Jon Snow



  • Maybe Jon will be back, but not next season, or maybe he just does something weird like warg into some animal but I don't know... He has never done taht before it would be weird if out of nowhere he does it so save his life... Melissandre will problably revive him. And yes actors sometimes lie so there won't be spoilers or maybe Kit Harington won't just be in the next season and will reappear in season 7.

  • It's pretty much accepted by the community.

    -Benjen Stark is known to have let Rheagar take Lyanna from Winterfell. When Benjen was with Eddard, Eddard left and when he returned from the tower, he had a baby boy in his arms.

    -Lyanna, on her deathbed in the tower, made her brother swear to never break her promise of keeping something a secret.

    -Melisandre saw Azor Ahai as Jon Snow, ''after a long summer when an evil, cold darkness descends upon the world, it is said that wielding Lightbringer once again, Azor Ahai will stand against the Others and if he fails, the world fails with him.'' Ice (Jon SNOW) and Fire (Targaryn/Lightbringer)

    There are various other theories, but there's really nothing that says he isn't R+L=J.

    jamex1223 posted: »

    but you never know.

  • edited June 2015

    It's all theories people nothing more unless we all see it right in the middle of are TVs, I am happy he is dead, he is as dead as dead could be. There is no Jon Snow anymore, if he is the prince that was promised then he will be reborn as somebody completely different. Also that targaryen theory is ridiculous. his father is NED Stark and his mother is from House Dayne, his purple eyes come from his mother. "In appearance, members of the family are stony Dornishmen whose characteristics mostly resemble the rest of the Seven Kingdoms in look, customs and traditions. Unlike the rest of the more Rhoynish-looking Dornishmen, they have pale skin with hair ranging from dark brown to pale blond and they often have violet eyes."

  • Sometimes they tell the truth because they know people won't believe them too.

    You do realize that people involved in TV shows and movies lie all the time to avoid spoiling future events?

  • i know the details, i didnt know that benjen let Rhegar take Lyanna, and the evidence just screams R+L=J

    but im just saying... we dont know definitely that is real.

    Barthanax posted: »

    It's pretty much accepted by the community. -Benjen Stark is known to have let Rheagar take Lyanna from Winterfell. When Benjen was with

  • edited July 2015

    we dont know definitely that is real.

    I agree and disagree with you on that, my friend. While yes, GRRM hasn't confirmed Jon Snow is the son of R+L, how in the Seven Hells is he not? XD I have yet to find evidence that says Jon isn't the son of that relationship.

    Besides, does anyone really think the honorable, monogamous Eddard Stark would really bang a whore named Willa and bring the son of it home? As the Wiki states, Robert's Rebellion lasted close to a year, meaning Eddard would to have left Winterfell, found a whore in less than two months and returned to said whore after the war to find a kid. As unlikely as it seems, he was heading North to call his banners to war under Jon Arryn, and I really don't think he'd stop for a quicky. XD

    I could be wrong, but I have no doubt in my mind that the community and I are right; Jon Snow is R+L's son. Now that he's kinda been wounded (his wounds were smoking, a sign Melisandre was resurrecting him, but the showrunners kept that part out for non-book readers) and the Others are walking, Jon is coming back as Azor Ahai as he is really the only candidate for holding back the Others at the Wall, or else all of Westeros is kinda screwed.

    jamex1223 posted: »

    i know the details, i didnt know that benjen let Rhegar take Lyanna, and the evidence just screams R+L=J but im just saying... we dont know definitely that is real.

  • Interestingly enough, a group/flock of crows is called a murder.

  • That's one of those facts you know.

    Interestingly enough, a group/flock of crows is called a murder.

  • I don't catch your meaning, pardon me for being slow here.

    That's one of those facts you know.

  • I have no clue why I wrote it like that, should have been:

    "That's one of those facts you feel proud to know."

    I don't catch your meaning, pardon me for being slow here.

  • If Ashara Dayne was Jon's mother, tell me one good reason why Ned would keep that a secret.

    Nightmare1 posted: »

    It's all theories people nothing more unless we all see it right in the middle of are TVs, I am happy he is dead, he is as dead as dead coul

  • A murder of crows. God knows that sounds ominous.

    Interestingly enough, a group/flock of crows is called a murder.

  • Ashara is not Jon's mother, Wylla is, she is of House Dayne. Not to mention he never really kept it a secret, the only person who we know Ned never told was John Snow. R+L=J theory isn't accurate as jon like house dayne has pale skin, black hair, and violet eyes while targaryens may posses violet eyes, and almost all targaryens have blonde/platinum hair even if it blood is not 100% pure so it would be a absolute 50/50 chance whether he had traits from lyanna or Wylla making it impossible to make a solid connection to Lyanna.

    jarmoksk posted: »

    If Ashara Dayne was Jon's mother, tell me one good reason why Ned would keep that a secret.

  • edited July 2015

    look there are interviews that say he is not returning, but if he dose return bare in mind he wouldn't be returning as Jon Snow as we know him. He will be a white walker. if he returns he will be like Gregor Clegane (the mountain) -> he was brought back through dark arts now he is someone you hardly recognise. he would work for the villains.

    Kit Harrington might be seen dead next series. When Joffrey dies Jack Gleeson was seen playing as a copse in the next episode. If dose brought back to life it be a plot element in season 7 because his body is being taken over the other side of the wall.

    Look if he is brought back to life and becomes a white walker he might be default person that we learn about the white walkers through, you know from his point of view.

    all we know is this: the king of the white walkers have shown a interest in him before he dies, and the red woman has return to place where he dies. there is a theory in the books of how he might return. the winds of winter would clear up things up. it just that plot element might not happen in season 6. Kit Harrington says he isn't in season 6 so.....yeah its a possibility.

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