job on typin that stuff
Is that Jaime Lannister??
Click here
More like a normal persons reaction to idiotic bullshit
Hope we'll sleep well tonight...
Who are you again?
McDonalds just gave me a free shake. Today's going to be a good day
Hey everyone
Damn it's been a minute since you were last here, how did your exams go? ^-^
A damn long minute I'd say
And my exams went well for the most part, thanks.
I didn't know that words were being redefined lmao
That's the way I felt when I first heard it
I've learned to just go along with it
I'll try to stay with 60 seconds lol