Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



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    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    You should, that can't be good. :P

  • edited July 2015

    I personally don't think anyone will die. I think that once we get to Helios, when we are going to have our trip back, we are going to have to pick who goes with us and the other one will have to stay, for whatever reason. Most likely Vaughn or Sasha. (since there's been some questionable foreshadowing) Or something like that anyway. That kind of a situation. Whatever you pick, it would make Rhys and Fiona fairly angry at each other's choices.

    buntingsir posted: »

    If anything, this sounds more suitable for the Episode 5 intro. Yes, I thought so too. I hope the word "sacrifices" doesn't mean anyone dying. But it sounds like explanation to Rhys' and Fiona's bickering.

  • Let's hope that Vaughn is alive , he went missing at the end of episode 3 , I hope he just ran away and will try to come back to help his friends , or he's dead who knows.I think the one who the narrator talks about making the sacrifice was Loader Bot , he sacrificed himself back in episode 1 , so I have my bets that Loader Bot dies in episode 4 to save his righteous father.

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    I personally don't think anyone will die. I think that once we get to Helios, when we are going to have our trip back, we are going to have

  • I watched him playing it too. :D I was sold when I saw Columbia, the game was so stunningly beautiful.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Oh yes Bioshock Infinite is great! I watched Cry to play it and soon I rushed to buy that game!

  • This kinda worries me..

    maybe there will be a situation where we have to choose between a greed and friendship..

    but I hope they don't force us to turn into greedy bastards :D

    buntingsir posted: »

    If anything, this sounds more suitable for the Episode 5 intro. Yes, I thought so too. I hope the word "sacrifices" doesn't mean anyone dying. But it sounds like explanation to Rhys' and Fiona's bickering.

  • edited July 2015

    This song perfectly sums up most of us Rhyiona shippers. Sleep deprived.

    Go to bed ffs

    Think I've forgotten how to sleep

  • Forshedowing in Ep 3 makes me nervous, haha. I hope we won't have to pick anybody though. I imagine if someone had to stay it would be because Vallory needs a hostage? I don't know what to think... .--.

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    I personally don't think anyone will die. I think that once we get to Helios, when we are going to have our trip back, we are going to have

  • Where I'm at lol.

    It's morning but eh.XD

  • I don't know what you are talking about!

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    This song perfectly sums up most of us Rhyiona shippers. Sleep deprived. Go to bed ffs Think I've forgotten how to sleep

  • Weeell... I think that'd be a really unfair choice, I'm sure most of the players at this point would pick friendship.

    And about forcing... If it comes to it, I guess It'd be like some sort of ultimatum, really hard choice either save one or the other or stuff like that.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    This kinda worries me.. maybe there will be a situation where we have to choose between a greed and friendship.. but I hope they don't force us to turn into greedy bastards

  • True ;___;

    This song perfectly sums up most of us Rhyiona shippers. Sleep deprived. Go to bed ffs Think I've forgotten how to sleep

  • We already kind of had that choice, in episode 1 you get that call from Vasquez and you either made a deal with him or not so..

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    This kinda worries me.. maybe there will be a situation where we have to choose between a greed and friendship.. but I hope they don't force us to turn into greedy bastards

  • really hard choice either save one or the other or stuff like that.

    Yep, this sounds like TTG :3

    buntingsir posted: »

    Weeell... I think that'd be a really unfair choice, I'm sure most of the players at this point would pick friendship. And about forcing..

  • I only slept about 5 hours yesterday ;__;

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    I don't know what you are talking about!

  • Oh right! I totally forgot all about that! :O Well to be fair, episode 1 was released ages ago..

    Brawl posted: »

    We already kind of had that choice, in episode 1 you get that call from Vasquez and you either made a deal with him or not so..

  • Fiona as the Lady Snowblood.

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  • Fiona the badass.

    Fiona as the Lady Snowblood.

  • I'm going to cry! :'(

    -sighs- you know what? Screw it, I'll post this. I know it's short and I know it's kind of crappy but I ended up getting really lazy with th

  • I feel you buddy! ;__;

    I only slept about 5 hours yesterday ;__;

  • Yes. :D Although TfTB is another cake, for now it seems mostly light-hearted. But Vallory's kind of scary and she really makes me nervous, she seems like a dangerous woman. Also we're going to Helios and we have HJ in Rhys' head, so... lots of possibilities that things will turn ugly real soon.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    really hard choice either save one or the other or stuff like that. Yep, this sounds like TTG

  • hahha cool! ;D

    Fiona as the Lady Snowblood.

  • More like, fineass ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Fiona the badass.

  • :C Ima cri.

    -sighs- you know what? Screw it, I'll post this. I know it's short and I know it's kind of crappy but I ended up getting really lazy with th

  • Good morning everyone! (I am awake and ready for Rhyiona!)

  • Yeah, This game will never reach Walking dead levels of sadness but something not-so-nice will probably happen! As you might know "Handsome Rhys" really amuses me but also makes me nervous! I want Rhys to stay the way he is! ;---; And true, Vallory is nuts ;D

    buntingsir posted: »

    Yes. Although TfTB is another cake, for now it seems mostly light-hearted. But Vallory's kind of scary and she really makes me nervous, she

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    More like, fineass ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • What would your reactions be, fellas, if Rhyiosha were to happen?

    And I'm not talking about a multiple choice, I'm talking about a three-way ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • Yes, I remember we had a discussion about it. :) Handsome Rhys is like a forbidden fruit, haha. The thought of this happening is scary but also intriguing and really sad at the same time. ;____;

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Yeah, This game will never reach Walking dead levels of sadness but something not-so-nice will probably happen! As you might know "Handsome

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    armis37 posted: »

    What would your reactions be, fellas, if Rhyiosha were to happen? And I'm not talking about a multiple choice, I'm talking about a three-way ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • Good morning!

    Good morning everyone! (I am awake and ready for Rhyiona!)

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    armis37 posted: »

    What would your reactions be, fellas, if Rhyiosha were to happen? And I'm not talking about a multiple choice, I'm talking about a three-way ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • Handsome Rhys is like a forbidden fruit, haha. The thought of this happening is scary but also intriguing and really sad at the same time

    Once again you summed up my thought perfectly haha! :D

    buntingsir posted: »

    Yes, I remember we had a discussion about it. Handsome Rhys is like a forbidden fruit, haha. The thought of this happening is scary but also intriguing and really sad at the same time. ;____;

  • I can't think of a sequel ;-; Should I make a different (happy) fic as well and say they got back together?

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    armis37 posted: »

    What would your reactions be, fellas, if Rhyiosha were to happen? And I'm not talking about a multiple choice, I'm talking about a three-way ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • We think alike, so awesome. :D

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Handsome Rhys is like a forbidden fruit, haha. The thought of this happening is scary but also intriguing and really sad at the same time Once again you summed up my thought perfectly haha!

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    armis37 posted: »

    You make me sad Wolf

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    I can't think of a sequel ;-; Should I make a different (happy) fic as well and say they got back together?

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