Who is your favorite?

Fiona or Rhys....both are playable. So far I enjoy Fiona more...but like Rhys's pals. Is it the hat?


  • I enjoy Rhys more, but I definitely enjoyed playing as Fiona more in Episode 3.

  • Rhys is my favorite. Only in the recent Episode 3 Fiona was as enjoyable as Rhys was before. In the earlier 2 episodes, I had a blast with both of them, but Rhys always felt like he was way more fun.

  • Rhys by far. He is cool and funny, has a robotic arm, can scan stuff with his echo eye and has Handsome Jack following him around all the time. That's just too much win in my book.

  • This. Though I did like the character progression we got with Fiona in ep3, even if it did mean we got less focus on Rhys (which I suppose is only fair seeing as the first two episodes really did feel as though Rhys was the main character and Fiona was just the other playable character if you know what I mean)

    Rhys by far. He is cool and funny, has a robotic arm, can scan stuff with his echo eye and has Handsome Jack following him around all the time. That's just too much win in my book.

  • Well, not including Rhys and Fiona I would have to choose my bro Vaughn.

  • Rhys but I enjoyed with Fiona in EP 3

  • I have to say Rhys, Fiona did get more fun in this last episode though.

  • Weird how so little of you pick Rhys over Fiona, maybe my decisions made me like her more than Rhys, although Rhys had his moments but I prefer Fiona over Rhys

  • Rhys, but Fiona is also pretty awesome. I have a preference of playing male characters in games so that might be why :p I like the type of woman Fiona is though, she's hella cool.

  • Fiona since the beginning.
    Rhys is awesome, and he has Handsome Jack following him around, and even if that was funny at first, I'm really tired of Jack.

  • I have to go with Rhys. His attitude towards everything, the way he interacts with all of the characters and how his humor is executed makes him pretty likable as a character. I enjoy playing as Fiona too so don't get me wrong,

  • I feel like Rhys has a more developed personality as opposed to Fiona who's not as developed.

    But then again it's probably meant to be that way so that we could shape her personality. Doesn't stop me from preferring Rhys though :P

  • edited July 2015

    Fiona, mostly because I find her way more interesting then Rhys.

    Also her outfits are way more stylish then Rhys' are.

    EDIT: And Laura Bailey.

  • Rhys. He's more entertaining and enjoyable, and he has Handsome Jack. I don't really enjoy playing as Fiona at all. It's not just the lack of humor or her personality not interesting me, either. I think part of it is her interactions with others. It was not bad playing as her when she was stuck with Vaughn in Episode One, but she hasn't really gotten any moments like that since. The only characters she spends time with are Sasha and Athena. They haven't really made me feel the sisterly bond between Fiona and Sasha, and the Athena stuff came and went way too fast.

  • Cope49Cope49 Banned

    Who is your favorite?

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    I like her hat...

  • Fiona. I liked playing them equally before episode 3 but that one sealed the deal for me.

  • It used to be Rhys, but now it's Fiona. I find her character more interesting to be honest.

  • I can be more of a selfish dick as Rhys, so - Rhys. Plus there's Jack of course.

  • They're both too good to choose ;n;

  • I think Rhys because he's more like me in a way pff. I wish I'd be like Fiona but instead I'm Rhys, if that makes sense. He's so silly sometimes

  • I couldn't agree more. Especially about Laura Bailey. xD

    Green613 posted: »

    Fiona, mostly because I find her way more interesting then Rhys. Also her outfits are way more stylish then Rhys' are. EDIT: And Laura Bailey.

  • Rhys is my favourite but I love Fiona as well especially in Episode 3: Catch a Ride

  • Rhys is and will always be my little boo bear. Nobody comes before him.

  • Fiona. I love her design and she's just more interesting than Rhys for me, and I'm kind of tired of hearing Troy Baker, don't get me wrong, he's awesome, but Laura Bailey though...

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  • Fiona. It's a tough choice, really. Please don't make us choose in the end, Telltale.

  • I can't decide, I love them both so much.

    Fiona for her quirky personality and style. Rhys for his inner dork and seemingly cool attitude. I really enjoy playing them both.

  • Started out liking Rhys, mainly because he's awkward and sympathetic. But, I tend to like Fiona more. You got a sense of her style in Episode One, then her relationship with Sasha & Felix in Episode 2, and then understand her desire and goals in Episode 3.

    Rhys can be taken as he is; but Fiona is a little more interesting.

  • kenjisalkkenjisalk Telltale Alumni

    I immediately loved Rhys because he's such an interesting protagonist. He's weak, he's cowardly, he's trying to be something he clearly isn't, and yet we root for him to succeed because of it (Troy Baker brings a lot of warmth to him in his performance). I liked the dork so much that I cosplayed him as soon as I could. :D

    Fiona was a character that took a bit of time for me to warm up to, but I've grown to really like her. I love that she's this sharp, cunning person with a strong sense of loyalty to family (a stand up older sister), and while Sasha is quick to be prejudice against Team Hyperion due to their associations with their former employer, the fact that she kind of warms up to them (through her respect for Vaughn) shows a maturity that I think is admirable.

    I really hope we see her fully transition into the capable Vault hunter they're alluding to, she's got the grit and the smarts for it.

  • Episode 3 made me really warm up to Fiona though I still love Rhys.

  • Still Rhys, Fiona is getting up there after episode 3.

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