Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • (?) Chewbacca will remeber this (?) Do penguins have knees IDK !!!

  • edited July 2015

    (?) To Google!!!!!

    (?)penguins have knees

    (?) Chewbacca will remeber that.

    To Google!! Batman Transition (+ download sound link)

  • Usually dreams are affected by our life, if you're having constant nightmares, you should try and do a journal of dreams, be them nice or nightmares. I know, it sounds crazy, but usually nightmares represent fears, emotions, states, or even moments you're going through. Decipher them, try comparing them to real life, you might find a problem or fear that your subconcious may have kept away, for, usually, safety reasons.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I wish I could control them... I'd rather not dream about burying corpses. ;-;

  • Random YouTube video time enjoy C=

  • Those people are blind. BLIND I TELL YOU!

    Alt text

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    hi guys. I'm back home...and I just found out that I didn't get into any of the schools I have applied to. I applied to six art schools. SIX

  • "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger!"

    No, no it goes like this

    Alt text

    Quiff posted: »

    Hey ducky. I understad you must feel really depressed and discouraged from everything that has happened. There's so much I want to say to

  • To the batmobile!!!!!!

    (?) To Google!!!!! (?)penguins have knees (?) Chewbacca will remeber that.

  • (?) Chewbacca will remeber this.

    Thank you for sharing C= its so quite here.

    Dchar234 posted: »

    I found the official Rhyona song Official Rhyona Song

  • Alt text

    All TftB in one video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PFFFNOqaSM

  • Yep. :^)

    Is that Shia Labeouf?

  • Gooooood morning! Rhyiona confirmed yet?

  • Nope but soon very, very soon but until then a reminder #RHYIONA IS LOVE RHYIONA IS LIFE #NEVER FORGET <3

    Kruzii posted: »

    Gooooood morning! Rhyiona confirmed yet?

  • Never forget<3

    Nope but soon very, very soon but until then a reminder #RHYIONA IS LOVE RHYIONA IS LIFE #NEVER FORGET

  • (?) Chewbacca will not forget that

    BRO FIST <3

    Kruzii posted: »

    Never forget<3

  • BRO FIST<3

    (?) Chewbacca will not forget that BRO FIST

  • So how is your day going /=

    Did have any sweet rhyiona dreams tonight?

    (?) Not creepy at all.

    Kruzii posted: »

    BRO FIST<3

  • nice

    Yep. :^)

  • pretty good! (despite the fact TT haven't confirmed Rhyiona yet)
    how's your day? If I had I can't remember :| hope you had more luck

    So how is your day going /= Did have any sweet rhyiona dreams tonight? (?) Not creepy at all.

    1. I know that feeling Man it f###ing sucks
    2. Same still can go to sleep though and am not tierd yet so...yeah.
    3. Thank you (?) Chewbacca appreciates that.
    4. BRO FIST <3
    Kruzii posted: »

    pretty good! (despite the fact TT haven't confirmed Rhyiona yet) how's your day? If I had I can't remember hope you had more luck

  • what time is it at your side of the planet? BRO FIST<3

    * I know that feeling Man it f###ing sucks * Same still can go to sleep though and am not tierd yet so...yeah. * Thank you (?) Chewbacca appreciates that. * BRO FIST

  • heheh, yeah, it`s me, thank you a lot!

    Hey! You're Bembiann from Deviantart! DUDE YOUR DRAWINGS ARE FUDGING AMAZING

  • No, humanity is a gift for me XD

    ABigBadWolf posted: »


  • They saw. They printed and put my work on the walls in their office as i know.

    Brawl posted: »

    Mate go get a job at Telltale and show them your Rhyiona drawings , maybe it'll change their minds


  • Oh thank you very very much!

  • edited July 2015

    hahaha, awesome amotional gif! I even saved it!

    xfuriouss posted: »


  • Aawwww

    The details tho. This made my day. Can't stop staring at it. It's magical.

  • Glad to know that!

    I'm just so EXCITED!!! :,D

  • Me too, broh, me too

    Aladar posted: »

    omg it's bembian!! I can't wait!!

  • Very very big pleasure to know you like it! ^^

    Oh my gosh. It's amazing. I'm getting all excited when I see your new scetchs. Haven't enough air to breath after this one. So beautiful.

  • Ну эт уж ващееее)

    Vernaya posted: »

    Боже... Неловкий момент, когда не хватает слов даже на родном языке. xD

  • я тож надеюсь ))

    Надеюсь, Бемби нас продолжит радовать своими невероятными работами. ; w ;

  • They follow all my work :)

    Suzy222 posted: »

    OMG spam this to Telltales twitter so they can see what should have been !!

  • Thanks for your loooveeeee, i love you toooo

    Kruzii posted: »

    I love you. you know. like a bro. AWEESOOOOMEEE work

  • Oh it`s a big honor hahah

    Not again.... I'm going to add another one again! Bembi, since you liked my first reaction on your art. I'm adding you as Co-Producer for my The Rumble On Pandora.

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