How the hell did Felix survive?!?!
I mean come on! he got blew up by a bomb for fuck sake! he would have gotten disintegrated.
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I mean come on! he got blew up by a bomb for fuck sake! he would have gotten disintegrated.
He didn't.
He'll only survive if Fiona warns him.
then how can a dead man hire Athena to protect Fiona and Sasha.
A dead man can't. He did it before Episode 1.
how do you know
Because it's the only logical reason...
but do you know it for 100% fact.
It's a video game, no I don't....Well...You know what, Yes, I do. It's the only logical reason, he knew that Vallory was going to be after them so he prepared everything in case he died including hiring someone to protect and train them.
Truer words have never been written.
Oh my God.
Athena can say it
Felix hired Athena behind their back.
EDIT: while he was still alive ofcourse.
Do you have the beard too?
He didn't, he hired Athena before he died. This is what happens when you smoke too much pot.
Then you cant say it if you dont know it for 100% fact.
It's 100% fact.
It is not 100% fact it is called a theory.
Haha alright.
How do you know it's a theory?
This topic need a spoiler warning or tags.
Pretty sure the person who made this thread is about to get banned, so I don't think he'll change it.
I put in my 2 cents of who I believe the Stranger is in that thread but I'll cut to the chase here of how and why Felix could have survived even if you did opt to kill him.
There's been one big thing that a lot of people haven't seemed to put into consideration despite episode 1 reminding us. Felix may have survived because of, a shield. In all the other Borderlands games it's not just our health, there's also our shield and as most of us know, that goes first before we take any real damage. So I propose Felix, the guy who seems to have always been one-step ahead and almost always has a plan laid out was saved from the explosion thanks to his shield.
It's the only thing that could save him and it actually fits perfectly with TellTale's way of bringing back supposed 'dead' characters.
Thank you! Someone had to say the line XD
he didnt had a shield, but if he did it was a really shitty one because 1 bullet was enough to get through and wound him and then he died shieldless. anyway a sheild that cant take a bullet wont survive this explosion
There's no proof to say he didn't have after getting shot though. The events that led to him getting shot were very unpredictable so I can understand him not thinking he'd need one then. But he could have very easily found/bought/or even find and put together a shield with all that junk he had in the trunk of their car.
true, so many other charcters. but they dont do it. does rhys even wears the sheild we found instead of keeping it in his pocket for no reasone? its pandora you need a sheild on at all time you never know when bandit will snipe you with a skull masher
I hope it'll come into play eventually cause you're right that any living thing on Pandora better have a shield.