Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • At least you're honest. :^)

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    I can't help but admit, that I enjoyed it... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • Amen to that :P

    Green613 posted: »

    I think it's safe to say we all find boobs to be cool, correct?

  • Fair enough, I've heard some boobs can get so big you can get yourself lost in them.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    idk man, man boobs are kinda scary

  • Well, if they become mountains then I can see why.

    Green613 posted: »

    Fair enough, I've heard some boobs can get so big you can get yourself lost in them.

  • nah a normal day in the life of a hardcore shipper

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    This thread has been very nsfw today lmao

  • today was more than usual tho :P

    rhonu posted: »

    nah a normal day in the life of a hardcore shipper

  • Daily reminder that Rhyiona is love, Rhyiona is life.

    Alt text

  • Neverforget!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Daily reminder that Rhyiona is love, Rhyiona is life.

  • They took out the...


  • Wow! You are going to the place where I live!

    It's ultra hot here and the sun is extremely fierce right now that you can pretend you are being baked (and it will apparently be worse in August) :p

    Normally, it is not difficult to gain internet access there. :)))

    It might be a bit too early to say this, but WELCOME TO HONG KONG ^_^

    So, soon I will be heading off to China (Hong Kong to be precise). I wish you all a good summer while I am away. Well, technically I will still be around and post if I have some internet connection over there.

  • My uncle, my aunt and my cousins visited me yesterday, so I kinda missed most of the Rhyiona pics/fanfics/ etc. v_v

    BUT I'M BACK NOW!!! And I'm always watching, silently, of course... ;)

  • You could catch up, though that'd take a while. :P

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    My uncle, my aunt and my cousins visited me yesterday, so I kinda missed most of the Rhyiona pics/fanfics/ etc. v_v BUT I'M BACK NOW!!! And I'm always watching, silently, of course...

  • yep i just woke up to find like 100+ comments here

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    You could catch up, though that'd take a while. :P

  • This thread never rests. :P

    yep i just woke up to find like 100+ comments here

  • I guess I'll try to. Actually, I have to wake up early tomorrow (and it's already 11 pm here), but meh, there are more important things than sleeping, like Rhyiona. v_v

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    You could catch up, though that'd take a while. :P

  • Q! Q ! Q! Q! Q! Q!

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    This is a little shorter this time! We are almost at the end of the story guys! ;A; One more part left..

  • That's really cool! I mean like, really cool! I mean, wow! :0

    bembiann posted: »

    FINALLYYYYYY... Aren`t they harmonious? Even their voice actors look harmonious! Rhyiona for life!

  • This is a beautiful way to think but remember Rhyiona would rather have you alive. :P

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    I guess I'll try to. Actually, I have to wake up early tomorrow (and it's already 11 pm here), but meh, there are more important things than sleeping, like Rhyiona. v_v

  • edited July 2015

    That moment when you realize you missed the most lewd day of Rhyiona... yet. ;)

    Alt text

  • Thanks! I'll keep that in mind, don't you worry :P

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    This is a beautiful way to think but remember Rhyiona would rather have you alive. :P

  • Good, good, rest well. :P

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    Thanks! I'll keep that in mind, don't you worry :P

  • Welp, it's suddenly awfully quiet so I'm just going to sleep earlier than usual. Good night all. <3

  • nit nit wolfie-poo

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Welp, it's suddenly awfully quiet so I'm just going to sleep earlier than usual. Good night all.

  • thank <3

    Poogers555 posted: »

    nit nit wolfie-poo

  • Goodnight. I think I might go to sleep early too.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Welp, it's suddenly awfully quiet so I'm just going to sleep earlier than usual. Good night all.

  • I think I'm going to sleep. Nighty night everyone! :3

  • edited July 2015

    Mornings! :D last night was pretty intense huh?

  • Btw I really hope that TTG will make another surprise lifestream with Troy and Laura again! It was so funny last time! :D

  • Man! After two whole freakin' days without internet I can finally read some comme......wah wait h..how m..many...!Alt textAlt text

  • Damn that's alot, looks like you have missed out on a lot of rhyiona even though its just been 2 days.

    Man! After two whole freakin' days without internet I can finally read some comme......wah wait h..how m..many...!

  • Yeah, My body wasn't ready. °﹏° btw dope profile pic,a fellow neutral I see! (^ᗢ^)ノ

    Damn that's alot, looks like you have missed out on a lot of rhyiona even though its just been 2 days.

  • Welcome back man :D

    Yeah, My body wasn't ready. °﹏° btw dope profile pic,a fellow neutral I see! (^ᗢ^)ノ

  • But now you have several fanfics to read and several cool pictures to see. :D
    And, yeah, hello Alt text

    Man! After two whole freakin' days without internet I can finally read some comme......wah wait h..how m..many...!

  • Goooood morning everyone! Yesterday was fun ;)

  • I will miss a few days too sad but i'll leave this here Alt text.

  • bembiann posted: »

    yeah. The last 4 days - 2 new works. Yup i`m insane

  • edited July 2015

    Goddammit... I'm going for it.

    Can anyone do a fanfic about Rhys and Fiona having sex just like Rhystricted? I'm not good at doing fanfictions.

  • That moment when you wake up to 200+ comments, then you realise what u dreamt last night.... I dreamt of Rhyiona guyzz well there was Vaughn and Sasha too. They were at a pool and Fiona came in with a nice swimsuit and Rhys was all hearty eyes.......

    But then a zombie wave attacked, so my dream changed and so did the characters, except for the zombies, they stayed.

  • In a cold windy night, Rhys and Fiona had sex. The end.

    Just kidding, but I'll check out Rhystricted ;)

  • Wtf xD

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    That moment when you wake up to 200+ comments, then you realise what u dreamt last night.... I dreamt of Rhyiona guyzz well there was Vaughn

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