A theory about how the traitor's punishment will be

Hello everyone

Remember back in EP1 , when you play as Ethan ?


now , if you decide to take his 3 fingers , another choice appears


And of course , the house will remember the punishment , like every other choice

My theory is that the traitor will be someone really close ( the mother maybe ) , and if you chose the harsh punishment and did it yourself , you're gonna have the difficult choice to ( break the rule ) or keep the rule with a harsh punishment

The thief's punishment is probably different than the traitor's punishment , but it will be harsh if you chose a harsh punishment for Erik


  • edited July 2015

    Yeah , also she asks too many questions , when get back to Ironrath after meeting Gwyn she asks : "where were you ?"

    And if you tell her that you met Gwyn she gets pissed , which make me suspicious about her

  • Whoever it is, i will have their head.

  • I'm thinking we will get a similar choice to the one with Erik; our choices as Ethan won't determine what Rodrik does as that'll take the decision making out of the player's hands. Maybe Royland offers to carry out the sentence again?

  • Their punishment will depend a little of why exactly they did it. If it was purely selfish then they are losing their head without me thinking twice. If there's some good reason, I may be more gentle with the punishment.

  • I plan on being understanding, but if the circumstances show that the traitor did NOT really have the House's best interests at heart, then my punishment will be more severe.

  • If it is the Maester then I'll imprision him (even if he he dont regret it) because we need a maester in our house. If itnis Duncan ill let him free because im pretty sure he regrets it. If it is Royland ill imprision him because he is house's best soldier and we need him. If it is the mother then... cut her head of because she is useless C:

  • Kill the maester, blame the Whithills, and then politely ask the Citadel to send you another one. Problem solved.

    If it is the Maester then I'll imprision him (even if he he dont regret it) because we need a maester in our house. If itnis Duncan ill let

  • I've already said this before, but I'll kill whoever the traitor is when i find them. I don't care for their reasons. A traitor is a traitor, and I've got no manpower to guard them, food to feed them, or time to waste on them. Off comes the head and move on.

  • Agreed.

    Their punishment will depend a little of why exactly they did it. If it was purely selfish then they are losing their head without me thinking twice. If there's some good reason, I may be more gentle with the punishment.

  • edited July 2015

    A traitor is a traitor. They've been putting the Forresters (mainly the children) in danger by supplying information and playing both sides. They will have to die for their treachery, otherwise who will respect the house?

    I might let Royland take vengeance for me, gods know that he has earned it. Rodrik is the Lord of the house however, I'll just have to see how it plays out and do what feels right.

  • I feel like Royland only offered to do it because Ethan was still a child.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    I'm thinking we will get a similar choice to the one with Erik; our choices as Ethan won't determine what Rodrik does as that'll take the decision making out of the player's hands. Maybe Royland offers to carry out the sentence again?

  • Thats a good point. Also what did she expect rodrick to do about them even if he was there. He can't stop them from ruining the great hall by himself.

    HelloMyLord posted: »

    Yeah , also she asks too many questions , when get back to Ironrath after meeting Gwyn she asks : "where were you ?" And if you tell her that you met Gwyn she gets pissed , which make me suspicious about her

  • It would suck if you kill the traitor then afterward you find out he was innocent.

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