EP4 SPOILERS = The Stranger's Identity? (UPDATED)



  • For me it's either Vaughn or August, more likely August...

  • nope.

    Tripsauce posted: »

    Side note, those people who killed Felix, feelin kinda bad about it yet?

  • only when athena mentioned it.. but you know what? that what happens when you do the things he did. i dont know why he wanted the money, maybe for athena to train fiona/sasha, but yet again, i cant find it in myself to forgive him. yes i feel bad, but i dont regret my decision ya know?

    Tripsauce posted: »

    Side note, those people who killed Felix, feelin kinda bad about it yet?

  • Especially on the hood.


    Mercyva posted: »

    i wish i had the option to slap him just how we got to do that with poor shade xD

  • this is what i thought to.. especially comparing the stranger and vaughn based on appearance.. visually i dont see how it can be him. also, vaughn was with them the whole time! nearly..

    I just... Cannot see Vaughn acting that way. Besides, unless The Stranger is acting ignorant to the Rhys and Fiona's story... It ain't Vaughn. Because Vaughn would know like 90% of what happened...

  • Hang on, let me think...AHA!


    Aptonoth posted: »

    I agree. You know who it is? It's the friggen moon. Yep. You heard it here first folks. The stranger is the moon.

  • i dont think you know moxxi xD she has her ways, plus she's friends with them. lilith and the gang. they deal with eachother, so i dont think zer0 would cheat moxxi off... its like how you do missions in BL2 or TPS. you sign a contract or take a mission, you do it.

    clap-tp posted: »

    and how will she know that someone wont take gortys for himself?

  • ya'll trippin'

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    LawmanZero posted: »

    Hang on, let me think...AHA! MOONSHOTS CAN'T MELT LOADER BOTS

  • Maybe, but i just don't think that Yvonne has had a big enough role as of yet, for me to put her as the stranger.

    Weird logic, i know. But i'm of the opinion it's someone within the group already.

    pcharl01 posted: »


  • yvonne? ummm.. i'm confused lol. do you mean yvette?

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    Maybe, but i just don't think that Yvonne has had a big enough role as of yet, for me to put her as the stranger. Weird logic, i know. But i'm of the opinion it's someone within the group already.

  • Lol. Yes that's who i meant.

    The previous post must have confused me.

    Mercyva posted: »

    yvonne? ummm.. i'm confused lol. do you mean yvette?

  • Things in this thread at least make some sense, tvtropes WMG page has stuff like Pandora in Avatar is same the planet.

    Aptonoth posted: »

    For the ultimate record I think its a new person. There's simply no data to suggest anyone we know. Nothing solid or concrete. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EpilepticTrees

  • Stranger is Dr. Ted confirmed right now. He is going to use the vault to teleport all raid bosses to a single location and murder them all at once without using only a white weapon and his fists.

  • edited June 2015

    I was looking at the "details that people might forget, don't notice" thread and the current last post shows a character that we never see the face of and he's there in a lot of scenes, what do you guys think ? (first 5 pics, not the sixth, and again on the screen in the seventh).

    I find this suspicious, maybe not for the stranger, or maybe ?

  • That's just reused model, I wouldn't worry about it.

    Shoogli posted: »

    I was looking at the "details that people might forget, don't notice" thread and the current last post shows a character that we never see t

  • That was my first thought and it might well indeed be that, but what if it isn't ;) ?

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    Pipas posted: »

    That's just reused model, I wouldn't worry about it.

  • i thinnk its a re-used model .. i would assume that telltale would at least change the colour of his suit lol .. but yeah, dont worry about him

    Shoogli posted: »

    I was looking at the "details that people might forget, don't notice" thread and the current last post shows a character that we never see t

  • nope lol. leave dr. ted alone ha:p

    Alt text

    Stranger is Dr. Ted confirmed right now. He is going to use the vault to teleport all raid bosses to a single location and murder them all at once without using only a white weapon and his fists.

  • Dr. Ted is love. Dr. Ted is life.

    Mercyva posted: »

    nope lol. leave dr. ted alone ha:p

  • Personally I like to believe it's Felix. The Stranger's mannerisms fit pretty well to a grumpy old guy where he keeps telling them to shut up and loosely threatens them.

    Now I know the obvious argument here is, "Well I killed Felix so..." But as we know all too well, Telltale likes to bring characters back whom we thought were dead. And I find it a little suspicious that Felix was an option to cast blame on in episode 3 as to why the deal went south if he's dead or not when Vallory asks, and even though I spared him I did say it was his fault.

    And you may also say in defense that it's not him is that he was in the first episode, so why would he want to know what happened? Because he didn't know everything that happened, he had no way to know any of Rhys' story and he only has parts of Fiona's, and he never knew what the Gortys was but by Episode 3's end we can guess something big with it goes down, plus this could be a way for him to gauge how she (Fiona and Sasha) feels about what happened between them which I believe will be part of his big reveal if I'm right.

    The only thing that kinda hangs this up is the size for me, Felix seemed like a smaller character but the suits size could just be a ruse to throw us off. But I've still got all my money that it's going to be Felix, this could be the perfect redemption story for this character after what he did where now he's trying to help Rhys and Fiona when they seem to be at their lowest.

  • you know, i liked Dr Nina or whatever in TPS more xD

    Dr. Ted is love. Dr. Ted is life.

  • edited June 2015

    personally i blamed felix for the deal AND i watched him get exploded with the case he stole ... i dont know if he can be back from all that lol.. againm i wouldn't bet on him.. most people killed him, unless fiona is lying about seeing him actually die.. plus isnt felix way too old for this chasing and kidnaping? who knows!

    Personally I like to believe it's Felix. The Stranger's mannerisms fit pretty well to a grumpy old guy where he keeps telling them to shut u

  • Not at all.

    Tripsauce posted: »

    Side note, those people who killed Felix, feelin kinda bad about it yet?

  • ha :p what did you do regarding felix?

    Not at all.

  • Hmm...I think it's either Zero or athena.

  • Shot him then let him blow up.

    Mercyva posted: »

    ha what did you do regarding felix?

  • Right but that's what makes him such a good possibility in my eyes. There's plenty of vitriol towards him and this could be his way of trying to do the right thing as the Stranger. Plus we've had Felix's hand in one way or another through the episodes; he gave Fiona the gun, had an upgrade for the gun which she got, Sasha has some gift that hasn't been revealed yet from Felix, and he hired Athena to help them. Like him or hate him, w/o his help we would have been dead several times already and this may be him doing just that again.

    And I think one of the key things people are forgetting when it comes to the Borderlands universe are the shields. There's all kinds and we've only touched on them a couple times from the first episode. What if Felix, the guy who seems to be prepared for almost everything, had a shield and kept him alive from the blast?

    I could totally understand Fiona believing him to be dead since he was holding it and all she saw was the explosion (if you chose that route) but we never saw a body like Vasquez's. It's very likely his shield popped, saved him, and he was undoubtedly knocked out from the force and hurt by the explosion itself.

    And I think he's more than up to it to track down our protagonists and get them back on the path the only way he can. He's had plenty of time to heal up and recoup in my eyes and I just can't see anyone else being the Stranger unless it's a random newbie but I don't think it will be since Fiona and Stranger confirmed, he/she is someone Fiona knows.

    Mercyva posted: »

    personally i blamed felix for the deal AND i watched him get exploded with the case he stole ... i dont know if he can be back from all that

  • yeah my thought also! athena was only with them at the dome. i didnt see zer0 but he could be

    Revec posted: »

    Hmm...I think it's either Zero or athena.

  • i did another playthrough and watched what was sasha's gift, and it had a picture of him and sasha with a writing that said, time heal all wounds. something like that... yes i feel bad for felix, and deep inside i hope he is not dead! but i wont forgive him, because he basically cheated fiona. like she meant nothing to him! he chose money over her. on that fat ONLY that i did what i did. he didnt choose me, so i let him go.... it would shock me if he was the stranger. and honestly i dont know if i will be happy or angry. i think both

    Right but that's what makes him such a good possibility in my eyes. There's plenty of vitriol towards him and this could be his way of tryin

  • I think the stranger could be Marcus.

    Only reason I say this is because:
    A: He's telling the story even though it's always Marcus telling the story but just seems more odd as he has no connection to Rhys or Fiona
    B: Body type seems to match also since he sells guns I can imagine him being able to acquire that gun and a mask easily.
    C: Motive=Money Marcus is always wanting to make some money and I can imagine him wanting to go after this vault

    To be honest though could be anyone.

  • Zer0 seems a LOT nicer than the Stranger.

    FetchWalker posted: »

    Well I kinda think it is Zer0. In episode 1 he was searching for the Gortys core, right, and the stranger was quite eager to find Gortys's E

  • It bet it's that damn Vasquez.

  • i agree on that! plus zer0 has a way of speaking. kinda robot-ish .. the stranger talks more normal.. ya know what i mean? lol.. if you played as zer0 you'd notice he has a way of talking that does not match up with the stranger..

    The_Duck posted: »

    Zer0 seems a LOT nicer than the Stranger.

  • he seems weirdly buff to me lol

    Don't underestimate those abs!


  • He got stung by bees because he is looking all SWOLE!

    Mercyva posted: »

    he seems weirdly buff to me lol

  • thats what i said to him xD he need to go to the doctor!! :D

    He got stung by bees because he is looking all SWOLE!

  • How this guy can be the stranger ? He is 3 times bigger... Alt text

    Kinogirl posted: »

    I think the stranger could be Marcus. Only reason I say this is because: A: He's telling the story even though it's always Marcus tellin

  • I actually reckon it's August based on the stranger's mannerisms, no one else seems to talk like the stranger besides August, and he's of a similar height/build (maybe a little chubbier). He could be hiding his face over something to do with Vallory, but other than that I dunno...

  • Or that Radiation Suit is super baggy.

    I actually reckon it's August based on the stranger's mannerisms, no one else seems to talk like the stranger besides August, and he's of a

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