I'm tired of eating dirt and kissing boots.

edited July 2015 in Game Of Thrones

Now I've played episode 5 and I can say for a fact that I'm sick of eating dirt. 1. Arthur dies at Ramsey's hands and we lose the Glenmores alliance. 2. Finn dies by a white walker. 3. The traitor is written pourly. 4. Asher or Rodrick, this choice just plain stinks. Are we going to get some payback or are we just going to be eating more dirt. Because if all we do in episode 6 is eat more dirt, like we just did in episode 5, I dont think I'm going to stick around for season 2.

Original post.
The reason I say this is that I just played E1-E4 back to back and it was not that great. At lest in the show there's some time before the characters get trashed on again. I'm hoping we get some sort of victory before to long. The ending of E4 and trailer at the end of E4 did not help matters. My biggest problem mite just be the fact that I want so badly to stick a sword throw Ramsey's ice cold heartless heart so badly. And you just cant.

P.S. Or maybe I'm just losing my desire to play this game. I will play the last two episodes since I bought the season pass and see how it goes.

P.S.S. And I feel like I got royally screwed, because of Ramsey, because he most likely let Gryff go. And sense I made the alliance with Eliana. And Gryff most likely took her with him. So my alliance is most likely gone. And I can say goodbye to Ryon to.


  • edited June 2015

    So let's kiss dirt and eat boots instead!

  • I thought the title said 'kissing boobs'.

  • edited June 2015

    @Megami_Kizukanai good one.

    Seriously people do you think that when order that lasted hundreds of years and then this order fell apart that it is easy to adjust to the new order .

    So let's kiss dirt and eat boots instead!

  • There was probably quite awhile where the Forresters were very happy. Remember we started at the end of season 3, we had basically the other two seasons to be content with winning the war. Not forgetting Mira was badass last ep so maybe all's not lost.

  • Alt text

    So let's kiss dirt and eat boots instead!

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited June 2015

    Since we got a non-canon game over with Lord Whitehill, we should also get one where we fuck Ramsay up

    We'd get the pleasure of kicking his ass, and the pleasure of being the first medium where he gets his ass kicked (even if it's non-canon)

  • edited June 2015

    Why are you even posting on this topic if you don't agree? If you don't agree, just let this post fall in the form, so the topic that people want to talk about are in front and on top.

  • edited June 2015

    I see what you did there ;)

    I thought the title said 'kissing boobs'.

  • I'm imagining that since seaon 6 is finally casting very important Northern characters (Northern consipracy), that in the end, and I mean season 2, or maybe three :D That they will be good.

  • Did you miss the bit where you get to beat the shit out of Gryff?

  • He means a satisfying end to an episode where we clearly have the upper hand, or at least don't get screwed. Not just satisfying sections of an episode that, for all intents and purposes, end up meaning jack shit by the end.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Did you miss the bit where you get to beat the shit out of Gryff?

  • edited July 2015

    This is my main gripe with this game .
    I get they have less episodes to work with than the show, but come on you're telling me you can't find a balance between shit hitting the fan and letting characters catch a break?

  • Episodes ending badly for the characters is, in part, a given from how Telltale likes to end episodes with Cliffhangers. Beyond the cliffhangers, I thought things were looking up in Episode 4 but I could see how you would feel that way about the earlier episodes. I think the final episode will be the true test for whether or not the Forresters will be doomed to a fate of boot-kissing, since they will be wrapping up the Season's story and won't be throwing new things at the player to screw them even further. :P

    A_Great_Guy posted: »

    He means a satisfying end to an episode where we clearly have the upper hand, or at least don't get screwed. Not just satisfying sections of an episode that, for all intents and purposes, end up meaning jack shit by the end.

  • edited July 2015

    I had come up with a big thing to say to this but basically by rereading your thing, you wanted Telltale to make a story where everything is sunshine and daisies in fucking Westeros, and to make it non canon so you can go murder the son of the Warden of the North with no problem.


  • Yeah, and while I generally feel like this is one of TTs biggest problems. It's not so bad as to cause rage.

    Episode 4 was my favorite to date, and while I have complained about its end, a lot. I feel like it doesn't completely, if at all, negate any progress we've made since we don't actually know why Ramsay is there.

    And that episode can't get here fast enough. Seriously, if the final scene isn't Stannis approaching Ironraths gate with an offer of friendship. I'll quit TT, but not really.

    Episodes ending badly for the characters is, in part, a given from how Telltale likes to end episodes with Cliffhangers. Beyond the cliffhan

  • Joining Stannis' army will do no good, seeing as how that turns out for them

    A_Great_Guy posted: »

    Yeah, and while I generally feel like this is one of TTs biggest problems. It's not so bad as to cause rage. Episode 4 was my favorite to

  • Why would you want to kill ramsey, he's so awesome

  • Yeah, I'm hoping Telltales ignores all that bullshit the show did with Stannis. The show's already an AU, what could it hurt to turn the game into another? Or better yet, follow cannon.

    I'm not holding my breath though. Still it could be interesting to see those events playout through the eyes of the Forresters.

    Joining Stannis' army will do no good, seeing as how that turns out for them

  • edited July 2015

    How do you know that what happened with Stannis in TV show wont happen in the books too, as far as I know Winds of Winter are still in developing and D&D knows how will everything end.

    Also from where do you know that game is AU, game is cannon (at least to the books) becuase it was GRRM who came with the idea of this game in the first place.

    A_Great_Guy posted: »

    Yeah, I'm hoping Telltales ignores all that bullshit the show did with Stannis. The show's already an AU, what could it hurt to turn the gam

  • game is cannon (at least to the books) becuase it was GRRM who came with the idea of this game in the first place.

    It's canon to the show. Not the books.

    How do you know that what happened with Stannis in TV show wont happen in the books too, as far as I know Winds of Winter are still in devel

  • Sorry my bad.

    game is cannon (at least to the books) becuase it was GRRM who came with the idea of this game in the first place. It's canon to the show. Not the books.

  • D&D know key events and the rough outline to the story not how every little thing is gonna playout, and GRRM can change his mind in the middle of writing if he wants.

    Since book cannon will always beat out show cannon, and the whole mess with Stannis hasn't happened yet, or will happen at all. It isn't cannon until Georgie says otherwise, and hopefully it'll stay that way. That whole mess with Stannis was a load of shit that completely butchered his arch.

    How do you know that what happened with Stannis in TV show wont happen in the books too, as far as I know Winds of Winter are still in devel

  • edited July 2015

    When I started this conversation this morning, my brain was half asleep. And what you've said is true. I just don't want what I did to feel like jack shit when I finish an episode. And I would have preferred to have delt with anyone but Ramsey, I'd rather have delt with Joffry at lest he can be resined with. With Ramsey you feel like your about to get screwed. And if you think about it, you do get screwed, because Ramsey will have most likely let Gryff go, so now your bargaining chip is gone. So say goodbye to Ryon. And you can probably say goodbye to Eliana and your wedding as well, because Gryff most likely took her with him. In less we get lucky.

    P.S. And now because of Ramsey, I feel like I got royally screwed, because I made the alliance with Eliana.

    P.S.S. While I was at work to day I realized that I just really wont to kill Ramsey. And the fact that we can't, just makes me mad.

    A_Great_Guy posted: »

    He means a satisfying end to an episode where we clearly have the upper hand, or at least don't get screwed. Not just satisfying sections of an episode that, for all intents and purposes, end up meaning jack shit by the end.

  • I understand what you mean but it is very highly probable that events that happened in the show will happen in Winds of Winter. I think we can end this discussion by agreeing that it is all up to George.

    A_Great_Guy posted: »

    D&D know key events and the rough outline to the story not how every little thing is gonna playout, and GRRM can change his mind in the

  • Alt text

    I understand what you mean but it is very highly probable that events that happened in the show will happen in Winds of Winter. I think we can end this discussion by agreeing that it is all up to George.

  • Not rape again. First of all they didnt even showed it on screen and second do you think that men were kind to their new wifes during the wedding night in the medieval ages? No they werent and last time when I ve checked Westeros was set in medieval(ish) society.

  • edited July 2015

    Yeah I know, I just want to point that it was very common in medieval ages.

  • I'm not playing the rest of the game. My episode 4 doesn't work at all and i don't want to spend another 5 dollars on the next two episodes that don't work.

  • This is what a lot people don't get about asoiaf. It's set in world so far removed from our own that applying our morals and beliefs to characters actions is pointless.

    Watch the show and/or read the books, and take them for what they are, but don't throw a fit when a characters actions don't fall in line with what you believe to be right.

    Yeah I know, I just want to point that it was very common in medieval ages.

  • So instead of blaming it on the game, why don't you go post somehing in Support and actually get help...

    I'm not playing the rest of the game. My episode 4 doesn't work at all and i don't want to spend another 5 dollars on the next two episodes that don't work.

  • Nuff said.

    A_Great_Guy posted: »

    This is what a lot people don't get about asoiaf. It's set in world so far removed from our own that applying our morals and beliefs to char

  • No seriously I actually thought it said that.

    I see what you did there

  • Yeah those kinds of things happens often to me.

    No seriously I actually thought it said that.

  • I am tired of kissing boots too and that is why I have taked after epiode 1 a new resolution!

    Alt text

  • Already did that. No answer from anyone.

    So instead of blaming it on the game, why don't you go post somehing in Support and actually get help...

  • Never said you did. I was generalizing.

    And even if you had, so what? I'm pretty sure everyone that watches the show, or has read the books has flipped their shit at some point in the story.

    I loved his character, that dude was a fuckin riot, and maybe he still is. Unfortunately the show has layered him in so much plot armor that I'm finding it difficult to see past that anymore

  • No, I want the characters to get a break, before they git trashed on again. In the show must of the characters dont get trashed on intell episode 10.

    I had come up with a big thing to say to this but basically by rereading your thing, you wanted Telltale to make a story where everything is

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