Jon Snow

still i can't believe Jon was dead. Can anybody save him in next season? Is he really dead? What do you think about that?



  • Might wanna throw a spoiler tag for Season 5.

  • There are multiple articles that have Kit Harington saying he won't be coming back.

  • He's coming back. Not as Jon, however, but as Azor Ahai (the books state Jon's wounds ''smoked,'' odd since being stabbed in below 40-60 weather cause your blood to steam from loss of heat.) So is Jon Snow dead? Sadly yes. Is Kit Harrington done GoT? No. He has a contract till Season 7 of GoT.

  • I'm at a loss for words, too.

  • He's not dead. I'm sorry, but I'd honestly be more surprised if he remained dead than the other way around.

    At least in the books it's been confirmed his storyline will continue in someway, but I honestly think the same applies to the show.

  • I hope so

    He's not dead. I'm sorry, but I'd honestly be more surprised if he remained dead than the other way around. At least in the books it's been confirmed his storyline will continue in someway, but I honestly think the same applies to the show.

  • edited June 2015

    It's silly to completely believe the articles imo.

    The actors would obviously be vague or confirm that their character died in that particular episode instead of going "OH, but don't worry, I'm totally being resurrected and coming back in Season 6/7"

    What else would you expect them to say? They'd get one helluva reprimand for spoiling things.

    To quote GRRM : "Oh, you think he's dead, do you?"

    Also, do note that Kit specifically says he won't be back for next season a.k.a season 6,it's a clever way of being vague and misleading. It wouldn't be the first time a Stark kid was left out of a whole season.

    I'm betting on Season 6 not featuring Jon and perhaps even Melisandre at all, and then he'll be back in Season 7 when everything's going to shit.

  • Melisandre will revive him,don't worry. I am more upset about Stannis dying,if he died.

  • I have to believe not, the biggest theory residing with the Red witch lady serving the the Lord of Light is too strong. She'll resurrect him, has too, why else would she be there? And Jon would be the only one who could really protect her now, the Night Watch may fall into more anarchy and as much as I don't like her, I don't want to see another Crastor's incident unfold.

  • Yup that's what i was thinking my friend!

  • I've gone through this quite a few times, so I'll just post this video which sums it up really good:

  • Yeah but to leave him out for seasn 6 wuld be weird. I'd be like so why the fuck is he back in season 7 premiere can we see the backstory to where his body was taken and what is was doing for a year while everyone else's storylines advanced :P

    FishySticks posted: »

    It's silly to completely believe the articles imo. The actors would obviously be vague or confirm that their character died in that parti

  • If you're looking for hope they told him he's not coming back next season specifically.

    I'm at a loss for words, too.

  • edited June 2015

    i was watching an interview the producers kit and jon(sam) did at oxford i think was the college and this took place before season 5 finale but deffinetly after season 4 and someone asked kit if he could have one power as jon snow what power would he wish his character had and he sai he wish jon had the power to warg into animals which kit never read the books so he didnt know jon can actually do that in the books and one of the producers ( the one with short hair who looks angry all the time lol) looked at jon and said "season 6" and the other producer kind of stopped him. it looked like they were given alcohol as a drink for the interview along with water but that producer had dranks some alcohol and i think he forgot where he was for a second and gave out some spoilers. idk if this will confirm jons ghost theory (i hope it does) or not but it didnt seem like anyone else caught it and im quite shocked that no one had brought this up yet i thought it was interesting

  • R+L=J... it has too... please..... GRRM please...

    i cant :,((

  • PLEASE!!!!

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I've gone through this quite a few times, so I'll just post this video which sums it up really good:

  • I know that I saw the Red Woman at Castle Black in one of the trailers. So I'm going with she revives Jon.

  • Not gonna lie, if it really is a wrap of Jon and his story, I'll probably bow out of the series.

    But I don't think he's gonna stay dead because of reasons already stated numerous times.

  • If Game of Thrones has anything close to a main character, Jon Snow would probably be it and if R+L does indeed = J then the showrunners just killed the chosen one

  • Maybe Stannis can't die because of sansa stark. They can be in allience.

    Yup that's what i was thinking my friend!

  • You do realize that people involved in TV shows and movies lie all the time to avoid spoiling future events?

    There are multiple articles that have Kit Harington saying he won't be coming back.

  • Melisandre is going to save/revive him, it'd make absolutely no sense for him to stay dead story wise. I'm fairly confident Martin is just using his death as a plot device to rid him of the Night's Watch and have an excuse for Melisandre to become obsessed with him instead of Stannis.

  • [removed]

    You do realize that people involved in TV shows and movies lie all the time to avoid spoiling future events?

  • edited June 2015

    Honestly you're the only one being a "twat." You never answer anything on these forums with a polite answer, you always have to be so rude about it like it annoys you that they dare question what you have to say. Guess that profile pic does suit you.

    There is plenty of evidence leading to Jon coming back, more than the other way. Kit Harrington easily can just say that to throw off viewers, it wouldn't be the first time it happens in a show.

  • edited June 2015

    I really don't give as shit as to what you have to say, Shubba. I rarely answer rudely, you just choose to interpret my answers rudely. And you've done the same exact thing, don't be a fucking hypocrite. You're no better than you claim me to be. You're probably one of the most annoying users on these forums, you always have to comment on everything that doesn't involve you and you rarely ever use common sense.

    Honestly you're the only one being a "twat." You never answer anything on these forums with a polite answer, you always have to be so rude a

  • edited June 2015

    There we go, thanks for proving my point.

    And I do claim to be better than you, because I only answer rudely when the OP deserves it, not on every single comment/thread description I answer like you do.

    Plus honestly, you use far less common sense than I do if you honestly believe everything an actor says in an interview.

    I really don't give as shit as to what you have to say, Shubba. I rarely answer rudely, you just choose to interpret my answers rudely. And

  • edited June 2015

    Except I don't answer rudely to every comment, if I did I would be banned by the competent moderators on here. They know when I post rude comments and they always get involved when I do, which is RARELY. If somebody attacks me, I give them the same exact treatment, which is the only time the mods flag my comments and get involved. Do your research before making bullshit claims, but to be honest, I shouldn't be surprised from you.

    I only answer rudely when the OP deserves it

    That must be pretty often, then. Like I said, you're no better than you claim me to be.

    There we go, thanks for proving my point. And I do claim to be better than you, because I only answer rudely when the OP deserves it, not

  • Right, whatever. You keep being arrogant, and I'll just move on since there's no point in arguing.

    Except I don't answer rudely to every comment, if I did I would be banned by the competent moderators on here. They know when I post rude co

  • Well aren't you hostile. He was directly asked if he was coming back, no way to get around that. Do you really believe that he would reveal that Jon was alive, a major spoiler, just for the sake of being honest?

    I deeply apologize if in any way I came off as a twat, I was simply questioning you. No need to be a twat about it.

  • Yeah, exactly, because you have no argument at all. If you don't like me, don't respond to my comments like you usually do.

    Right, whatever. You keep being arrogant, and I'll just move on since there's no point in arguing.

  • Eh, to be honest I shouldn't have said that, I even thought about whether or not it was a good idea (I actually think things through, Shubba!) but decided at that point I didn't really care.

    Well aren't you hostile. He was directly asked if he was coming back, no way to get around that. Do you really believe that he would reveal

  • (I actually think things through Shubba!)

    Oh look, there's the arrogance

    Eh, to be honest I shouldn't have said that, I even thought about whether or not it was a good idea (I actually think things through, Shubba!) but decided at that point I didn't really care.

  • edited June 2015

    Lol bye. That has nothing to do with arrogance at all. Look up what that word means. Again, not surprised.

    (I actually think things through Shubba!) Oh look, there's the arrogance

  • Eh, no harm done. There's just really no point to as to insulting others over little things.

    Eh, to be honest I shouldn't have said that, I even thought about whether or not it was a good idea (I actually think things through, Shubba!) but decided at that point I didn't really care.

  • Arrogant = having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities

    You think you're smarter than everyone else on these forums in the way your express your replies, whenever someone questions you, you insult them and try to act like they were born yesterday, and when someone actually brings it up you wait till after then edit your comment to make it look like you get the last punch. Oh wait, the last part isn't arrogant. It's just pathetic

    Lol bye. That has nothing to do with arrogance at all. Look up what that word means. Again, not surprised.

  • There are characters that are the foundations to the entire plot, if they are killed, then the writer kills the story. I believe that Jon is one of those characters and he will be back, why else are Melisandre back at the Wall if not to resurrect him?

  • We have more than enough evidence to know Jon is the bastard of R+L.

    jamex1223 posted: »

    R+L=J... it has too... please..... GRRM please... i cant :,((

  • but you never know.

    Barthanax posted: »

    We have more than enough evidence to know Jon is the bastard of R+L.

  • edited June 2015

    I like your video, because I also think that Jon will be brought back to life by the Red Woman. Your video makes it sound, as if Jon mite become a direwerewolf, that would be cool.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I've gone through this quite a few times, so I'll just post this video which sums it up really good:

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