The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Aloha mi salty amigo.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Salt123's Movie of the Day.....Today Hot Fuzz

  • Hey Hope :) Did I miss anything?

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Welcome back, Salty!

  • You were the hero in my XCOM game.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Hey Hope Did I miss anything?

  • And how did that go? :D Can I get filled in on what happened to everyone?

    You were the hero in my XCOM game.

  • Hola.

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    Aloha mi salty amigo.

  • Saltlick123 posted: »

    And how did that go? Can I get filled in on what happened to everyone?

  • Tales from the Borderlands episode 3 came out. It seems pretty good from all I've seen. :)

    That's all I can think of at the moment XD

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Hey Hope Did I miss anything?

  • How was your time away?

    Saltlick123 posted: »


  • I'm not sure if it's really Disney, I think Pixar is just making sequels so they have something for those who want them while they think of new original movies but that's just a guess, I honestly don't know who chooses what movie they make or why.

    I agree, Disney has been pushing Pixar down, I'm definitely a Disney fan but I'm not blind to the fact that Disney limits Pixar's creativity, they only let Pixar do like 1 movie a year now, at least it's changed from around a movie every other year. But in all honesty I'd think Pixar would be able to come up with a new original movie especially with the amount of money Disney gives them, I think it may be due to scrapping ideas or working out how to make those original movies, I can't really say since I've never gone through the struggle of making a movie xd especially one that isn't live action.

    I like discussing as well, it doesn't scare me now since that's how you talk, I just don't like making people angry unintentionally, good debate lol

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    While it's true that Toy Story's plot focuses on those things because that's what the story is about, making a carbon copy of the same movie

  • It was great, thanks for asking :)

    How was your time away?

  • And I still haven't decided to get TFTB yet, do you think it's good? xD

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Tales from the Borderlands episode 3 came out. It seems pretty good from all I've seen. That's all I can think of at the moment XD

  • Well, I haven't played it, either. Though I have been watching the episodes and they seem pretty good. I'm probably gonna wait until there all out before I play them myself. :3

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    And I still haven't decided to get TFTB yet, do you think it's good? xD

  • edited June 2015

    Thread: How are you doing guys?

    If you feel like talking about something do that in this thread!

  • edited June 2015
    ###Thread: Merged: How are you doing guys?


    This discussion has been merged.
  • edited June 2015

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    FINALLY great to see u back bro and I love that movie

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Salt123's Movie of the Day.....Today Hot Fuzz

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    YES One of my favorite users who I respect highly happy Anniversary :D

    Happy anniversary.

  • Thanks. :)

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    Markd4547 posted: »

    FINALLY great to see u back bro and I love that movie

  • edited June 2015

    Ok yall ill be leaving forums for a month or 2 for a hiatus to take a break from it and such cya guys :)

    i know yall @allthatremains @papai46 and many more like to make fun of me and hate on me but lemme just say i love u all regardless

    i also love @ps3gamer095 @clemyclooandbabyboo @goldenpaladin @blindsniper @ozzyuk love ya all

    Ok i may return to the forums but its a possibility i might leave the forums forever due to the fact

    since i can never post without getting bullyed or yelled at but whatever if i come back i will if i dont i dont simple as that

    i may just leave forums mainly due to i wanna focus on school more for my future to be a cartoonist and such anyways cya :)

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    Lehfeels posted: »

    Ok yall ill be leaving forums for a month or 2 for a hiatus to take a break from it and such cya guys i know yall @allthatremains @pap

  • Hope to see you in the future. To be honest the things you say and do can be kind of be annoying so I can understand the being yelled at and bullying which is actually uncalled for. Don't feel bad about it, you are you, and no matter what you're going to rub some people the wrong way. No matter how much I would hate a person, if they left the forum it just wouldn't be the same. Everyone contributes in their own way be it in a negative, or positive way. I value every forum member here and I await your return if you ever do. Good luck in school and as a cartoonist!

    Lehfeels posted: »

    Ok yall ill be leaving forums for a month or 2 for a hiatus to take a break from it and such cya guys i know yall @allthatremains @pap

  • So, I have been playing Dishonored and have been having a great time. I've gone nonlethal since the beginning of the game, and so far so good. I'm also pretty far into it, mission seven if I'm remember correctly. Great game. Now I'm hyped for the squeal, too. :D

  • edited June 2015

    U know what i have decided to stay u good people are only reason i stay but i will be on hiatus still for abit but not as long but i will be to learn how to drawn and improve

    Hope to see you in the future. To be honest the things you say and do can be kind of be annoying so I can understand the being yelled at and

  • Ur 1 of my forum friends by the way @raging_blades i just hope u can talk to forum users like @allthatremains and tell them to cool it with the bullying and rude attitude because maybe u could get it through to em that bullying is not good

    Hope to see you in the future. To be honest the things you say and do can be kind of be annoying so I can understand the being yelled at and

  • Markd just ignore the trolls down below and lets talk so how has ur day been i hope good because ur awesome

    Markd4547 posted: »

    That sounds awesome

  • Well I can't promise that the trolling and bullying will stop so staying and dealing with it is your choice.

    Lehfeels posted: »

    U know what i have decided to stay u good people are only reason i stay but i will be on hiatus still for abit but not as long but i will be to learn how to drawn and improve

  • edited June 2015

    I don't know AllThatRemains very well but from what I've seen that doesn't sound like something she would do. You should tell them yourself that you would like for them to stop, and if you're not getting through to them then just accept the fact that it's not possible. If it truly was rude attitude and bullying then the mods would have gave a warning or ban, and I'm pretty sure that's not the case so try to think what other people will think when you post and think about what other people are thinking when they post.

    Nobody's perfect so don't expect everyone to be nice to you.Try to soldier through it, and maybe in the future things will get better. Learn from your mistakes and strive to be better. It's not my choice to leave or not, it's yours. If you can't handle the "rude attitude" then maybe leaving is the right choice. Choose carefully, I only want what's best for you.

    EDIT: She explained and I don't see anything wrong, so maybe you over reacted.

    Lehfeels posted: »

    Ur 1 of my forum friends by the way @raging_blades i just hope u can talk to forum users like @allthatremains and tell them to cool it with the bullying and rude attitude because maybe u could get it through to em that bullying is not good

  • welp ill stay and deal with it only because u and the other awesome forum members i meet are awesome and im not giving that up over some troll's weak bullying tactics

    Well I can't promise that the trolling and bullying will stop so staying and dealing with it is your choice.

  • edited June 2015

    i can handle it its just its a nitpick with me im not gonna leave or anything but i might take a break for a short time just cool off but dont worry i wont leave u awesome forum users i can handle it it just gets annoying but i will stay mainly because u awesome forum users overshadow the trolls for me

    I don't know AllThatRemains very well but from what I've seen that doesn't sound like something she would do. You should tell them yourself

  • so dont worry all i need is a break for a short time to learn more into drawing & also take a break from forums it can get somewhat overwhelming

    I don't know AllThatRemains very well but from what I've seen that doesn't sound like something she would do. You should tell them yourself

  • edited June 2015

    I've never yelled at you. I pointed out a run-on sentence once and I suggested that you not make so many threads, that's it.

    I don't see how I have bullied you either. I haven't done anything to you with malicious intent. I did some jokes and slight trolling, but none of them insulted who you are, only harmlessly poking fun at certain situations (asking for you to draw Shrek, as an example). If you are too sensitive and view any jokes like that to be offensive or a slight against you, I'll stop and just disregard your posts altogether. But as someone who has actually been bullied in the past to the point of leaving school, none of what I did is bullying but my sense of humor that I use to other forum members here. Since you made a whole post dramatically saying that you are leaving (which I doubt) as well as calling me out and throwing around accusations that I bully you, I'll do what I said before and just disregard your posts and not joke about them. I'm sorry if I hurt you, but that was never my intent and I was only joking around and didn't realize your sensitivity.

    Lehfeels posted: »

    Ur 1 of my forum friends by the way @raging_blades i just hope u can talk to forum users like @allthatremains and tell them to cool it with the bullying and rude attitude because maybe u could get it through to em that bullying is not good

  • Bye Felicia

    Lehfeels posted: »

    Ok yall ill be leaving forums for a month or 2 for a hiatus to take a break from it and such cya guys i know yall @allthatremains @pap

  • Lmao

    Bye Felicia

  • Well.....some things seem shitty right now....

    Salt123's Movie of the Day.......Previously: Hot Fuzz Today: Full Metal Jacket

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  • Oh yeah full metal jacket is indeed a good movie agreed

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Well.....some things seem shitty right now.... Salt123's Movie of the Day.......Previously: Hot Fuzz Today: Full Metal Jacket

  • Ok sorry for overreacting @allthatremains hope we can be forum friends still i hope i did not offend ya

    I've never yelled at you. I pointed out a run-on sentence once and I suggested that you not make so many threads, that's it. I don't see

  • Raging sorry for overreacting at her

    I don't know AllThatRemains very well but from what I've seen that doesn't sound like something she would do. You should tell them yourself

  • edited June 2015

    Markd just ignore the trolls down below and lets talk so how has ur day been i hope good because ur awesome

    I'm great I'm just wrecked rn after the gym today

    Look whether trolling happened or bullying that happens everywhere you just need to only listen to your friends and the people who respect you

    I had a bit of that but I always just laughed if I don't respect a person any of their criticism never registers with me or I feel their criticism has hidden motives I just find it hilarious people or words only have the power you give them there is no reason to leave over that I'm telling you they are all bark and no bite most trolls I encountered

    The only opinion that matters are your friends and the people you care for who truly know you just look all the names of people you love that's more then enough reasons to stay

    Let the haters hate and just be the person you want to be, the person who made all of them friends including myself your an awesome person from my experience I see no issues or reasons for you to leave

    Anyway I hope you stay and I can see more awesome drawings :D

    Lehfeels posted: »

    Ok yall ill be leaving forums for a month or 2 for a hiatus to take a break from it and such cya guys i know yall @allthatremains @pap

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