I have a bad feeling about Sasha's future...



  • edited July 2015

    That was dark humor, yeah. This isn't exactly a "light-hearted" form of comedy. But furthermore, Borderlands has some fucked up things happen in the original games. Lots of drama and tragedy. A dramatic death of Sasha or Vaughn would NOT be uncharacteristic of the series.

    EDIT: this is worded really awkwardly but im too lazy to fix, sry

    The_Duck posted: »

    One General Pollux disagrees with you.

  • There is no way she can die. If it happens, Fiona probably would have kill Rhys by now.

  • That's what they all say...

    and then the finality of true robodeath sneaks right up on ya.

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    The_Duck posted: »

    I'm not sure Loader Bot even CAN die.

  • No we dont know how Fiona got kidnapped, although I figure when we reach that point in the story we will find out how she was captured. Maybe explain Rhys' tracker as well, because it looks like Rhys thought Fiona was in the strangers suit, so i guess the stranger took the tracker from Fiona

    Reliqum posted: »

    I would not bank on this. The start of the game indicated that there were problems between them. By memory it went something along the line

  • Well, Sasha can still die without it being Rhys' fault

    AronDracula posted: »

    There is no way she can die. If it happens, Fiona probably would have kill Rhys by now.

  • Alt text

    Yes, a good story needs some drama!

    Piggs posted: »

    Yeah, I'm not saying that they're going to make every moment tragic and constantly shove shock value down our throats, much like TWD did. I

  • Then why are Rhys and Fiona pissed to each other?

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Well, Sasha can still die without it being Rhys' fault

  • Who knows, they are going back to Hyperion, maybe Rhys decides to take Vasquez job and just fucks up Sasha and Fiona

    AronDracula posted: »

    Then why are Rhys and Fiona pissed to each other?

  • Well, the design of his clothes in the future are still Hyperion, and Fiona does insult him by saying 'lying Hyperion jackass' so Rhys must still be working there.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Who knows, they are going back to Hyperion, maybe Rhys decides to take Vasquez job and just fucks up Sasha and Fiona

  • I'd hate to see anyone from our gang dying. Even if it's for the sake of Rhys' and Fiona's character development. I think there're way more better and proper ways for that than killing Vaughn and Sasha off.

    Although that dialouge with Athena about what would Fiona and Sasha do If one of them died felt kind of forshedowing. Still I imagine the reason for Rhys' and Fiona's bickering in the present can be betrayal of some sort, when they break each others plans for the future, or they just couldn't divide the money or whatever they're going to find up there on Helios.

    Also Rhys' first words in the game were "We can work this out". How does someone can just "work out" another person's sister's death...? Maybe it was just a bad choice of words on his part. But even then, these words are just really bad for that situation If Sasha's death was in question.

  • i feel that vaughn will betray us, and sasha will die because of rhys. it will emotional if it did... :(

  • edited August 2015

    I am pretty sure I mentioned a theory like this in a different discussion but I said that maybe Sasha or Vaughn or both, it is seems like it should at least be considered.

    EDIT: Or you know the whole group could be separated and walking aimlessly though the desert

    jackymasdar posted: »

    NEW THEORY! In the dome if you ask to vaught serch the computers form infromation about the VAULT OF THE TRAVELER, he says that the vault ch

  • thats interesting.. but i cant see sasha abandoning fiona. they were planning to leave pandora for good, together, always! i dont see that coming. plus she was lying to augest about their relationship. i cant picture her and sasha going seperate ways :/

    Present day Fiona refers to Sasha in the first episode, "I'll give Sasha this much..." it really doesn't sound like the way she'd refer to h

  • That actually sounds possible... hadn't even thought about that.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Well, the design of his clothes in the future are still Hyperion, and Fiona does insult him by saying 'lying Hyperion jackass' so Rhys must still be working there.

  • I hope so, that way I won't have to deal with any more forced Rhysha.

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