Is Asher's story going anywhere?

I mean, we only have 2 episodes left. Dany only said she would talk about giving him soldiers, and there seems to be some disagreement in the next episode. Will he help the fam? Or is his story going elsewhere?
Also, can we have two playable characters in the same place?

What do you think



  • :c it's not going anywhere, he will be in Essos forever.
    if in 5 seasons Dany couldn't go to westeros... well, asher won't in 6 episodes

  • There is a curse upon that continent I tell you! Any Game of Thrones character that enters that acursed land shall never return! First Dany, then Arya and now Asher! Their stories will be doomed to be forever stagnate!

  • edited June 2015

    Well if he was going to Daenerys asking for an army and Dan gave it to him as soon as he asked i'd find that disappointing. They make sure that he doesn't go back to Westeros before the last episode like Dany (In almost 20 years of storyline she never even set foot on Westeros.)

  • God, i used to be sooo mad that it was taking her so fucking long to get there. But, now that i know Danaerys better, i hope she stays in effing Meereen. I mean, look how badly she fucked that entire continent! Without her even trying, she screwed an entire economy, and she still doesn't understand that her actions are effecting the rest of Planetos too.

    She's so fucking clueless, but she thinks she knows what she's doing. That is the worst kind of leader IMO. Too much hubris, not enough common sense to get out of the rain.

    Drakonys posted: »

    Well if he was going to Daenerys asking for an army and Dan gave it to him as soon as he asked i'd find that disappointing. They make sure t

  • Probably not.

    But I would love if everyone like died and Asher finally makes it to Ironrath and we get a Planet of the Apes ending.

  • When Dany made that comment that was like "Follow Crofts orders exactly", I totally saw a screw job coming no matter how well Beshka and Asher did with the infiltration job. You only ever say something like that, if you know you came wiggle out of an agreement or payment by a big loophole. Dany just pulled a huge Tywin with that since she keeps the Second sons and Asher and Beshka did it all for free by violating Crofts orders and going after that slave master.

    Asher is not going anywhere but Essos anytime soon....

  • I'm not even sure Asher and Malcolm are going to make it back.

  • I think he stays in Essos, since the return journey would take too long compared with what would happen in the meantime in the other storylines. But he probably gets to fight the mercenary army of the Whitehills. Ludd could be recruiting men in Essos as well and maybe Asher comes across them or a Whitehill contact man. So he could help the family from afar, without them even knowing.

  • Well, their economy was based on slavery, so you can't fault her for trying to end it ASAP.

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    God, i used to be sooo mad that it was taking her so fucking long to get there. But, now that i know Danaerys better, i hope she stays in ef

  • You forgot Tyrion.

    There is a curse upon that continent I tell you! Any Game of Thrones character that enters that acursed land shall never return! First Dany, then Arya and now Asher! Their stories will be doomed to be forever stagnate!

  • Well yeah because she got caught up with slaves.

    AstroZombie posted: »

    :c it's not going anywhere, he will be in Essos forever. if in 5 seasons Dany couldn't go to westeros... well, asher won't in 6 episodes

  • edited June 2015

    I assume Asher will be on a boat at the end of the season possibly with either Malcolm or Beshka but not both.

  • I'd agree with you about the return journey taking too long, except for how ridiculously fast Malcolm made it to Yunkai in the first place. I don't think Telltale believes in the concept of distance.

    rousseau posted: »

    I think he stays in Essos, since the return journey would take too long compared with what would happen in the meantime in the other storyli

  • Personally speaking, I think its "going" somewhere faster then Dany's storyline is! That much I know.

  • How do you know the stories are taking place at the same time?

    I'd agree with you about the return journey taking too long, except for how ridiculously fast Malcolm made it to Yunkai in the first place. I don't think Telltale believes in the concept of distance.

  • Since when is Arya's story stagnate? Lol unless you mean in the books.

    There is a curse upon that continent I tell you! Any Game of Thrones character that enters that acursed land shall never return! First Dany, then Arya and now Asher! Their stories will be doomed to be forever stagnate!

  • edited June 2015

    Why would we assume they're not? Just so that it makes sense? If it's non-linear then they should at least try to let us know that, rather than be ambiguous and leave people confused.

    Tyranitar posted: »

    How do you know the stories are taking place at the same time?

  • It must be going somewhere because House Forrester can't survive without Ashers help and an army as they've said before. I think in episode 5: A Nest of Vipers Asher will have gained some sort of army like The Second sons or the Meereen pit fighters as others have speculated and he'll return to Westeros in episode 6: The Ice Dragon.

  • Good point about Malcolm actually

    I'd agree with you about the return journey taking too long, except for how ridiculously fast Malcolm made it to Yunkai in the first place. I don't think Telltale believes in the concept of distance.

  • They should be linear. Liberation of Mereen and Joffrey's wedding happen roughly at the same time.

    Tyranitar posted: »

    How do you know the stories are taking place at the same time?

  • edited June 2015

    He will return with an army of pit fighters instead.

  • I assume that as well, and we can finally leave the Land of Never Ending Plots that go Nowhere! Seriously, plots go to Essos to die a slow death.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    It must be going somewhere because House Forrester can't survive without Ashers help and an army as they've said before. I think in episode

  • House Forrester can survive through Ryon alone.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    It must be going somewhere because House Forrester can't survive without Ashers help and an army as they've said before. I think in episode

  • Yea, I'm sure it will. My prediction is that Episode 5 will be Asher getting his army of former pit fighters ready, then Episode 6 will be them leaving Essos and arriving at Ironrath to help.

  • I don't see her story moving along any faster in the show...

    Since when is Arya's story stagnate? Lol unless you mean in the books.

  • Did you watch the latest episode? Things are getting good.

    I don't see her story moving along any faster in the show...

  • Fair enough. I understand her wanting to end the suffering of the slaves. Absolutely.

    But when freeing someone from a terrible fate puts 10 more into their exact position. I just cannot get behind it.

    All of the women and children who were taken at Hardholme - they are slaves now, because of Dany's actions. Because of her inability to look past her actions to their consequences. Dany never wants to see the Truth, just the pretty lies.

    pcharl01 posted: »

    Well, their economy was based on slavery, so you can't fault her for trying to end it ASAP.

  • Well Yes. Kind of the point of solving Plot Holes.

    Why would we assume they're not? Just so that it makes sense? If it's non-linear then they should at least try to let us know that, rather than be ambiguous and leave people confused.

  • Better for the writers to avoid plot holes, than expect the players to solve them, I would have thought.

    Tyranitar posted: »

    Well Yes. Kind of the point of solving Plot Holes.

  • Welcome to the Mereenese knot ladies and gents.

  • I watched it. Arya's storyline isn't going anywhere more than the books did...

    Did you watch the latest episode? Things are getting good.

  • If you say so.

    I watched it. Arya's storyline isn't going anywhere more than the books did...

  • I don't think that Daenerys will give the army to Asher as there is some disagreement seen on the next episode. I think Asher will have the army after Mereen is freed.

  • For all we know there could be a timeskip. Just a guess. Gared and Asher both have some distance to travel to return to House Forrester. (That is assuming the North Grove has something useful in there..)

  • edited June 2015

    I'm wondering if Asher and Malcom will leave with nothing. And then somehow pick up all of Whitehill's sellswords that he's been secret gathering. That Mila fond out about.

    P.S. I also think that there's going to be another season. It just feels like its coming.

  • I don't think Asher is going anywhere, not in this season at least (if there would be another). We only met him in episode 2 and there are only a couple left. With everything unfolding like it has been, by the time Asher got there he'd probably be too late to help or stop anything unless he jumps on a boat and sets off right at the beginning of episode 5.

  • While a short time skip could be good I don't think they care too much about the continuity of distances. I mean Malcom got to Asher in one episode. Assuming he went by boat it should only take Asher the same amount of time to return, if he could.

    Lewsblake23 posted: »

    For all we know there could be a timeskip. Just a guess. Gared and Asher both have some distance to travel to return to House Forrester. (That is assuming the North Grove has something useful in there..)

  • His POVs for Ep6 might end with him boarding a boat, but I don't think he'll get home in two episodes.

  • Telltale probably already have it planned out, so I guess we'll see.

    Sarson posted: »

    While a short time skip could be good I don't think they care too much about the continuity of distances. I mean Malcom got to Asher in one episode. Assuming he went by boat it should only take Asher the same amount of time to return, if he could.

  • I don't know what people will expect will happen if he just rocks back with an army. Realisticly Roose will just walk over and smash the crap out of them, so I really can't see Asher going to Westeros.

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