My biggest fear moving forward...

As with any TTG game, I've got my concerns. But then I heard that Tales is supposed to lead into Borderlands 3? Ever since, I've been a nervous wreck. We all know Handsome Jack has become very popular, and I'm worried that the AI version of him will become nothing more than a stepping stone to bring him back for Borderlands 3. This would suck for people that only play Tales or only play the main games. I don't want that characters, his development, and all our choices to be rendered moot. I don't want them to take him from our game and throw him into another one to continue his story without us. Is it just me?



  • If there is a borderlands 3 (hasn't been confirmed yet) then it won't be based around defeating jack again. At the end of BPS, The Watcher says there is a war coming. So it probably won't be on Pandora, we'd up against another specices.

  • Well, I, for one, am very invested in Jack's well-being, so not just you ;)

    I play the BL games and wouldn't mind him being present in BL3, more Jack is always good, but I hope they don't recycle him as the big bad. Having to kill him once was traumatic enough... For me, the best way they could incorporate him would be by making Rhys a playable character with AI Jack as his special ability - maybe by having him take control and give Rhys a stat boost and different skill set, to differentiate from Timothy (#savetimothy !) and his digi-Jacks.

    But whether that would be a viable option or even make sense at all depends on how the plot of TFTB ends, so we'll see how it all goes, I guess. The crucial factor for me is that I really enjoy being Jack's friend (or lackey, ok, Jack-bashers? :P) and I don't want to be pitted against him again.

  • BL3 is in development ;) why ishouldnt it play on pandora?

    kaza125 posted: »

    If there is a borderlands 3 (hasn't been confirmed yet) then it won't be based around defeating jack again. At the end of BPS, The Watcher says there is a war coming. So it probably won't be on Pandora, we'd up against another specices.

  • It would suck regardless. If they insist the games are part of the same universe, then taking Jack out of Tales to be in Borderlands pretty much means we've lost him. We won't get to learn what becomes of him ourselves or effect that, unless we play those games. All our choices will be rendered meaningless.

    Well, I, for one, am very invested in Jack's well-being, so not just you I play the BL games and wouldn't mind him being present in BL3,

  • I thought it was established they're in the same universe? I mean, AI Jack definitely references his history from BL2 and TPS, so I doubt BL3 will be just something unconnected, and seeing how Jack is such an important character it would be difficult and rather weird for him to just disappear in BL3, never to be mentioned again. He kind of left his mark on the BL universe by now.

    The only way he wouldn't be in any way present in BL3 is if he's killed/deleted in Tales, and for me that's an even worse option.

    The_Duck posted: »

    It would suck regardless. If they insist the games are part of the same universe, then taking Jack out of Tales to be in Borderlands pretty

  • That's...kind of what I'm saying? It's better for TTG games to be their own thing. In Tales, we are molding the characters. If they try to force them into the main games, then they are taking that away from us. And once that happens, then odds are we won't get to really see them again. I'm just waiting for them to give Jack a new body or have him loaded onto some server, so he can play some role in Borderlands 3. That will automatically separate his story from that of Tales, as well as the character we've made him.

    I thought it was established they're in the same universe? I mean, AI Jack definitely references his history from BL2 and TPS, so I doubt BL

  • Well, yeah, I agree with you, I'd rather have a say in what happens to AI Jack myself as well. I'm just saying I think it's inevitable - Jack will end up in BL3, provided he survives Tales. And if the choice is between him appearing there and him dying, I'd rather he survive.

    Unless... BL3 takes place before or long after all the other games, but I doubt that since there were some obvious sequel hooks in TPS.

    The_Duck posted: »

    That's...kind of what I'm saying? It's better for TTG games to be their own thing. In Tales, we are molding the characters. If they try t

  • I think it's only the story in development, the scenario, and the planning of things no ? I don't remember on what recent interview, I think it was during E3, but I seem to remember Randy Pitchford saying they only where at the early stage. I think because they have their hands full with Battleborn.

    Kruzii posted: »

    BL3 is in development why ishouldnt it play on pandora?

  • well, could be, but they are definitely gonna make a BL3 :)

    Shoogli posted: »

    I think it's only the story in development, the scenario, and the planning of things no ? I don't remember on what recent interview, I think

  • YES :D ! I'm so excited about it ^_^ !

    Kruzii posted: »

    well, could be, but they are definitely gonna make a BL3

  • I dont think Tales is going to link directly into Borderlands 3

  • Well, we dunno anything for sure, but I'm just saying if there is a major choice regarding Jack in Tales - like whether to somehow enable him to get corporeal or powerful again, vs destroying him - it'll kinda have to affect BL3, since I can't imagine a Borderlands universe where the potential return of Handsome Jack isn't a big issue.

    Hence the worries that he'll either get reused as a villain or killed in Tales, no matter our personal choices.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I dont think Tales is going to link directly into Borderlands 3

  • Well, we dont even know if Jack is still in Rhys, and maybe Rhys dies, we dont know

    Well, we dunno anything for sure, but I'm just saying if there is a major choice regarding Jack in Tales - like whether to somehow enable hi

  • i want bordrlands 3 to take place on promethea (its basically the cheapest and most fucked up and dangerous planet in the universe)

  • maybe Rhys dies

    Alt text


    Poogers555 posted: »

    Well, we dont even know if Jack is still in Rhys, and maybe Rhys dies, we dont know

  • Nuh uh, I still have the worst feeling that Tales will pull a Walking Dead and be the most depressing thing ever with us choosing to save Fiona or Rhys ;-;

    maybe Rhys dies YOU TAKE THAT BACK, RIGHT NOW!

  • I don't want them to take him from our game and throw him into another one to continue his story without us.

    But he was theirs far before he was ours.

    If you truly love him you must set him free...

    Alt text

  • Alt text

    That would destroy me... :'(

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Nuh uh, I still have the worst feeling that Tales will pull a Walking Dead and be the most depressing thing ever with us choosing to save Fiona or Rhys ;-;

  • oh yeah! I hope Fiona will be a vault hunter

    Shoogli posted: »

    YES ! I'm so excited about it ^_^ !

  • edited June 2015

    It all depends how they handle it. Jack is going to be Jack regardless of what we do, the only difference is that we have small opportunities to dictate whether we let him off the leash or not. It's not like through our actions he's going to turn good and stop being a egomaniac who's ready to kill anyone who gets in his way, this AI is based off of Jack's mind after all.

    I really think we're just working towards making sure Jack gets to Helios so he is reincorporated into it to give him a bigger role in Borderlands 3. I think that Fiona and Rhys at the very least will also be in Borderlands 3, the way they're developing these characters it appears like they could be fairly important NPCs at the very least, or dare I say, Rhys and Fiona may be classes to pick from?? (I highly doubt it honestly but my optimistic side has to say it)

    As long as they stayed true to the characters, I really wouldn't worry about our people from Tales showing up in the next Borderlands and fearing a retcon. For all we know it may be set a few years ahead anyway like they did for Borderlands 2, so even if they're in it, it may not matter who they were now as we play it, as to who they will become.

  • God I hope Handsome Jack isn't a part of Borderlands 3. Like I love the character but I want to see something new, especially if Borderlands 3 is gonna be the last Borderlands game.

  • Me too he he :D !

    Kruzii posted: »

    oh yeah! I hope Fiona will be a vault hunter

  • They had THEIR Jack. For, like, three games. This one is ours,

    I don't want them to take him from our game and throw him into another one to continue his story without us. But he was theirs far before he was ours. If you truly love him you must set him free...

  • I desperately want our actions to affect his personality and actions. Otherwise, what's the point of ending Episode Three with him upset with us, angry at us, neutral, or our friend?

    It does matter. This is our story, and we shouldn't have it taken away from us to please those who play the main games.

    It all depends how they handle it. Jack is going to be Jack regardless of what we do, the only difference is that we have small opportunitie

  • I'd like to say Jack's demeanor towards us at the end of episode 3 is only going to affect whether he does something w/o asking, forces his hand, or maybe hang back to see what happens. Regardless of what we do it just feels like the story is going to do it's own thing with Jack in the end, with some minor outcome differences as usual. At least that's what it feels like is going to happen.

    We're not having anything taken away from us, this story will end with plenty of closure and at worst it will give a glimpse at what is to come for the next Borderlands game. I don't really understand why you're so upset at the idea of these characters falling more into the Borderlands universe, each episode they encounter someone else from the other games but that only enriches the story, and if the people we play as or new people we've met through this series integrate into the next game that should be a good thing.

    The_Duck posted: »

    I desperately want our actions to affect his personality and actions. Otherwise, what's the point of ending Episode Three with him upset wi

  • I think Jack is going to hang around the franchise indefinetly. If BL3 and future games are smart though, they'll definetly not make him the centre focus whatsoever. I don't know if this means he'll permantely be dead, program or flesh wise, or whether his presence remains by picking up old ECHO logs about him, but I think Jack is going to hang around regardless in minor ways. Hell his body double is still alive, and I'd be very surprised if he was killed off.

    It is a valid point about BL3 essentially dictating what the "canon" ending for Tales would be if Tales characters appeared, especially one who is playable. So I guess that would be kinda bad, but at the same time, I really would like Tales to be integrated fully into the Borderlands universe, rather than just being a spin off title. Honestly, I can't say either option bothers me that much, especially since it's not like they have to contradict much of Tales to begin with. I mean, season 2 of The Walking Dead wasn't that changed by all the events of season 1, and it's not like they ever need Rhys or Fiona to talk in detail about their backstories. Really, you could keep most of it vague, and get away with it I think. It's not like Telltale games have endings that are that radically different from each other, so I think it can work.

  • I would be amazed if BL3 is the last Borderlands game. Unless Gearbox goes bankrupt, I highly doubt the franchise is going to stop for a long time, especially considering how Gearbox seems to keep messing up their other non-Borderlands games.

    God I hope Handsome Jack isn't a part of Borderlands 3. Like I love the character but I want to see something new, especially if Borderlands 3 is gonna be the last Borderlands game.

  • Pandora is pretty much Borderlands, we might travel across multiple planets but Pandora should still be a big thing.

    kaza125 posted: »

    If there is a borderlands 3 (hasn't been confirmed yet) then it won't be based around defeating jack again. At the end of BPS, The Watcher says there is a war coming. So it probably won't be on Pandora, we'd up against another specices.

  • Well except for The Pre-Sequel, which managed it with Pandora. Then again, TPS was more of a "stop gap" game, so it probably makes sense to have Pandora at the very least feature on every major Borderlands title.

    Pandora is pretty much Borderlands, we might travel across multiple planets but Pandora should still be a big thing.

  • Who said 3 was going to be the last?

    God I hope Handsome Jack isn't a part of Borderlands 3. Like I love the character but I want to see something new, especially if Borderlands 3 is gonna be the last Borderlands game.

  • It was Pandora's moon so it's still technically Pandora in a way.

    silvereye27 posted: »

    Well except for The Pre-Sequel, which managed it with Pandora. Then again, TPS was more of a "stop gap" game, so it probably makes sense to have Pandora at the very least feature on every major Borderlands title.

  • Not really, pretty different place, with an almost totally different cast of characters. I think if BL3 does go for the multi-planet approach, we'll see both Pandora and Elpis.

    It was Pandora's moon so it's still technically Pandora in a way.

  • To me it felt connected, It shared history with Pandora.

    silvereye27 posted: »

    Not really, pretty different place, with an almost totally different cast of characters. I think if BL3 does go for the multi-planet approach, we'll see both Pandora and Elpis.

  • Idk just a feeling. Could be wrong of course

    Who said 3 was going to be the last?

  • That's kind of my concern too. I'm fed up with our choices not mattering.

    We don't know how this story will end, and for me, doing something like that with one of the main characters will not be closure. I actually hate all the cameos in general. I feel it hurts the story rather than enriches it, especially for non-Borderlands players. But I definitely feel like something is being taken away from us. I don't want Tales to just be used to set up a story that quite a bit of us might not be able to play.

    I'd like to say Jack's demeanor towards us at the end of episode 3 is only going to affect whether he does something w/o asking, forces his

  • You're most likely wrong. Popular game franchises just don't end without a reason to end...and Borderlands is far from a normal ending.

    Idk just a feeling. Could be wrong of course

  • k

    You're most likely wrong. Popular game franchises just don't end without a reason to end...and Borderlands is far from a normal ending.

  • Well sure, it was connected, but if you can cope with Pandora's moon being the location, I think you'd be able to cope with another planet entirely. Elpis is the stepping stone as far as I'm concerned.

    To me it felt connected, It shared history with Pandora.

  • I'm alright traveling to other planets as long as Pandora is still visit able and important.

    silvereye27 posted: »

    Well sure, it was connected, but if you can cope with Pandora's moon being the location, I think you'd be able to cope with another planet entirely. Elpis is the stepping stone as far as I'm concerned.

  • Me too really, I just don't get why you tolerated it in TPS, when it more or less felt like a different place, it just orbiting Pandora.

    I'm alright traveling to other planets as long as Pandora is still visit able and important.

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