Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Yeah it's a rocky road in Finland too..I knew that but I still feel like shit. :/ It's not nice to know that I have to spend another year working in meaningless job.

    If you've got the guts, just try to be freelance.

    I'll keep this in my mind, thanks! :>

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    Of course i'm joking. Art isn't a great place to be, it takes a lot to stay in there (bear with me and my little english here). I don'

  • We've posted the same comments.

    Alt text

    rhonu posted: »

    they are real in our hearts

  • decrease dramatically increased

    Alt text

    rhonu posted: »

    more attempts to translate my fanfiction to english with online translators because i'm more amused with it than i should "Fiona's lips a

  • who needs marriage when you have RHYIONA?!

    Ya know, I was watching pages of my classmates. Many of them are getting married (they are just 20-21, it's insane) and having babies. And I

  • Alt text

    bembiann posted: »

    Iiiittssss teasing tiiiime! X)

  • is there something we don't know about? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    We've posted the same comments.

  • OH GOD... i always see people posting the same stuff at the same time but i never thought it would happen to me... this is magical

    We've posted the same comments.

  • rhyiona needs marriage

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    who needs marriage when you have RHYIONA?!

  • Famous [TRUE page] need to be here.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    who needs marriage when you have RHYIONA?!

  • :^)

    Now THIS I like.

    rhonu posted: »

    rhyiona needs marriage

  • edited July 2015

    Guyyyysssss, why is my gravatar thingie or whuteveritscalled not working? ;_;

  • Select your gravatar icon from the settings and wait 5-15 minutes. It should update.

    Guyyyysssss, why is my gravatar thingie or whuteveritscalled not working? ;_;

  • So beautiful..... I cant even.....

    Alt text

    bembiann posted: »

    How`s that? No, really. i love the shadows version XD So magical XD

  • Anytime sis!

    Alt text

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Oh wow guys.. wow.. you... wow.. I'm not sure if I'm crying because I'm sad or because of your kindness! ;--; I didn't expect so many cheer-ups! ;--; Thank you!

  • Okay now cheer up or you're gonna make the others lose their shit. You're an idole here ya know?

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Yeah it's a rocky road in Finland too..I knew that but I still feel like shit. It's not nice to know that I have to spend another year wor

  • Alright I've found a better song for Rhyiona and deleted everything , so I'm starting again from zero.Now I don't have to edit 28 photos luckily , so it'll be out faster but I gotta make sure the quality is good tho >.>

  • You can do it!

    Brawl posted: »

    Alright I've found a better song for Rhyiona and deleted everything , so I'm starting again from zero.Now I don't have to edit 28 photos luckily , so it'll be out faster but I gotta make sure the quality is good tho >.>

  • yeah I did that like an hour ago (probably not actually an hour ago -- I'm just impatient as hell) and it's still not changed... I don't understaaand :'(

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Select your gravatar icon from the settings and wait 5-15 minutes. It should update.

  • Or you can take an other piece from an other puzzle AND PUT IT IN PLACE RIGHT THERE YOU PIECE OF S********* !

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    That is not true. If you take a piece from a puzzle you know what happens? There's an incomplete puzzle. There's a picture, but it's not

  • Good luck! I'm looking forward to seeing it (but don't rush yourself!). :)

    Brawl posted: »

    I'm starting to begin the project , I have to screenshot 28 photos of Rhyiona and edit them , with any luck the project will be done in about 3-4 hours.

  • Of course I can , it's just that these projects are taking a while to complete

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    You can do it!


    GrumpyDof posted: »

    Or you can take an other piece from an other puzzle AND PUT IT IN PLACE RIGHT THERE YOU PIECE OF S********* !

  • I look forward to seeing the finished product ;)

    Brawl posted: »

    Alright I've found a better song for Rhyiona and deleted everything , so I'm starting again from zero.Now I don't have to edit 28 photos luckily , so it'll be out faster but I gotta make sure the quality is good tho >.>

  • It's rather warm here right now. It made me start picturing the gang on a beach. Auntie Sasha and Uncle Vaughn are off building sandcastles with the kids. Meanwhile Fiona wants to take Rhys for a dip in the sea. He's nervous 'cause he can't swim (cyborgs sink, right?). So she gets him this inflatable rubber ring, like he's a big kid, and pulls him out into the water. Rhys gets a little panicky because of the waves, so Fiona's just like "Hold onto me. Don't worry, I've got you." So he does, and he makes those cute puppy eyes, and Fiona's just like Alt text

    And then I had to stop thinking about it 'cause it made me giggle like Rhys touching a glowing jellyfish. :D They should make Rhyiona mandatory in the workplace, everyone would be so much more productive!

  • I AM

    ABigBadWolf posted: »


  • Try clicking on the icon in the settings again... maybe it didn't register.

    yeah I did that like an hour ago (probably not actually an hour ago -- I'm just impatient as hell) and it's still not changed... I don't understaaand

  • shut up ur just jelly

    ABigBadWolf posted: »


  • Thanks for doing this!

    Brawl posted: »

    Of course I can , it's just that these projects are taking a while to complete

  • edited July 2015


    ABigBadWolf posted: »


  • Nighty night guys!

    Also don't ever think that you're not special, because you don't do stuff or don't comment here often and etc. You're an important part of this ship and that's what matters! All of you!

    And please have some pity on my sore heart, don't say that you're leaving, because you're feeling not welcomed here. ;__;

    Thanks, bye-bye!

  • G O O D

    Quiff posted: »

    I AM


    ABigBadWolf posted: »




    GrumpyDof posted: »


  • Fiona's lips are addicted to hard collision with venom and hatred in the mouth.

    I be darned Fiona, you got some weird fetishes. #2hot2handle

    rhonu posted: »

    more attempts to translate my fanfiction to english with online translators because i'm more amused with it than i should "Fiona's lips a


    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    G O O D

  • Goodnight, and sweet Rhyiona dreams :)

    buntingsir posted: »

    Nighty night guys! Also don't ever think that you're not special, because you don't do stuff or don't comment here often and etc. You're

  • JULIEE! I finally stopped crying and then..then you send me this! ;A; Now I'm gonna cry my eyes out!! JULIEEEEHHEHEE!!

    seriously thank you so much Julie! This is soo cute and I actually look like that axolotl right now! xD Also, thanks for reminding me how lucky I'm to have you all!

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    Anytime sis!


    Quiff posted: »


  • Good night :)

    Yeah, I completely agree with you :D<3

    buntingsir posted: »

    Nighty night guys! Also don't ever think that you're not special, because you don't do stuff or don't comment here often and etc. You're

  • My gosh, this is so adorable! You have a great imagination. :D

    it made me giggle like Rhys touching a glowing jellyfish

    Accurate reaction!

    HeartOfGold posted: »

    It's rather warm here right now. It made me start picturing the gang on a beach. Auntie Sasha and Uncle Vaughn are off building sandcastles

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