The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



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    I'm dying... from cuteneth.... ;~;

  • Alright, I'll be back on later on. I'm in the mood to play more GTA so I can get more content for my Fails and Bloopers GTA post.

  • edited July 2015

    You know what I hate Assumptions

    As an example

    I hate this mindset.

    Not only are you refusing to actually pay for The Walking dead survival Instinct, but you aren't supporting Activision for the great work they're doing either.(insert cod whatever any game you don't want to play)

    This pays as much relevance to you as your comment does to me or anyone XD

    Because I never watched borderlands on you tube that's called sarcasm and, I have no intention of playing it I already played a demo I will not pay 20 euro for a cut scene when I don't even want to play it plus I never had any intention of watching it on youtube

    I won't buy a product because they slapped the telltale logo on it I'm not a fanboy

    XD You know my feel now of how ridiculous that sounds

    Green613 posted: »

    You might as well just save the money and watch telltale borderlands and GOT on you-tube I hate this mindset. Not only are you re

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    Please tell me your joking

    The fact that you think comparing Heavy Rain to Tales is fair, just is amusing.

    QTE,s, Timed dialogue, chooses ;) which change the story, point and click etc It was multiple award winning(heavy rain) Telltale TWD s1 came out years after it and used the exact same GAMEPLAY mechanics if you did a bit of research you would understand

    ."You heard The Last of Us is good? Just save money and watch it on Youtube, it's the same no matter what." or "Batman Arkham Knight? Just save money and watch it on Youtube."

    This must be a joke XD

    I played TWD s2 I got bored because it was all cut scenes left the room for an hour, came back and the episode completed itself

    I played Arkham or TLOU I left the room for an hour came back AND guess what I was in the exact same SPOT do you know why it's full of gameplay not a movie worth the full price if I wanted to watch a movie I would watch a movie we need more interaction not cut scenes

    If you cannot see the game-play of telltale needs to be improved that the game has so little gameplay and interaction that I could leave the room for an hour and a episode would complete itself is silly

    TWD s1 was full of hub areas, puzzles stuff like that the rest are linear movies I'm not a blind fanboy

    That's just my opinion

    The fact that you think comparing Heavy Rain to Tales is fair, just is amusing. Tales has choices that change entire sections of gameplay ba

  • (? Mark will remember that)'s the new line telltale games he won't XD

    I only played a demo btw :3

    Heavy Rain did affect the outcome and if you did things wrong along the end some characters wouldn't even make it to the end or if you failed a QTE they were not retry's, you would even miss out of characters sections if they died early on etc

    It was no illusion

    Talimancer posted: »

    Heavy Rain had illusion of choice, the only thing that mattered was the final decision. Everything happens the same, you either get ending A

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    YES great to see you back bro how's the comic going?

    Well, I'm back! I had to help out my family (especially my sister), and go out for several days. Boy I'm pooped. So how's it hanging? Oh

  • Not only are you refusing to actually pay for The Walking dead survival Instinct, but you aren't supporting Activision for the great work they're doing either.(insert cod whatever any game you don't want to play)

    Except that's all opinion based, people find different games good or bad. And you wouldn't really know if the game was good or bad since you haven't even played it now would you?

    Because I never watched borderlands on you tube that's called sarcasm and, I have no intention of playing it I already played a demo I will not pay 20 euro for a cut scene when I don't even want to play it plus I never had any intention of watching it on youtube

    "cut scene" What? Lmao, even if it was a "cut scene" that would make it like a movie, don't you pay for movies? At least I'm assuming you do and don't acquire them in other ways.

    I won't buy a product because they slapped the telltale logo on it I'm not a fanboy

    So I'm a fanboy because I want to support a company for a great product? Lmao.

    And lastly "You know what I hate Assumptions" I didn't assume anything, everything I said, you confirmed in your reply to me, like how you won't buy the product or support Telltale because it's a "cut scene".

    XD You know my feel now of how ridiculous that sounds

    It doesn't sound ridiculous at all.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    You know what I hate Assumptions As an example I hate this mindset. Not only are you refusing to actually pay for The Walking dead

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited July 2015

    Telltale's current announced game schedule is pretty packed (they haven't announced this many titles in advance since 2011), so my website's previous system of Not Yet Released vs. release year didn't really work well. I came up with something a bit more descriptive, that lists games by future release date, ongoing series, and released series dates. It looks a little cluttered, but I think it's a lot more informative this way. I thought I'd run the Telltale implementation by y'all before I update the entire website to use this system. I'd appreciate anybody's thoughts or suggestions about it.

  • Please tell me your joking

    Obviously not, you're wrong and I'm pointing out that you're wrong.

    QTE,s, Timed dialogue, chooses ;) which change the story, point and click etc

    Not the gameplay Mark, the scale at which the games were created. One is a larger game created by a larger company, while Tales isn't. You sadly expect games to be similar even if they aren't created equally.

    if you did a bit of research you would understand

    I know how Heavy Rain works Mark, I understand that they're similar in gameplay, that was never my point.

    This must be a joke XD

    No Mark, no it isn't. Your entire stance my be a joke going by your logic.

    I played TWD s2 I got bored because it was all cut scenes left the room for an hour, came back and the episode completed itself

    Wow, nice job playing a game Mark, real proud.

    I played Arkham or TLOU I left the room for an hour came back AND guess what I was in the exact same SPOT do you know why it's full of gameplay not a movie worth the full price if I wanted to watch a movie I would watch a movie we need more interaction not cut scenes

    Never my point again...Ugh, it's annoying to argue with people that decide gameplay is the only thing that matters. The fact is that no matter what, that doesn't matter, you can watch it on Youtube and get the same experience from it. What's the difference?

    If you cannot see the game-play of telltale needs to be improved that the game has so little gameplay and interaction that I could leave the room for an hour and a episode would complete itself is silly

    Why is this about gameplay with you now?

    TWD s1 was full of hub areas, puzzles stuff like that the rest are linear movies

    Oh but the funny thing is...Yes, it is a linear game with a majority of cutscenes, that's what it's been.

    I'm not a blind fanboy

    OH, YES, I LOVE IT. Your immediate insult to ANYONE who disagrees with you on this is that they're a fan boy. You called Green a fan boy too, it's laughable Mark. Green summed everything up perfectly with you.

    So I'm a fanboy because I want to support a company for a great product? Lmao.

    And lastly "You know what I hate Assumptions" I didn't assume anything, everything I said, you confirmed in your reply to me, like how you won't buy the product or support Telltale because it's a "cut scene".

    The best part is that "I hate assumptions" part, it really is. The fact that you assume that Tales is exactly like S2 of TWD and that every Telltale game is a linear movie is an assumption in itself without playing it. Mark, you're a hypocrite.

    That's just my opinion

    Your owe so very bad opinion based on assumptions.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Please tell me your joking The fact that you think comparing Heavy Rain to Tales is fair, just is amusing. QTE,s, Timed dialog

  • edited July 2015

    Except that's all opinion based, people find different games good or bad. And you wouldn't really know if the game was good or bad since you haven't even played it now would you?

    I played a demo and all other telltale games :P

    So I'm a fanboy because I want to support a company for a great product? Lmao.

    no you directly referred to me in that comment and even had "YOU" "REFUSAL" which was all based off assumption and taking into account I never even watched it on youtube, you were basically saying to me buy this game you don't want to play because telltale are a great company don't refuse

    It doesn't sound ridiculous at all.

    Depending on the person you make that accusation against based off assumption

    I'm just saying your correct just use it against people when it's actually relevant to them not to accuse them based off assumption of things they never did

    If you said that alone It would be correct but you clearly said YOU and REFUSAL when it has nothing to do with me

    Green613 posted: »

    Not only are you refusing to actually pay for The Walking dead survival Instinct, but you aren't supporting Activision for the great work th

  • edited July 2015

    which was all based off assumption

    You know what I hate Assumptions

    I will not pay 20 euro for a cut scene when I don't even want to play it plus I never had any intention of watching it on youtube

    I'm done here.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Except that's all opinion based, people find different games good or bad. And you wouldn't really know if the game was good or bad since you

  • TalimancerTalimancer Banned
    edited July 2015

    Except it was all an illusion, if Madison died, she just wouldn't be an option to have to save Shaun. But ultimately, it's ending A, B or C.

    It was never if you did things wrong, it was if you failed a QTE. There was never any choice with consequences, there was neither if you failed to speak to a certain someone a character would die. No the story flowed normally and rarely fluctuated, Ethan still does his 5 trails, Norman still goes to the same scenes and Madison is still used creepily by David Cage.

    The fact you're praising Heavy rain as an almost staple of games is a gd lulz, you could have used an actual better game that wasn't made by some creepy perv like The Witcher

    Markd4547 posted: »

    (? Mark will remember that)'s the new line telltale games he

  • Mine is a different opinion. Something you still have to learn to accept bro I disagree with you I made my points your counters made me think no different :) this is mostly just empty sarcasm nothing of note

    Please tell me your joking Obviously not, you're wrong and I'm pointing out that you're wrong. QTE,s, Timed dialogue, chooses

  • Let's hope Salt makes the right decision after having three different people prove your "argument" wrong. By the way,how can you build an opinion about a game you haven't played or watched?

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Mine is a different opinion. Something you still have to learn to accept bro I disagree with you I made my points your counters made me think no different this is mostly just empty sarcasm nothing of note

  • You said I refuse to pay for the game like I'm a pirate when I just said I don't want to PLAY IT that's the reason I won't pay because I am not buying it simple

    were done

    Green613 posted: »

    which was all based off assumption You know what I hate Assumptions I will not pay 20 euro for a cut scene when I don't even want to play it plus I never had any intention of watching it on youtube I'm done here.

  • No I said you refuse to pay for the game because you recommended someone else to just watch it on youtube, why would you recommend it to someone else if you haven't played or watched it?

    Now, we're done.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    You said I refuse to pay for the game like I'm a pirate when I just said I don't want to PLAY IT that's the reason I won't pay because I am not buying it simple were done

  • I did play the demo were on a telltale forum I'm not surprised it;s an unpopular opinion I wasn't proven wrong I just seen other opinions that's something you still will have to learn to accept people have different opinions XD

    Let's hope Salt makes the right decision after having three different people prove your "argument" wrong. By the way,how can you build an opinion about a game you haven't played or watched?

  • You assumed I did when it was sarcasm we are

    Green613 posted: »

    No I said you refuse to pay for the game because you recommended someone else to just watch it on youtube, why would you recommend it to someone else if you haven't played or watched it? Now, we're done.

  • @saltlick123

    I'm seeing this today with my mates I can't wait

  • I did play the demo

    I love when people say "I played the DEMO, I know it's a bad game."...Like...What? You played a short part of an episode where you can't see any effect from your choices and any character development then piss on it for not having those things.

    I wasn't proven wrong

    Hmm...Seems like you were.

    that's something you still will have to learn to accept people have different opinions

    Except your opinion is one I don't have to accept since it's wrong. You're basing your opinion on assumptions and other games, then you expect for people to take your opinion seriously.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I did play the demo were on a telltale forum I'm not surprised it;s an unpopular opinion I wasn't proven wrong I just seen other opinions that's something you still will have to learn to accept people have different opinions XD

  • Click here

    How weird is it that on the same day you say this is your movie of the day Cinemasins releases this video.

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    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Salt123's Movie of the Day....Previously: The Last King of Scotland Today: Kingman: The Secret Service (I have no idea how this hasn't been my movie of the Day yet.)

  • My sister apparently has fluids in herknees which weakens them, similar to my brother's feet. But my brother's arm was due to putting strain on it back in January last year. Hasn't gotten better for some reason.

    That sounds pretty fun but I can imagine how awkward it was to sit on the elephant. lol

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Wow, you've been really busy! Sucks with the PS3 but I guess they want you to upgrade, good that you can relax though but if I may ask, what

  • edited July 2015

    Hey Mark. :) I think we both know what the progress is unfortunately. v_v But I HAVE worked on new characters for other storylines in the comic but that's about it. :/ I've been too busy with family. Thankfully I got time today and I'm about to resume on the chapter in a moment.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    YES great to see you back bro how's the comic going?

  • Sup M80.

    Well, I'm back! I had to help out my family (especially my sister), and go out for several days. Boy I'm pooped. So how's it hanging? Oh

  • Ar, me underpants be giving me a wedgie! XD Hey Paladin. :)

    Sup M80.

  • Ar, me underpants be giving me a wedgie!

    Turning into a pirate now? lol

    Ar, me underpants be giving me a wedgie! XD Hey Paladin.

  • edited July 2015

    (Note: antarctica has no people living in it only scientists or whatever im pretty sure but u can vote it for the lols i suppose)

  • Welcome back, Tobi! :D

    Well, I'm back! I had to help out my family (especially my sister), and go out for several days. Boy I'm pooped. So how's it hanging? Oh

  • I just started playing the first Borderlands game. Great game, I can't believe I hadn't played this game yet. I'm seriously loving it!

  • What are you trying to imply? That I'm a God?

    Stares Dramatically

    Click here How weird is it that on the same day you say this is your movie of the day Cinemasins releases this video.

  • North American here :)

    Lehfeels posted: »

    (Note: antarctica has no people living in it only scientists or whatever im pretty sure but u can vote it for the lols i suppose)

  • And I saw it today......Not as bad as I was expecting since I walked in with low expectations. I think it was definitely better than Salvation and maybe than Rise of the Machines But still (as expected) nowhere near the first two.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    @saltlick123 I'm seeing this today with my mates I can't wait

  • I haven't played it yet...guess ill consider it.

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    I just started playing the first Borderlands game. Great game, I can't believe I hadn't played this game yet. I'm seriously loving it!

  • Have you played 2 and TPS?

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    I just started playing the first Borderlands game. Great game, I can't believe I hadn't played this game yet. I'm seriously loving it!

  • Same

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    North American here

  • No, this is my first Borderlands game all together.

    Have you played 2 and TPS?

  • A few questions...

    Are you going to play 2 next and then TPS after 2?

    Who are you playing as?

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    No, this is my first Borderlands game all together.

  • edited July 2015

    I'm planning to play 2 then TPS once I've finished it. I'm also hoping Tales from the Borderlands has a hard copy by then.

    I'm playing as Roland.

    A few questions... Are you going to play 2 next and then TPS after 2? Who are you playing as?

  • Are you enjoying Roland?

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    I'm planning to play 2 then TPS once I've finished it. I'm also hoping Tales from the Borderlands has a hard copy by then. I'm playing as Roland.

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