Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



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    Crips posted: »

    You're both #scute

  • when he knows her weak spots <3

  • he's such a romantic <3

  • This reminds me of a certain angry person with long pants.

    kristi78968 posted: »

    She tried to reach her favourite hat, but Rhys was obviously much taller than her.

  • Good job!

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    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Finally got to the point where I deleted the last story. CHEERS FOR ME.


    ABigBadWolf posted: »


  • Ey I saw that edit bro, can't fool me.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I'm already married. :^) To myself.

  • edited June 2015


    nohuhhuh posted: »

    I will hubby! I will! I AM A WINNER! >:(

  • Pls telltale make a reference too this in the next episode!

    kristi78968 posted: »

    She tried to reach her favourite hat, but Rhys was obviously much taller than her.

  • "You're gonna love this, Gortys."

    Rhys hummed as he balanced himself on the ladder, applying the final touches to what he was seriously tempted to call his masterpiece.

    "I already do!"

    She waved her tiny arms excitedly from where she was sitting on Loader Bot and Rhys looked down at her with a smile.

    "Yeah, but you'll love it even more when you actually try it out."

    He finally made his way carefully down -- he made sure not to slip this time; the bump on his head from two days ago was still very visible and very painful -- and admired his work. Gortys struggled out of Loader Bot's grasp in order to settle herself on her father's arms and let out a shriek even he jumped at.

    "Yay!" Rhys discreetly rubbed his ear as she continued. "Thank you so much!"

    "You're welcome." He patted her on the head with a grin. "You guys gotta admit this is one of the most amazing things I've ever done, huh?"

    "It's the only amazing thing you've ever done."

    Fiona closed the garden gate behind her, bending down to free Lee from his leash as he excitedly wagged his rear end.

    "No licking." She pointed a finger in his direction and he visibly settled down.

    "That's not true," Rhys scoffed, crossing his arms as the Skag went on to try and jump on Loader Bot, "I've done plenty of amazing things."

    "Yeah?" She snorted. "Like what?"

    "I got you, didn't I?"

    In retrospect, it was probably cheesy and the wink he lamely decided to add wasn't helping, but he knew she'd always bought it as hard as she tried not to.

    "Yeah, smooth."

    With a roll of her eyes and an attempt to hide a smile, that's all she offered before stepping foward.

    "But fine," she conceded, taking a second glance at the finished treehouse, "it is pretty cool."

    It was really hard not to celebrate and ruin the moment.

    "And he built it for me!" Gortys clapped. "I want to try it now!"

    Her energy was impressive and he'd spent way too long on this for it to just be ignored so without any words he secured her on his right arm as he started making his way to the top again. It was hard to climb and hold her at the same time and he had to bite his tongue not to cuss in frustration in front of her but her little chirps of excitement made it all worth it.

    "There we go," he wheezed out as he finally dropped her on the top, "enjoy!"

    "It's so beautiful!" She squealed in delight. "Thank you!"

    He smiled as he watched her giddily explore the place, bringing a hand wipe a proud tear away until he realised he wasn't holding on to the stairs anymore.


    Having a giant flying robot for a child came in handy sometimes.

    "...Thanks, Loader Bot."

    "My pleasure."

    Rhys didn't think he'd ever felt so happy about feeling his feet touch the ground.

    "Are you insane?" Fiona growled at him.

    He wanted to fight back on instinct but he was fully aware she was right; acting on impulse would be his demise one day.

    "I know," he held his hands up, "let's talk about it some other time. Just... Gortys is happy. Not. now."

    He could see her bite her lip in frustration, stopping herself from giving him a nasty reply, and a mix of guilt and joy twisted in his gut -- he knew she was just worried. Slowly, he wrapped his arms around her before pressing a kiss to the tip of her nose. When she didn't push him away, he allowed himself to relax.

    "No, seriously," he started, "forget it for now. Look at her, she's so happy."

    "Yeah, she is."

    Her arms wrapped back around him, enjoying the silence, and he never felt so at home.

    "Uh, guys," Gortys interrupted, "how do I get down from here?"

    This is for @Janek95. B)

    Excuse them typos. ;-;

  • Extra

    "Father, I want to try the treehouse."

    Rhys almost choked on his coffee and Gortys patted him a little too strongly on the back.

    "That's-- that's fine, Gortys, thanks." He winced.

    "Glad to help!"

    "Uh," Rhys scratched the back of his head, pondering how to reply, "you can't, Loader Bot, you're... uh..."

    The robot stared at him without a word, expectantly, and he sighed.

    "You're kinda... too fat, Loader Bot."

    "Father," Loader Bot's robotic voice sounded tear filled (how did he do that?!), "why have you forsaken me?"

    "Wait, I--"

    Loader Bot curled up into a ball and cried dry tears as Gortys comforted him. Or so he thought -- was that oil leaking out of his eye? -- and Rhys panicked.

    "No, wait--!"

    "What did you do to him?!" Fiona's angry voice echoed in the small room and he gulped in anticipation.

    Things never ended well for him.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    "You're gonna love this, Gortys." Rhys hummed as he balanced himself on the ladder, applying the final touches to what he was seriously t

  • No screenshot = no proof. :^)

    Quiff posted: »

    Ey I saw that edit bro, can't fool me.


    Quiff posted: »


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    Quiff posted: »

    Good job!

  • Oh I see...just you wait...

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    No screenshot = no proof. :^)



    Quiff posted: »

    Oh I see...just you wait...

  • edited June 2015

    Oh I would never do that. See this is your comment in its pure state:

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    Proof right here, give it up Wolf.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »



    ABigBadWolf posted: »


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    Quiff posted: »

    Oh I would never do that. See this is your comment in its pure state: Proof right here, give it up Wolf.

  • :_________) FAMILY.......

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Extra "Father, I want to try the treehouse." Rhys almost choked on his coffee and Gortys patted him a little too strongly on the back.


    My favourite thing to write. <3

    rhonu posted: »

    :_________) FAMILY.......

  • This can't be a coincidence anymore. This happened TWICE today!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »


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    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    "You're gonna love this, Gortys." Rhys hummed as he balanced himself on the ladder, applying the final touches to what he was seriously t

  • It's a sign that this thread is magical, I'm sure. B)

    kristi78968 posted: »

    This can't be a coincidence anymore. This happened TWICE today!

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    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Extra "Father, I want to try the treehouse." Rhys almost choked on his coffee and Gortys patted him a little too strongly on the back.

  • "I got you, didn't I?"

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    That line can be as cheesy as it wants to be, I LOVE IT.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    "You're gonna love this, Gortys." Rhys hummed as he balanced himself on the ladder, applying the final touches to what he was seriously t

  • Wow I- I mean wow.

    And for your information the only one I sing lullabies to is my son.

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    Yay I made something cute?

  • Hm. Idea for those that like write Rhys and Fiona fan fictions. Maybe have a set scenario and whoever finishes lets another person to continue the story. (Something like this might need a dibs system by far. For a 24 hour gracing period so they can quickly write it up and choose to expand their waiting time if 24 hours is up.)

  • That's a good idea :D

    RedHounds posted: »

    Hm. Idea for those that like write Rhys and Fiona fan fictions. Maybe have a set scenario and whoever finishes lets another person to contin

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    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    "You're gonna love this, Gortys." Rhys hummed as he balanced himself on the ladder, applying the final touches to what he was seriously t

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