Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • @Quiff

    people are onto you :^)

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Tell me Wolf! I must know! By the gods of Rhyiona I command you to tell me! Also I command you with my awesomeness as a kangaroo!

  • Hi guys I just came home after a long day , what'cha dooing ? (•◡•)

  • Left to eat a sandwich.

    50+ comments


  • It's in my feed too B]

    Quiff posted: »

    tell no soul!

  • Hey buddy. Just Rhyionafying the world, the usual.

    Brawl posted: »

    Hi guys I just came home after a long day , what'cha dooing ? (•◡•)

  • Alt text

    Me when I'm on this thread.

  • Man, even the game ships Rhyiona.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    So, just found out this is what the rewind icon is for chapter 1 of ep 2 ;3

  • crying

    Green613 posted: »

    It's in my feed too B]

  • Did Telltale confirm Rhyiona yet?

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Hey buddy. Just Rhyionafying the world, the usual.

  • You read everything you missed? Dedication. :P

    And I've caught up :P

  • edited June 2015

    No one speak a word about this, ever!

    @Green613, @ABigBadWolf, I'm looking at you two.

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Tell me Wolf! I must know! By the gods of Rhyiona I command you to tell me! Also I command you with my awesomeness as a kangaroo!

  • L-let's make a deal. You tell me what he said and I'll... I'll confirm Rhyiona for episode 4!

    I'm serious! How can you not trust this face:

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    ... I can't do that, I'm just desperate...

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    @Quiff people are onto you :^)

  • Aw shucks. <3

    Thank you, you kind soul.

  • Yeah It'll be over in an hour or so, thanks for worrying about me ducky <3

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    aw I hope you feel better soon! ;(

  • Alt text

    Brawl posted: »

    Did Telltale confirm Rhyiona yet?

  • ErykaEryka Banned
    edited June 2015

    My mom is going too the hospital ; she may have a problem with her heart... And plus my 2 parents are so sick... At least my dad is in better health...

  • Aw come on, I won't tell a soul. Have pity on a poor, lonely kangaroo!

    Quiff posted: »

    No one speak a word about this, ever! @Green613, @ABigBadWolf, I'm looking at you two.

  • Of course buddy!

    Okay.:D @ABigBadWolf, can I be a hedgehog?

  • edited June 2015


    Look at her face when Rhys flies off... ;_;

  • edited June 2015


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    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Left to eat a sandwich. 50+ comments wow

  • Hint: It starts with "d" too.

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    L-let's make a deal. You tell me what he said and I'll... I'll confirm Rhyiona for episode 4! I'm serious! How can you not trust this face: ... I can't do that, I'm just desperate...

  • Telling everyone here what a good Doctor I am, and eating chocolate.

    Brawl posted: »

    Hi guys I just came home after a long day , what'cha dooing ? (•◡•)

  • Damn. I'm sorry. I hope they can get through it. Hopefully everything will work out fine. :)

    Eryka posted: »

    My mom is going too the hospital ; she may have a problem with her heart... And plus my 2 parents are so sick... At least my dad is in better health...

  • Petition for this to happen in episode 4.

    HeartOfGold posted: »

    Imagine if Rhys seranaded Fiona with this song? Oh lordy

  • Thanks!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Of course buddy!

  • Oh. OH. Okay.

    (I don't even know if I guessed right I suck at these things...)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Hint: It starts with "d" too.

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    My mom is always sooooo sick but she's always alive (at least she's alive)

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    Damn. I'm sorry. I hope they can get through it. Hopefully everything will work out fine.

  • edited June 2015

    Om du vill veta måste du svära eden.

    Säg efter mig: "Jag lovar och svär att ta med mig sanningen ända ner till graven"

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Aw come on, I won't tell a soul. Have pity on a poor, lonely kangaroo!

  • Alt text

    I hope everything works out for them. I'll keep them in my thoughts!

    Eryka posted: »

    My mom is going too the hospital ; she may have a problem with her heart... And plus my 2 parents are so sick... At least my dad is in better health...

  • Wolf snap it!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Hint: It starts with "d" too.

  • @armis37

    Talet is derping so I'll answer here.

    Yeah, he wasn't happy that I saved Carley. You can't please that guy.

    I would hope not. :P Shipping something doesn't imply hating a character.

    Dark times there, I hope it gets better in S3.

  • ErykaEryka Banned
    edited June 2015

    Oh thanks! :-) Hopefully she will maybe not stay too long!

    kristi78968 posted: »

    I hope everything works out for them. I'll keep them in my thoughts!

  • edited June 2015

    My mistake. It was Azodiacarbonamide.


    Edit: I think these actually may have been separate incidents, or my mom was lying. I remember that I loved Subway as a kid, and I think my mom may have told me that to get me to stop asking for it.

    Quiff posted: »

    all lies, subway would never do that

  • I'm sorry to hear. :( Hope they get better!

    Eryka posted: »

    My mom is going too the hospital ; she may have a problem with her heart... And plus my 2 parents are so sick... At least my dad is in better health...

  • Oh wow, I'm sorry. Hopefully they'll be fine. We're with you, buddy! :D

    Eryka posted: »

    My mom is going too the hospital ; she may have a problem with her heart... And plus my 2 parents are so sick... At least my dad is in better health...

  • edited June 2015

    @ABigBadWolf will pay for his sins, someday...

  • Well, I hope you guessed it. :P

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Oh. OH. Okay. (I don't even know if I guessed right I suck at these things...)

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    My dad is better (he only have 5 to 10 medicine and my mom have 40 medicine a day...) so I'm only woring for my mom.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I'm sorry to hear. Hope they get better!

  • Jag lovar och svär att ta med mig sanningen ända ner till graven.

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    Du kan lita på mig!

    Quiff posted: »

    Om du vill veta måste du svära eden. Säg efter mig: "Jag lovar och svär att ta med mig sanningen ända ner till graven"

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