At the end of E3 Mira has the choice of burning the letter from Lord Tyrion.

My questions are what happens if you burn it? And what happens if you keep it? Witch one helps the Forresters? And witch one is safer for Mira? Or do we even know what happens yet?


  • Thanks, I'll just half to take a chance with one of the choices.

  • If you keep it, she says she can't burn it, despite Tom telling her to. As El_Taco1220 said, we don't know how it will play into future episodes or which decision will help the Forresters more.

  • edited June 2015

    I choose to burn it and everything seems like it work out quiet well. So far.

  • Yeah, we don't know the consequences of each choice yet. I've burnt the letter in one ostrich and kept it in another, so hopefully I'll see which one helps Mira more in Episode 5. I keep thinking about when the Girard broke into her room though. He said he just wanted to leave a note, buy I wonder what he was searching for when he ransacked the place...It also suggests that it you for keep the letter, someone could break into your room and find out without too much trouble.

  • I think Mira keeps the decree in her pocket though. It's in her inventory in Episode 4: Sons of Winter I guess she's not taking any chances after the first break in.

    Yeah, we don't know the consequences of each choice yet. I've burnt the letter in one ostrich and kept it in another, so hopefully I'll see

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