Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • You watch Wall-e? That stuff they did in that little robot made me cry my eyes out ;_; I can't see Wall-e's distant cousin get hurt or die, she's too sweet!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    If she dies I'm gonna cry. Not even joking.

  • I'm kind of ashamed but I've never watched it... should I? Sounds terrible. ;-;

    Protect Gortys 2k15

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    You watch Wall-e? That stuff they did in that little robot made me cry my eyes out ;_; I can't see Wall-e's distant cousin get hurt or die, she's too sweet!

  • Agreed.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I really, really hope not. ;-; Gortys is just too precious...

  • Hello everybody am new here and I have to say you guys have been doing some good work here and team rhyiona 4 life. (:

  • Would you like to join the Rhyiona team? ^-^

    Hello everybody am new here and I have to say you guys have been doing some good work here and team rhyiona 4 life. (:

  • Welcome, friend, we're glad you're enjoying the thread. <3

    Hello everybody am new here and I have to say you guys have been doing some good work here and team rhyiona 4 life. (:

  • I have a feeling that were going to lose both loader bot and Gortys in the next episode or in the 5 one I don't think loader bot is going to let Gortys die he would probably sacrifice him self to save Gortys . Plz don't kill our two favorite robots it would be more sad then Lee's death. ):

    Poogers555 posted: »

    So I just had the worst thought ever. You know how we find Gorty's upgrade from what looks like was launched from Helios? Does this mean...Gortys is dead? ;-;

  • Good to be here. (:

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Welcome, friend, we're glad you're enjoying the thread.

  • Hope you enjoy your stay! :D

    Good to be here. (:

  • May I be a official member of Rhyiona too?

    Green613 posted: »

    Would you like to join the Rhyiona team? ^-^

  • Yes i would my Good Sir Rhyiona 4 life .

    Green613 posted: »

    Would you like to join the Rhyiona team? ^-^

  • Yes, you should watch it. It's a really beautiful film that doesn't have much dialogue in it, because most of it sort of plays like a silent film with the robots, and Wall-e is just the sweetest thing. You will really love the film so much. And I said cousin, but it's more like if Wall-e and Eve had their own widdle baby, because that's who Gorty looks a mixture of >.> bet you a waffle Telltale saw that movie.


    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I'm kind of ashamed but I've never watched it... should I? Sounds terrible. ;-; Protect Gortys 2k15

  • CAKE


    May I be a official member of Rhyiona too?

  • I have a thing for cute films... it just sounded like something tragic happens and I get super sensitive during these things. But thank you, I'll definitely give it a try, it looks super cute. Maybe it'll become a favourite! Just hope I don't cry much. ;-;

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Yes, you should watch it. It's a really beautiful film that doesn't have much dialogue in it, because most of it sort of plays like a silent

  • Can you point the way to my room i heard that the Rhyiona hotel is big and fancy number one hotel out of every single hotel in the World 100000000000/10. (:

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Hope you enjoy your stay!

  • You can bet it is! Just pick a spot and make yourself at home. :D

    Can you point the way to my room i heard that the Rhyiona hotel is big and fancy number one hotel out of every single hotel in the World 100000000000/10. (:

  • I pick this spot next to you Wolf. (=

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    You can bet it is! Just pick a spot and make yourself at home.

  • Of course Creeping you know we all love you lmao

    May I be a official member of Rhyiona too?

  • Daw, thank you, that makes me happy!

    I pick this spot next to you Wolf. (=

  • Oh trust me, something tragic does happen and I'm pretty sure you will cry, but you'll enjoy the film definitely. Just don't go sneaking a look at the ending online or it'll ruin it what I'm talking about T.T trust me, you'll love this movie.


    Aside from Toy Story [because who doesn't love that] Wall-e is definitely one of my favorite Pixar films of all time.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I have a thing for cute films... it just sounded like something tragic happens and I get super sensitive during these things. But thank you,

  • We can take a shower thogether go to the movies thogether go buy food thogether watch tv thogether hold hands this is going to be so much fun.XD

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Daw, thank you, that makes me happy!

  • edited June 2015

    Wow, that escalated quickly. :P

    We can take a shower thogether go to the movies thogether go buy food thogether watch tv thogether hold hands this is going to be so much fun.XD

  • Your name is bro , bro.

    May I be a official member of Rhyiona too?

  • Alright so I'm guessing it's like TWD S1 where you cry at the end but it's very satisfying anyway. I like spoilers but I'll stop myself. :P Is it a long film? Thank you!

    The robots look so freaking cute.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Oh trust me, something tragic does happen and I'm pretty sure you will cry, but you'll enjoy the film definitely. Just don't go sneaking a l

  • Next thing i know Wolf gets on his knees and says will you marry me and i reply back yes and that was the last time Wolf and I were never heard from ever again true story bro you should read it people gave it a rating 100000000/10 it won the best bromance award.XD lts in second place from your Stores Wolf you tell the bestia ones.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Wow, that escalated quickly. :P

  • Aww, I'm really glad you enjoy my stories!

    Next thing i know Wolf gets on his knees and says will you marry me and i reply back yes and that was the last time Wolf and I were never he

  • Number one fan here. :b XD

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Aww, I'm really glad you enjoy my stories!

  • Would be kinda ironic since you'd probably have to trust Jack over Fiona in episode 2 to get a scene like that. Would also be hilarious that Jack ruins the chances of a Rhysa romance but could potentially start a Rhyiona one. Here's hoping that he's on our side =D

    Amorgod posted: »

    If that happened I would redo this whole story from episode two just to get that scene Welcome btw!

  • Thanks! Glad to be here.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Welcome to glory, buddy. ;P

  • I noticed. :P

    Number one fan here. :b XD

  • Very satisfying ;.; let's just say after you've watched it, It Only Takes A Moment from Hello Dolly will for always remind you of this movie and those two adorable robots, no question about that. And I can't remember the run time, but it's an hour and a half maybe.

    And no prob =D lemme know what you think of it once you've seen it!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Alright so I'm guessing it's like TWD S1 where you cry at the end but it's very satisfying anyway. I like spoilers but I'll stop myself. :P Is it a long film? Thank you! The robots look so freaking cute.

  • And we are glad to have you!

    Omgodzilla posted: »

    Thanks! Glad to be here.

  • Aww, Wolf I'm gone for an hour and you've already got yourself a lover! ;D

    Number one fan here. :b XD

  • Hahahaha i how did you noticed i was being so secretive. XD :b

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I noticed. :P

  • What can I say, I'm popular here. :P

    Aww, Wolf I'm gone for an hour and you've already got yourself a lover! ;D

  • Gee, I dunno. :P

    Hahahaha i how did you noticed i was being so secretive. XD :b

  • Has anyone here just sat and stared at the main menu screen for Tales? I seriously love how they made Fiona and Rhys look badass. (Also, they look super cute together standing back to back).

  • I've heard about this a few times but I've never leaned towards it because it's not something people usually talk about in terms of films or anything... but what I did hear were good opinions so I'm guessing it has to be good. That's really cool, I'll try to find this week for week. I'll tag you to tell you. :D

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Very satisfying ;.; let's just say after you've watched it, It Only Takes A Moment from Hello Dolly will for always remind you of this movie

  • Hahahahaha.

    Aww, Wolf I'm gone for an hour and you've already got yourself a lover! ;D

  • Yup, I remember when i first bought it I watched to listen to the epic music before I even started playing!

    Suzy222 posted: »

    Has anyone here just sat and stared at the main menu screen for Tales? I seriously love how they made Fiona and Rhys look badass. (Also, they look super cute together standing back to back).

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