Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Stay strong. You will feel terrible and down for a time, but stay strong and keep hoping and keep fighting. If you can get into the school you want today, then maybe another time. There is always another time. As long as you keep trying, you will achieve your goal.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    hi guys. I'm back home...and I just found out that I didn't get into any of the schools I have applied to. I applied to six art schools. SIX


    bembiann posted: »

    Iiiittssss teasing tiiiime! X)

  • edited July 2015

    Alt text

    Apology checks out.

    Brawl posted: »

    K I came back , so I gotta apologize for making you guys worried and stuff , so the best apologize I can give you guys is.... brb making some rhyiona edits

  • Сижу с другом, договорились пойти во 2ую Борду.
    Листаю тему, вижу фотографию.
    "Мммммм..." - со всеми возможными и жалобными интонациями. Тишина. "Прости, я просто фотографию увидела"
    Ответ: "Да ничего, это нормально, я так тоже делаю, когда фотографии смотрю."

    you're my personal telltale. But more... umh... i dunno. kinder? native?)))

    bembiann posted: »

    Iiiittssss teasing tiiiime! X)

  • you're so fast :O

    you're killing us bembiann.

    bembiann posted: »

    Iiiittssss teasing tiiiime! X)

  • How is this possible.

    How could such beauty exist..

    bembiann posted: »

    Iiiittssss teasing tiiiime! X)

  • Alt text

    bembiann posted: »

    Iiiittssss teasing tiiiime! X)

  • don't worry so much, i was joking about me joining rhysha, but ehhh nobody cared that i'm leaving.

    anyway, apology accepted <3

    Brawl posted: »

    K I came back , so I gotta apologize for making you guys worried and stuff , so the best apologize I can give you guys is.... brb making some rhyiona edits

  • OMG sis I'm so sorryyyy ;__; I know how much it meant for you to get into one of those schools </3

    Alt text

    I know how it feels to see ppl better than you, see ppl succeed at stuff you want to do D: But it's good you're not giving up on drawing <3 There will ALWAYS be another way, maybe not in an official school, but somewhere else, maybe even by yourself, sometimes a school isn't always the only way. Trust me, so many ppl end up doing anything but what they studied. Nowadays we have access to soo much information, you'll always find a way to do what you like, or even love! I, myself wanted to do something in animation, but didn't have the possibility to do so, but I'm not giving it up yet, If I'll work hard and with passion, I know I'll get somewhere with it!

    Working hard and believing in yourself is the way to go! What happened to you is just an obstacle that shouldn't bring you down, this experience of this depression is what you should use as motivation!

    You have to start small to go big :3

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    hi guys. I'm back home...and I just found out that I didn't get into any of the schools I have applied to. I applied to six art schools. SIX

  • [Heavy breathing]

    bembiann posted: »

    Iiiittssss teasing tiiiime! X)

  • edited July 2015

    How`s that? No, really. i love the shadows version XD So magical XD

    Alt text

  • I remember that one. It was so evil.

    I did kinda suspect it was a troll though. :P

    xfuriouss posted: »

    don't worry so much, i was joking about me joining rhysha, but ehhh nobody cared that i'm leaving. anyway, apology accepted

  • Oh my! * fans self *

    I love it! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    The True Kiss Position...

  • Oh, that sucks. I'm really sorry about that :( Don't feel pressured to draw when you don't feel like it though, just take care of yourself, okay? By the way, school is the biggest load of BS ever - it is never a measure of your worth and you should never think of it as such (even though it's hard not to sometimes) I hope you feel better soon :)

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    hi guys. I'm back home...and I just found out that I didn't get into any of the schools I have applied to. I applied to six art schools. SIX

  • Praise Brawl

    Brawl posted: »

    K I came back , so I gotta apologize for making you guys worried and stuff , so the best apologize I can give you guys is.... brb making some rhyiona edits

  • Alt text not exactly a rat... but works

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I turned everyone into rats.


    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    It's a problem. The caravan's empty, not counting himself, and there's a sort of peaceful silence that Rhys can appreciate. He can still

  • Your time will come and it'll be great! Until then remember all of us love your work and are here to support you. :D

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    gaaah I'm trying to be more positive. I just wish I knew what I did wrong.. And the stupidest thing is that my friends are getting into schools and I'm trying to happy for them but at the same time I'm so jealous because I wasn't as lucky.

  • well, i'm not good at joking, but i'm gonna try again soon :)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I remember that one. It was so evil. I did kinda suspect it was a troll though. :P


    Quiff posted: »


  • i'm in love with this.

    bembiann posted: »

    How`s that? No, really. i love the shadows version XD So magical XD

  • Oh wow guys.. wow.. you... wow..

    I'm not sure if I'm crying because I'm sad or because of your kindness! ;--;
    I didn't expect so many cheer-ups! ;--;

    Thank you!

  • pls don't give us free heart attacks <3

    xfuriouss posted: »

    well, i'm not good at joking, but i'm gonna try again soon

  • We don't want you to be sad!

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Oh wow guys.. wow.. you... wow.. I'm not sure if I'm crying because I'm sad or because of your kindness! ;--; I didn't expect so many cheer-ups! ;--; Thank you!

  • Me: * spreads the cheese on my pizza *

    Alt text

    I love the way Rhys and Fiona interact in your stories, so sweet it always makes me want to hug them. :3

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    It's a problem. The caravan's empty, not counting himself, and there's a sort of peaceful silence that Rhys can appreciate. He can still

  • but ehhh nobody cared that i'm leaving.

    don't know if this is another troll or...

    Are you kidding?! I was so freaking out last time you joked about it. >:( Seriously guys, don't joke about it, it breaks my heart to see, that someone doesn't feel appreciated and welcomed. :(

    xfuriouss posted: »

    don't worry so much, i was joking about me joining rhysha, but ehhh nobody cared that i'm leaving. anyway, apology accepted

  • Bubbline. <3

    Marceline and Princess Bubblegum from Adventure Time lol

    Random conversation starter because it's getting pretty quite around here, what's your OTP outside of Borderlands? Mine would have to be Karedevil.

  • They look so tender! It warms my soul. <3

    bembiann posted: »

    Can`t help it

  • edited July 2015

    You are nice, nohuhhuh. We want you to stay happy.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Oh wow guys.. wow.. you... wow.. I'm not sure if I'm crying because I'm sad or because of your kindness! ;--; I didn't expect so many cheer-ups! ;--; Thank you!

  • This is incredible!

    bembiann posted: »

    Iiiittssss teasing tiiiime! X)

  • Cheer up! Remember what I once said: We'll always be here for you!

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Oh wow guys.. wow.. you... wow.. I'm not sure if I'm crying because I'm sad or because of your kindness! ;--; I didn't expect so many cheer-ups! ;--; Thank you!

  • No one here wants to see you sad.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Oh wow guys.. wow.. you... wow.. I'm not sure if I'm crying because I'm sad or because of your kindness! ;--; I didn't expect so many cheer-ups! ;--; Thank you!

  • Welcome! There is plenty of space for a croc in the zoo! :3

    Clumsy-Croc posted: »

    Yo guys long time lurker here. Is there space for one more?

  • i hate seeing you sad :(

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Oh wow guys.. wow.. you... wow.. I'm not sure if I'm crying because I'm sad or because of your kindness! ;--; I didn't expect so many cheer-ups! ;--; Thank you!

  • This is so beautiful. ;-;

    bembiann posted: »

    How`s that? No, really. i love the shadows version XD So magical XD

  • One for all and all for one, that's our motto!

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Oh wow guys.. wow.. you... wow.. I'm not sure if I'm crying because I'm sad or because of your kindness! ;--; I didn't expect so many cheer-ups! ;--; Thank you!

  • Aw I'm so happy you'll all live together forever then <3

    xfuriouss posted: »

    brawl u motherfucker ;_; I ain't leaving until Rhyiona is confirmed. so when rhyiona will be a thing, you'll leave?

  • edited July 2015

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    So thirsty can't even upload my dry gif

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    when the squad thirsty for Rhyiona and you wanna provide

  • Thank you so much. <3

    HeartOfGold posted: »

    Me: * spreads the cheese on my pizza * I love the way Rhys and Fiona interact in your stories, so sweet it always makes me want to hug them.

  • Bembian is trolling you.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    hi guys. I'm back home...and I just found out that I didn't get into any of the schools I have applied to. I applied to six art schools. SIX

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