did anyone else find this line offensive? jack says this in beginning if you decide to trust him.



  • You serious? That was a good joke,and if you got offensed by that,you don't have any sense for humor...

  • clap-tpclap-tp Banned
    edited June 2015

    jack be jack, this is his charcter. this is like watching a WW2 movie and complain about hitler says racist stuff

  • Nothing offensive there.

  • I think it's funny and I am a woman. Jack is Jack

  • Jack being a jackass is kinda expected ;)

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    I will not stand for this

    he's a crazy mass-murdering psychopath, but this is just going too FAR

  • Alt text

    Why would it be offensive... I mean... Is it implying that Fiona is right because she is a woman?

  • I'm a woman and I don't find it offensive. Jack's just a funny asshole :D I even laugh at sandwich and kitchen jokes...

  • It was fairly atypical of Jack in my eyes and I personally wasn't offended, but it seems to have rubbed a few people the wrong way.

    A couple of people asked Anthony about it on his Ask.fm:

    Q: I'm another person but I too was disturbed by this phrase about Fiona: "She is a woman and she is right, I can't believe this!"

    A: Hm, didn't notice that one. I mean, Jack's definitely kind of a chauvinist...I personally wouldn't have written that line for him, but this IS a guy who locked his daughter and Lilith up, so he's definitely got baggage about women with power. It doesn't feel spectacularly out of character for him.

  • Handsome Jack isn't exactly an upstanding moral pillar of the communty. For a guy who gleefully murders people, I don't think it's exactly shocking that he'd say something like that. It was actually pretty funny. That sort of thing depends on context and who's saying it. I knew a guy who said stuff like that at work, and it was just 'cause he loved teasing all the women he worked with.

    He's also a dick to people in general. Look how he acts when Rhys and Sasha reuinite with the group in ep3 (Side With Jack path).

  • It was fairly atypical of Jack in my eyes and I personally wasn't offended, but it seems to have rubbed a few people the wrong way.

    I wonder now how any people cried sexism when Jack/Rhys slapped Sasha's ass.

    It was fairly atypical of Jack in my eyes and I personally wasn't offended, but it seems to have rubbed a few people the wrong way. A cou

  • "I wouldn't have written that line for him even though it totally IS him"


    It was fairly atypical of Jack in my eyes and I personally wasn't offended, but it seems to have rubbed a few people the wrong way. A cou

  • All of this. Some people just are the way they are, and it'd be unrealistic to write so many people like this and not one of them be sexist, racist, or anything ist or ism. I don't find it offensive as coming from the writers, and from jack it's...well...it's quite mild.

    HeartOfGold posted: »

    Handsome Jack isn't exactly an upstanding moral pillar of the communty. For a guy who gleefully murders people, I don't think it's exactly s

  • Uh no. Its just Jack being Jack. Im a woman and I laughed.

  • The line isn't offensive at all because we realize it's coming from a character who is known to have been a horrible person. The writers are obviously not trying to convince us that women are always wrong.

    ...But it did seem strange coming from Handsome Jack no matter how shakey his moral pillar. He's always been an asshole, but blatant and open sexism wasn't a part of his MO. They had a sexist character in Borderlands 2. His name was Dave and Jack never acted like him. Imo Jack has had too many strong women in his life for him to believe they're never right, and when I first heard the line I thought I must have been missing something about what he meant besides just sexism.

    It was fairly atypical of Jack in my eyes and I personally wasn't offended, but it seems to have rubbed a few people the wrong way. A cou

  • It's just another thing to add to the list of "reasons why Jack is an asshole."

    It is an offensive statement -- implying that women aren't usually right or w/e -- but I don't think any of us took actual offense because he's...ya know...a fictional character who was mainly created to deliver mean jokes and be someone you want to shoot in the face. It did make me blink at first as I don't remember Jack being that blatantly sexist before.

  • Ha, saw a bunch of people flipping out about this on tumblr. Was kinda hoping the drama wouldn't make it's way here... :P

    Seriously, though, Handsome Jack is a shitty person who says shitty things. He's a psychopath, a mass murderer, the bad guy. I didn't find what he said offensive, and I'm a girl as well.

    I don't think people should take the line so seriously, especially since it's such an easily missed line (didn't even get it in my game). But even if you do want to read into it, I'd say it's not really sexism, but manipulation. Jack wants Rhys to think lesser of his friends, and to only trust him.

  • Jack apparently finds amusement in watching kittens getting pummeled, anyone from animal rights groups offended yet?

    I mean, seriously people, it's Jack... :P

  • Agreed. I didn't really think it was out of character because let's face he is a psychopathic murderer. He has done worse...far worse.
    Alt text

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    Ha, saw a bunch of people flipping out about this on tumblr. Was kinda hoping the drama wouldn't make it's way here... :P Seriously, thou


    (Nah... just kidding. Don't call them.)

    Jack apparently finds amusement in watching kittens getting pummeled, anyone from animal rights groups offended yet? I mean, seriously people, it's Jack... :P

  • The guy's got major issues with women from his mom ditching him and his grandmother drowning his pets and disciplining him with a buzzaxe. Then there was the time Moxxi tried to blow him up with his own super weapon, followed shortly after by Lilith horrifically disfiguring him by punching an alien artifact into his flesh causing what was left of his sanity to crumble into pink eye crust chunks.

    Freakishly enough, this seems to have given him a fetish for tough women like Moxxi, Nisha, and even Fiona. Bonus points if there's a strong physical aspect i.e. S&M and general violence.

    Also, take note, half of his handpicked TPS Vault Hunter team were women who he ended up having complicated feelings for.

    So yeah, guy has a...complex history and relationship with women. He's got reason to think they're XX-chromosone horrors that will ruin your life one moment and figures worthy of his respect (and amorous attentions) the next.

  • This.

    The-Qing posted: »

    The guy's got major issues with women from his mom ditching him and his grandmother drowning his pets and disciplining him with a buzzaxe. T

  • i'm a woman and I don't find this line offensive.

    1. Jack is Jack

    2. It's a joke

  • I'm offensive and I find this woman

  • edited July 2015

    Jack was implying that it was surprising that she was right, because she's a woman, and apparantly Jack thinks that most women are wrong/idiots.

    I don't find it offensive though, i actually think it shows growth in Jack. And don't forget that this is after he says that 'she's so cute when she's all excited!' line with regards to Fiona. So to me it feels more like he's genuinely surprised by her opinion or just surprised that he agrees with her.

    Why would it be offensive... I mean... Is it implying that Fiona is right because she is a woman?

  • Jack has murdered thousands of innocent people, and you're offended because he's sexist?

    He's a villain. Of course he's going to have immoral beliefs.

  • We like to call that choice of wording "deflecting criticism".

    Tevix posted: »

    "I wouldn't have written that line for him even though it totally IS him" Hmm...

  • edited July 2015


    Alt text

    It was fairly atypical of Jack in my eyes and I personally wasn't offended, but it seems to have rubbed a few people the wrong way. I wonder now how any people cried sexism when Jack/Rhys slapped Sasha's ass.


    Piggs posted: »

    Jack has murdered thousands of innocent people, and you're offended because he's sexist? He's a villain. Of course he's going to have immoral beliefs.

  • disturbed

    Alt text

    oh god, the sides of my stomach physically hurt, that askFM question gave me PTSD!

    It was fairly atypical of Jack in my eyes and I personally wasn't offended, but it seems to have rubbed a few people the wrong way. A cou

  • in my game handsome jack talked about how a guy was like "arhgggaa!" when he killed him and said you could tell he was thinking about his family or something when he died, i laughed, he is hilarious because he is horrible, that is the general idea about jack

  • Tumblr tetchiness pls dont infect this site too.

  • this is the first anything this user made, it's a troll thread

  • It's too late ever since that thread of a lesbian not wanting the rhysha shipping (honestly the comments and following up troll-threads were awful) and sasha being called black and people being so immature about everything fgdwhfs. I already unfollowed all sjw blogs to get drama away from me, yet I see it slowly infecting other websites. It makes me want to scoop my eyeballs out with a spork and clean them in acid. People need to fucking chill about fictional shit.

    Miny77 posted: »

    Tumblr tetchiness pls dont infect this site too.

  • "I'm egalatarian, because I shoot EVERYBODY!"

    SCR4P-TP posted: »


  • "I torture women - but I also torture men and trans people! HOORAY FOR EQUALITY!"

    LawmanZero posted: »

    "I'm egalatarian, because I shoot EVERYBODY!"

  • "A good Hyperion soldier shoots EVERYTHING! Skags! Bandits! Dangerous Barrels! EQUALITY IS GREAT!"

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    "I torture women - but I also torture men and trans people! HOORAY FOR EQUALITY!"

  • I feel like this is actually the attitude of the majority of the people on Pandora. Just shoot everything!

    LawmanZero posted: »

    "A good Hyperion soldier shoots EVERYTHING! Skags! Bandits! Dangerous Barrels! EQUALITY IS GREAT!"

  • Jack demoralizing someone definitely matches his character personality (even if no one can hear it except Rhys). He's insulted both men and women. Plus it's not coming from a male character technically, it's coming from an A.I portraying a male.

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