Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Everytime Rhys wants to say something to Fiona but keeps on getting stuck and does not know what to say all what Rhys wants is love from Fiona =C

    Not bad i like it C=

  • looks reeeeally good!

    So i was messing around with fonts and well i made this and thought it look alright. didn't spend too long on it I based it on the tftb logo,i know it doesn't look exactly the same but it is similar

  • Flirty Vaughn at 1:55.

    I don't know why people do it, but yaa lmao.


  • The steampunk outfit is beautiful.

    Alright guys, random question here. I've only got enough cash for one more outfit, and I can't decide which one to get for Fiona. Which one did you guys get, or do you think the default is the best?

  • 170 is good too. :P

    JCleto10 posted: »

    Hmmm do I dislike the thread so we are back at the illustrious 169 likes...?

  • Oh man, this is awesome, I love it!

    So i was messing around with fonts and well i made this and thought it look alright. didn't spend too long on it I based it on the tftb logo,i know it doesn't look exactly the same but it is similar

  • nah, we have to reach 269

    JCleto10 posted: »

    Hmmm do I dislike the thread so we are back at the illustrious 169 likes...?

  • edited July 2015

    Vaughn was the hero all along...

    One more. Vaughn. The hero we need. https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=267&v=97HeX47UFI4

  • He deserved that one. :P

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    "You can't knock me down!!" Oh Rhys.. u dum "You knocked me down!!!!" It would've been a great scene X3

  • Damn, y'all take your ships seriously.

    ...Rhack4lyf btw


  • dawn pls

    Damn, y'all take your ships seriously. ...Rhack4lyf btw

  • RIP 169 tho ;-;

    KatKat posted: »


  • I had to sleep, man. :P

    No not again don't leave me here again BRO AM BEGGING YOU WOLF PLZ NOOOOOO!!! ;-;<\3 HAVE THE BEST RHYIONA DREAMS OF THE ENTIRE WORLD ;-;

  • Another inbetween study breaks drawing! Some mother daughter moment! Inspired by @nohuhhuh 's comic

    Alt text

    It'll be a while till I start doing digital drawings again...

  • !!!!!!

    TOO CUTE ;-;

    I love it so much ;-;

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    Another inbetween study breaks drawing! Some mother daughter moment! Inspired by @nohuhhuh 's comic It'll be a while till I start doing digital drawings again...

  • This is so beautiful! Family moments, I love them so much. <3

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    Another inbetween study breaks drawing! Some mother daughter moment! Inspired by @nohuhhuh 's comic It'll be a while till I start doing digital drawings again...

  • I wasn't here for the celebration :(

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    RIP 169 tho ;-;

  • Don't feel bad, 169 lasted literally 3 minutes. ;-;

    KatKat posted: »

    I wasn't here for the celebration

  • Haha well it just shows how popular this thread is :D

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Don't feel bad, 169 lasted literally 3 minutes. ;-;

  • so adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ♥_____♥

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    Another inbetween study breaks drawing! Some mother daughter moment! Inspired by @nohuhhuh 's comic It'll be a while till I start doing digital drawings again...

  • It happened when we had 69 likes too. I bet someone was lurking and saving their like just to see us go "wtf". :P

    KatKat posted: »

    Haha well it just shows how popular this thread is

  • I'm glad u do Wolfy ^^

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    !!!!!! TOO CUTE ;-; I love it so much ;-;

  • Ikr?? <3 They are the best to draw <3

    buntingsir posted: »

    This is so beautiful! Family moments, I love them so much.

  • Thank youuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    xfuriouss posted: »

    so adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ♥_____♥

  • Oh my gosh this is to adorable, so cuuuute <3 !

    It's really awesome ♥:D

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    Another inbetween study breaks drawing! Some mother daughter moment! Inspired by @nohuhhuh 's comic It'll be a while till I start doing digital drawings again...

  • rhackattack

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    dawn pls

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    XDJulieXD posted: »

    I'm glad u do Wolfy ^^

  • edited July 2015

    What A Night || words count : 1,594

    "Hey, dork. What's up?" Fiona has just come back from the little shopping with Gortys. She left the keys from their old favourite car and quickly kissed her beloved husband on the cheeck.

    He blushed a little, shutting his laptop off. "Eh, nothing much."

    "Where is Loader Bot? I swear if you showed him that stupid cartoon with those clowns-" Before she could finish her sentence, Rhys cut her off, knowing damn well what happened the last time he wanted to secretly watch that silly cartoon that was hilarious, to him, of course. Loader Bot ended up crying, sobbing and yelling at the same time after seeing his dad watching his nightmare. Long story short, it didn't end good, especially when Fiona came back home. Rhys had to sleep on the couch that night. And he had to do all the chores. Horrible.

    "He's in his bedroom. Not crying or screaming this time." Fiona sighed in a relief, not really wanting to repeat every single thing that unfortunately happened the last time.

    "Woah, what a great father." She rolled her eyes but soon little Gortys ran to Rhys, with that cute face on.

    "Daddy, daddy! Look what mommy bought me in that pretty store!" Gortys showed Rhys a small pink guitar. Not the real one, but the one for children, nothing professional, thank God because Fiona knew better than let the kids play, not properly at all, some instruments, becausd she and Rhys knew they'd always play it. But this thingie had batteries and didn't actually have any strings, just some colourful buttons that made sound, so they would have some time to rest from all the melodies Gortys was going to make.

    "Uh..that's…" He looked at Fiona and she gave him I-Just-Had-To-Buy-Her-That-Guitar-Don't-Judge-Me-It's-Not-Only-My-Fault-She-Is-Too-Cute-Okay look. He knew her too well. Of course she was gonna give up, someday, on that adorable innocent face. "That's really cool, Gortys! And great and-"

    "Yay! I knew you'd like it, daddy! I have to show it to my brother!" Gortys quickly left the living room, full with entushiasm and joy.

    Fiona started unpacking stuff they bought, and with Rhys helping her.

    Suddenly something caught Rhys's attention, something he didn't expect at all.

    "He- What the hell, Fiona!? You-you bought the Wii? A-And some dance game?! I thought you didn't want to waste any money on stupid things! You even stopped me from buying myself that ga-" He was still holding whatever that thing was, completely surprised by Fiona's choice.

    "It isn't stupid! And of course I was gonna stop you from buying whatever shit you wanted to nerd out with your bro, bro, bro Vaughn bro! You wouldn't even stop playing it! I know you well!" She put her hand on her hip and Rhys could see it as one of the warnings that she isn't gonna give in and she'll even spend whole night trying to make him see that she is right and he is wrong. Well mostly she had a point but now, it all seemed…childlish. Out of her character.

    "Hey, I don't talk like "bro bro bro" at all! Well, maybe sometimes but..whatever. Why would you waste our money on that? Do you even know how to play it?" He raised one of his eyebrows, almost sure she didn't have an idea how to even turn that thing on, let alone play it, properly.
    But she looked too confident, like she was waiting for him to say that. Fiona looked like she was absolutely sure what she was doing. And Rhys didn't excpect that because he does spent a decent time on playing video games, and she not so.

    "Oh, don't worry, Rhyse. I'll prove you." Then she slowly started bringing out the last thing from all those bags. They were…socks. They were purple, with lots of little stars on them, and with some girls characters from Winx.

    "What the-? But you hate Winx, Fiona." He stared at her in a shock, but she showed him the other pair of socks. Oh boy.
    Pink socks, that looked really soft, with Dora the Explorer on. Gosh, she really knew him too well. But he despited that boring Dora, she'd just get on his nerves. She just asked too many questions and he hated her. Simple as that. He didn't even let his kids watch her. Ever.

    He frowned to which she only smirked, just like she always does. So typical for Fiona.

    "If I win - you have to watch all Dora's episodes. Make some new cool edits of her with yourself on that laptop of yours and when somebody asks you anything, you have to respond "Wait a sec. I have to ask my little inner Dora the Explorer. Dora says…" Of course, these new hot socks are also for you. One week wearing them. All day, all week." When he thought this situation couldn't get lamer - there, this happened. There's no way he could lose from her, especially not now. That'd would be just embarrassing and humilating. He has to win.

    "Woah, Fiona. What a caring wife are you. And if I win - you have to play Call of Duty and all other games with Vaughn. Whole week, all day. Also go with him on cosplays and other exciting events this week. You'll be his bro bro this week, Fi." Fiona frowned at his whole talk, and Rhys knew that she didn't like all the nerd stuff he and Vaughn would often do. But being Vaughn's bro even for a single week would exhaust Fiona. He just hoped he will actually win.

    She reached her hand out. "Deal?" He shook her hand. "Deal." They both smirked and quickly started to unpack this new baby Fiona bought today.

    When they unpacked it in a hurry and silence, Fiona threw those pink socks to Rhys.

    "What are these for? I'll wear them only if I lose. But that isn't likely to happen, Fi." Fiona already put her boots near the couch and started wearing purple Winx socks.

    "We'll dance in these, ya dope." Rhys facepalmed himself but put those socks on anyways. Victory was only thing on his minds.

    Fiona swiftly put the dance game in, whils Rhys was streching out a bit, warming himself for the game.

    They looked at each other the last time before the game started, smirking so confidently like they both were going to win. But only one would successfully avoid the whole week of embarrassment.

    The music started, slowly, and the screen showed the moved they had to make in order to score more points. Fiona was going good…no, she was going great! She didn't even miss a move, a beat, and that made Rhys worried. He wasn't flawless in this game, he prefered shooting and other stuff, but he nevet knew he sucked this much at dancing.

    The music got faster and faster as the tension only rised.

    "Why so serious, Rhys? Not so great at this, huh?" He didn't face her, being too busy with all the dancing that only made him sweat, but he could already perfectly imagine expression on her face. Somehow he was thankful he couldn't see her in the eyes right now, because he was kind of losing.

    "Just wait, Fi. This is just the beginning." They both moved along the beat, hands up, then down, left leg up, the rigth one down and everything else. The pair was really focused on this game, and they didn't even say a word.

    When the screen showed that Rhys had more points than Fiona he almost got a heart attack but somehow calmed himself down, a bit.
    "Why so serious, Fiona? I told you I will win you. But you didn't believe me." She ignored him this time, but suddenly they both could hear little Gortys playing that little guitar.

    "Daddy, mommy! Listen! I can play this guitar so gooooood! Hey dad watch over, there i-" Rhys was just into game, just a few moments were left before the game would end and he was about to win any second now.

    "Not now, Gortys!" The final move came, and Fiona and Rhys had to quickly turn around, like a spinning ballerina, but unfortunately something was on Rhys's way to the great victory. There was juice on the floor, just next to Rhys, which Loader Bot spoiled earlier when Rhys was on his laptop so he hadn't noticed.

    When he was just about to turn around he slipped on the drop of juice, and clumsily fell on the floor with his whole body. It wasn't anything serious or deadly but this ruined his chance for winning. Winning Fiona. And he was just so unlucky to actually fall on the last moment of the game. He didn't even have any strength left to get up.

    He soon saw Fiona's bright face above him, smiling proudly.

    "Ouch. You lost. And that makes you a big loser. Can't wait for more Dora in my life, awesome!" Rhys didn't say a word, laying on the floor like an unlucky loser he was.

    Gortys and Loader Bot quickly came to their father, Gortys playing the guitar and Loader Bot singing.

    "Dad, we still love you a lot,
    Although you're kind of a loser,
    And mum still loves you, our little dweeb,
    Because you'll always be our nerd Rhys!"

    He could hear Fiona's laughter, kids dancing cheerfully together with her, but he could only see the embarrassment that he will be giong through this week.

    What a night.

    Sorry for any grammar errors, English isn't my main language. Also I hope it doesn't suck, I don't know how I got this idea lol :D<3

  • This was amazing and hilarious.

    I can't wait for Rhys to discover just how great Dora is.


    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    What A Night || words count : 1,594 "Hey, dork. What's up?" Fiona has just come back from the little shopping with Gortys. She left the k

  • Thanks :D

    Haha, yeah, I as a kid never liked Dora so I just included her here.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    This was amazing and hilarious. I can't wait for Rhys to discover just how great Dora is. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YxQq5ax1yM

  • Dora always freaked me out, to be honest.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Thanks Haha, yeah, I as a kid never liked Dora so I just included her here.

  • She asks too many questions. And the answers are always so obvious.

    And that fox Swiper, gosh. .__.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Dora always freaked me out, to be honest.

  • Alt text

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    She asks too many questions. And the answers are always so obvious. And that fox Swiper, gosh. .__.

  • when you're thirsty for Rhyiona

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  • Thank you! I'm glad you like it ^^

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Oh my gosh this is to adorable, so cuuuute ! It's really awesome ♥:D

  • Woah, this is so accurate it's almost creepy.

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