Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!




    Quiff posted: »

    Hey all fellow Rhyiona members Just a reminder that @ABigBadWolf is a fecking liar. Pass it on if you have like, time

  • Fiona cares. </3

    DeityD posted: »

    Oh dear god, things you can find on tumblr sometimes. xD


    I know, he's a big bad liar :P

  • edited July 2015

    Wolf didn't comment for a while , that's strange O.o?
    yeah nevermind he's here

  • Go on, Rick... I'm listening.

    Brawl posted: »


  • Alt text

    Quiff posted: »

    Oh that's what he wants us to believe. Secretly he's dying to get a piece of my fillet.


    Quiff posted: »

    Haha of course you don't, I'll ask Gary to take you with him.

  • He commented just now. :o Maybe he has been busy. ;p

    Brawl posted: »

    Wolf didn't comment for a while , that's strange O.o? yeah nevermind he's here

  • What I want to know is when it all started, what caused this?

    Haha yeah, it can be fun at times. :) As long as nothing gets serious, but I really doubt that will happen.

    Quiff posted: »

    Eh, depends on if Wolf can stop lying about me being a nurse. Tho seriously speaking I'm enjoying this

  • Or was he?a

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    He commented just now. Maybe he has been busy. ;p


    Brawl posted: »


  • cue the X-Files theme song

    Brawl posted: »

    Or was he?

  • Wolf is illumunati confirmed

    Brawl posted: »

    Or was he?


    Brawl posted: »

    Or was he?

  • Hi

    ABigBadWolf posted: »


  • This went wrong, very, very fast.

  • I can't believe this.

    Brawl posted: »


  • Your secret's out, watcha gonna do now?

    ABigBadWolf posted: »


  • edited July 2015

    The Beauty of Pandora

    This jungle is very jungly. Rhys thought to himself as he tripped on yet another twig. Why was he even here? He should be on Helios, with Vaughn and Yvette, when the biggest danger he and Vaughn were in was when they asked Yvette to pay for lunch.

    It was all for some Vault. Did he even care about it anymore? Why was he still here on Pandora?

    "Come on Rhys! Do you want Fiona to get shot?" Sasha yelled behind her as she began to move even faster, something catching her eye.

    Rhys snapped back into reality. This was no time to mope, Fiona's life was on the line! Rhys was still surprised to have found such nice people on Pandora. Ever since he was a boy he had been told that all Pandorans were savages, waiting for Hyperion to teach them the ways of men, or be shot down in the process.

    When Rhys first landed he began to realize everything he had been told was true. Pandora was a savage land, and the people needed to be controlled. Then he met them.

    At first he believed they were just like anyone else on Pandora. As he looked around him all he saw was scoundrels. Animals waiting for their next meal. But as they raided the Bandit race he realized how close of a bond Sasha and Fiona had. And as they stared death in the face and had all escaped, they all grew closer.

    The longer Rhys stayed with Fiona and Sasha he realized that Pandora was a place just like any other.

    Except for you know, bandits.

    When Fiona had called him her friend, in that moment he knew how true it was. He was friends with a Pandoran, and he was okay with that. Happy in fact that Fiona thought of him as her friend.

    As time expanded on he noticed that they were closer than he had ever been with a girl, even more than Yvette. He still had not thanked her for holding on to his boot.

    Rhys' thoughts were interrupted yet again as one of the jellyfish flew out in front of him. He smiled, Pandora was a beautiful place, you just had to look hard enough. He reached out and softly tapped it as it began to float away.

    He giggled like a little dork.

    "Rhys come check this out!" Sasha exclaimed excitedly.

    As he turned the corner he saw a tree singled out from all the others, with flowers all in bloom. Sasha stared at them with a small smile. Rhys began to approach the tree as Saha left to play with some of the jellyfish, he still couldn't believe he could put 'Sasha' and 'play' in the same sentence.

    Rhys sniffed one of them. Were they poison? The most beautiful things were always poisonous.

    As he contemplated it, he decided to pick one, girls liked these things right? He had finally found a way to repay Fiona. He made the mistake of looking at Sasha as he slipped it delicately into his coat pocket.

    Sasha began to stare at him. "Wait did you think I was going- Did you want me to... Give this to you?" Rhys stuttered out.

    Sasha rolled her eyes, "No Rhys, of course not. I mean, of course there are a ton of reasons boys pick flowers, right? Why would I have thought it was for a girl?" She said sarcastically.

    He needed an excuse and fast. He didn't want to hurt her feelings by telling her it was for Fiona, even though it was just as a repayment.

    "It's for me Sasha." Rhys excused. "How do I look?"

    Sasha face palmed. "Fine, Rhys."

    Then the flower sprayed all over Sasha's face.


    Rhys was typing so fast that he was sure his fingers would fly right off. He wouldn't care if they did, he just needed to get Fiona to safety.

    "Hurry up Rhys! I thought this was your thing!" Fiona yelled through the intercom, bullets firing in the background.

    "Fiona I've almost got it! Just stay undercover and don't do anything stupid!" Rhys yelled back as he typed even faster. He would not let Fiona die. She was his friend, and they had each others backs. He would never forgive himself if she was injured.

    "Rhys! Hurry!" Sasha began yelling too, the fear of losing her sister gripping her.

    "Haha! There, I got it!" Rhys fist pumped the air. Sasha rolled her eyes.

    "Alright just get back safely you two." Fiona said worriedly as she shut her intercom off.

    "You didn't tell her about the giant floating jellyfish trying to kill us right?" Rhys said. If Fiona knew he had put her in danger she was going to kill him!

    "Why would I do that? I don't want her getting all mother hen on me." Sasha said with a face like she had just smelt something bad.

    "Right." Rhys said, just before the jellyfish broke through the glass. "Run!"

    "I think I'd know to run in this situation Rhys!" Sasha yelled through all the buzzing.

    Rhys quickly shut the door behind them, assuming they were safe. That is until a rouge jellyfish flew over the building. He reached into his coat pocket for the stun baton, but it was still inside the lift.

    "Of course." Rhys managed to say just before the jellyfish plunged down on him.

    He took it back, everything on Pandora was savage!

    That was his last thought before plummeting into darkness.


    Jack's voice rang through his head.

    "There is nothing good about Pandora, kiddo. You see what I'm seeing right? Everything here is either trying to kill you or mug you. Your a Hyperion man. You shouldn't see Pandora as anything but profit. There is nothing beautiful about this place."

    Rhys moaned. Was he, inside his own head?

    "Welcome to my palace. It's made of entirely nothing!" Jack yelled, his voice seeming to echo on forever.

    It was true though, the whole place was just an empty abyss. Not saying anything about Rhys intelligence of course.

    "Why am I here Jack?" Rhys didn't have time for this.

    "Well you took a big spill, and then got knocked out. Then, I brought you here for my own amusement." He answered, like he was talking to a three year old.

    "Whatever. I just want to sleep." Rhys said as he laid down, he didn't want to listen to his crap today.

    "That's fine, if you never want to wake up again." Jack sighed as he picked at his finger nails.

    "Are you kidding me? Jack let me out of here right now!" Rhys yelled, he did not want to be stuck with Jack for eternity.

    "Why should I? Every time you go out there you put yourself in more and more danger. And let me tell you something kid, I don't want to die... Again." Jack said as he laid back in his invisible chair.

    "Why should you? Because I want to go back there, and not be stuck in here with you!" Rhys was getting angry.

    "Err! Wrong! Try again!" He teased.

    "Because if I'm in here I can never get to the Vault!"

    "Err! Try again!"

    "Because... Because if I'm in here I can't protect my friends." Rhys finally realized.

    "Bingo! Yahtzee! We have a winner!" Jack smirked as he snapped his fingers.


    There was a soft pressure on his lips. Was someone... Kissing him?

    He slowly kissed back, not even needing to see her to know it was Fiona.

    He had absolutely no idea how he had gotten here, or why she was kissing him, but he was going to savor the moment.

    She immediately ripped away as soon as he kissed back. "Is he awake?" Vaughn asked.

    Rhys opened his eyes, and there was Fiona. His head was resting on her lap. Slowly, Rhys opened up his jacket pocket, and pulled out the flower. As he gently slipped it in between her hair and ear he whispered, "For the boot."

    Fiona blushed slightly, before rolling her eyes and saying, "Quit messing around Rhys. We've got work to do."

    Rhys smiled up at her with a dorky grin. "Yeah, let's just do this upgrade."

    Rhys couldn't stop smiling, because he finally knew why he was still there.

    It was because he had found the beauty of Pandora.

  • No worries. I have known about it all along...

    Alt text

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I can't believe this.

  • Alt text

    The Beauty of Pandora This jungle is very jungly. Rhys thought to himself as he tripped on yet another twig. Why was he even here? He sho

  • All these people accusing me of being Illuminati...

    You'll all see...

  • Dat kiss though. :^)

    The Beauty of Pandora This jungle is very jungly. Rhys thought to himself as he tripped on yet another twig. Why was he even here? He sho

  • They took out the kiss!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Dat kiss though. :^)

  • They took out the kiss...

    They took out the kiss!

  • Alt text

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    All these people accusing me of being Illuminati... You'll all see...

  • edited July 2015

    When you realize that this was a scene that was cut out(kenny actually looks happy lmfao) a

    The Beauty of Pandora This jungle is very jungly. Rhys thought to himself as he tripped on yet another twig. Why was he even here? He sho

  • It's okay, we're all going through the traumatic experience of realization. ;-;

    Brawl posted: »

    When you realize that this was a scene that was cut out(kenny actually looks happy lmfao)

  • Not sure actually... We've had several quarrels...

    Though maybe yesterday?... that's when I asked Wolf if he needed advise from Dr. Quiff and he kept calling me a nurse (totally not offended) But then again did it really start there? so confused...

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    What I want to know is when it all started, what caused this? Haha yeah, it can be fun at times. As long as nothing gets serious, but I really doubt that will happen.

  • Uhmegash Wolf chill I'm only speaking the truth here.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »


  • Yes, we will all see, that YOU, are the illuminati!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    All these people accusing me of being Illuminati... You'll all see...

  • edited July 2015


    ABigBadWolf posted: »


  • You can't prove this...

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    Yes, we will all see, that YOU, are the illuminati!

  • edited July 2015


    Or well, feathers. WHATEVER.

  • Fiona can also scratch her head like Rhys when she tells Gortys to scan the room with her scanners, for the vectors...

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    It's fine.

  • I'm sure I will figure something out... sooner or later. :)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    You can't prove this...

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