Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • sorry i write like that, it's what happens when you learn how to english on tumblr... :(

    thank you! <3

    armis37 posted: »

    I feel like all the capital letters escaped from the text to the first line xD Just kidding, nice to see that you finally found someone with the same interests

  • Oh, thanks :-D

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Of course you can!

  • Sure but it's really mean. There's around 130 people here, I think we deserve a bit of respect.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    We are gonna need so much sugar! :P Unfortunately they can easily do that if they want..

  • Ooh, who was it in Dragon Age? There are definitely a couple of tough character choices there. >.<

    rhonu posted: »

    nope, it was dragon age!

  • You're welcome!

    Alt text

    Tanya66 posted: »

    Oh, thanks :-D

  • Alt text

    Ugh, I just cut the General's eye out, with a fucking spork!! XP

  • That scene was glorious, idk what you mean.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Ugh, I just cut the General's eye out, with a fucking spork!! XP

  • Yup. Still the same temperature :/

    Damn, already in the morning?

  • Lol ikr XD

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Ugh, I just cut the General's eye out, with a fucking spork!! XP

  • edited July 2015

    Made More Fanart :D,I have done this style before however not on anything borderlands so i tried it and it looked good.

    Alt text
    Made with SFM and Photoshop, a stock star background was used,brushes were also used.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Ugh, I just cut the General's eye out, with a fucking spork!! XP

  • oops

    Tanya66 posted: »

    ![Alt text](http://media2.giphy.com/media/bmBcglWhcp4JO/giphy.gif

  • (?) Awesome!!!

    Made More Fanart ,I have done this style before however not on anything borderlands so i tried it and it looked good. Made with SFM and Photoshop, a stock star background was used,brushes were also used.

  • Welcome aboard :D

    You won't regret this ;)

    Tanya66 posted: »

    Hey, guys! I'm new here and... Can i join to your Rhyiona family?

  • It's okay!

    You meant to post this.

    Alt text


    Tanya66 posted: »


  • Oh, man, this is stunning.

    Made More Fanart ,I have done this style before however not on anything borderlands so i tried it and it looked good. Made with SFM and Photoshop, a stock star background was used,brushes were also used.

  • Welcome to the most awesome club in the internet!<3

    Tanya66 posted: »

    ![Alt text](http://media2.giphy.com/media/bmBcglWhcp4JO/giphy.gif

  • Yeesh. Surprisingly in Australia, when it's hot, it only reaches into the 20's in the mornings. Usually after 12pm is when it starts getting really hot.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Yup. Still the same temperature

  • edited July 2015

    For anyone interested this was original image i started/rendered with Alt text could be used for something if anyone wants it

    Made More Fanart ,I have done this style before however not on anything borderlands so i tried it and it looked good. Made with SFM and Photoshop, a stock star background was used,brushes were also used.

  • I think they meant well but yeah... that's not how this works, that's not how any of this works.

    dafuq They can't tell you not to draw/ship/shove it up your asshole or whatever you do with those characters. Just because it won't happen, doesn't mean your fans can't stay happy.

  • Dude, I laughed so damn hard when he was revealed to be alive and in stasis!! XD

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    That scene was glorious, idk what you mean.

  • yes, it's amazing how a common interest can make you bond so quickly with somebody you just met :) this thread is also a good example of it!

    HeartOfGold posted: »

    Aww, this is lovely! I'm it worked out. I bet she felt the same way as you about not having anyone to join in. Plus more Rhyiona is always good!

  • He was a worthy sacrifice. :P

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Dude, I laughed so damn hard when he was revealed to be alive and in stasis!! XD

  • inquisition!

    Which one if you don't mind me asking ?

  • I can't wait to hear your opinion about Gortys! ;)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Dude, I laughed so damn hard when he was revealed to be alive and in stasis!! XD

  • it was the quest 'here lies the abyss', in dragon age: inquisition :(

    HeartOfGold posted: »

    Ooh, who was it in Dragon Age? There are definitely a couple of tough character choices there. >.<

  • Stirpicus rekt

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    You know what the other hilarious thing is? That you've been stalking this thread too much to know exactly what we've been talking about. Now that's funny.

  • We'll Dragon age inquisition had Alistair and Hawke but that's only if you did not make Alistair king good thing I did but that is a very hard choice to make ;-; if I had to choose I pick Alistair, I can't kill my male warden hero of ferelden BFF <3

    HeartOfGold posted: »

    Ooh, who was it in Dragon Age? There are definitely a couple of tough character choices there. >.<

  • oooh, gorgeous! it looks like she has a beautiful mane of magic hair... now i'm curious of how fiona would look with long hair!

    Made More Fanart ,I have done this style before however not on anything borderlands so i tried it and it looked good. Made with SFM and Photoshop, a stock star background was used,brushes were also used.

  • So...

    Loader Bot don't like me cuz I self-destructed him in Ep.1... and that chase scene was epic! Now Rhys and Vaughn are stranded in the desert :)

    I'm loving this Episode!! XD

  • It's 21°C here :3

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Good morning or whatever part of day is it for you all. I can't take this heat, it is like 33°C outside .__.

  • Damn, that's definitely a tough one! Well, unless it's Stroud (RIP moustache) or maybe Loghain. I haven't imported a romanced Alistair yet, I bet that will be a real kicker. D:

    rhonu posted: »

    it was the quest 'here lies the abyss', in dragon age: inquisition

  • I think they meant well

    You're kidding, right?

    DeityD posted: »

    I think they meant well but yeah... that's not how this works, that's not how any of this works.

  • Definitely the hardest choice in the game. >.< I can't kill Hawke though, 'cause they're my baby. Luckily, Alistair is usually King on my PTs.

    We'll Dragon age inquisition had Alistair and Hawke but that's only if you did not make Alistair king good thing I did but that is a very hard choice to make ;-; if I had to choose I pick Alistair, I can't kill my male warden hero of ferelden BFF

  • edited July 2015

    You could also make an english one .__.

    Also you should ask her to join us here <3

    rhonu posted: »

    THE MOST AMAZING THIGN HAPPENED TO ME LAST NIGHT... (sob story this will make u cry) i have an account on twitter to roleplay rhys, but i

  • The intro was amazing :D

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    So... Loader Bot don't like me cuz I self-destructed him in Ep.1... and that chase scene was epic! Now Rhys and Vaughn are stranded in the desert I'm loving this Episode!! XD

  • In a sense. But you can't deny it would've been better for everyone (and TT included) if we're all liked what they want us to like.

    I think they meant well You're kidding, right?

  • Alt text

    buntingsir posted: »

    Hey guys, I brought snacks for you! You guessed it. It's cheese again. More to come today.

  • edited July 2015

    Edit: replied to wrong comment! ...I think. O-o

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Ugh, I just cut the General's eye out, with a fucking spork!! XP

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