Rhys cybernetics

I am often asking myself which event led Rhys to get his cybernetics.
Did Rhys maybe got some kind of accident where he lost his arm and his eye and Hyperion offered him those replacements ?
Or did he replaced his bodyparts voluntarily like Wilhelm did to get an advantage at his work ?

What do you think about it ?

So after the question of its origin is answered I think we could expand this about the role of Rhys cybernetics in future episodes and how they changed.

Sry for bad english xD


  • Or did he replaced his bodyparts voluntarily like Wilhelm did to get an advantage at his work ?

    This, pretty much. Unused audio and some written lines in the game explain them. If we're to trust the unused audio, he specifically got them in exchange for 3 months of salary (or something, don't remember the exact amount).

  • Ok, that could explan it.
    But for me its hard to believe that somebody would give up his natural bodyparts voluntarily.
    Except Wilhelm of course xD

    Piggs posted: »

    Or did he replaced his bodyparts voluntarily like Wilhelm did to get an advantage at his work ? This, pretty much. Unused audio and

  • Like Piggs said, unused audio basically confirmed he got them removed, also the Rhys cosplay guide also says he had them removed himself

  • I can understand. When technology advances to the level of cybernetics seen in the BL universe, I'd hop on it in an instant.

  • Maybe, but i guess its not possible to feel and touch the way with a robot arm like with a biological,

    fayescarlet posted: »

    I can understand. When technology advances to the level of cybernetics seen in the BL universe, I'd hop on it in an instant.

  • edited July 2015

    I wouldn't mind it. He got paid loads of money, he can effortlessly hack things, and his cool as fuck arm functions just about the same as any other, disregarding the lack of sensation and potential for malfunctions.

    Nukledus posted: »

    Ok, that could explan it. But for me its hard to believe that somebody would give up his natural bodyparts voluntarily. Except Wilhelm of course xD

  • It would make sense. In Episode 3 when climbing up the fallen catwalk with Sasha hanging from you, Rhys comments about how is robot arm is stronger than his normal one is. I wouldn't be surprised if it was his own personal decision to get these robotic parts because of the strength and abilities it gives to him. I will agree though, I'll probably want it too... lol

    fayescarlet posted: »

    I can understand. When technology advances to the level of cybernetics seen in the BL universe, I'd hop on it in an instant.

  • Fuck, I'd do it if I could have an arm like Rhys does. I've got a hacksaw next to my monitor for the day we finally reach that level of technology.

    Nukledus posted: »

    Ok, that could explan it. But for me its hard to believe that somebody would give up his natural bodyparts voluntarily. Except Wilhelm of course xD

  • edited July 2015

    Despite it's strength, devs have confirmed that it's relatively delicate, and not built for much beyond clerical work and hacking. Breaking an arm like that would be a bitch; a little scratch wouldn't heal up just like that.

    nitroftwss posted: »

    It would make sense. In Episode 3 when climbing up the fallen catwalk with Sasha hanging from you, Rhys comments about how is robot arm is s

  • Then again, this is Borderlands. Gaige literally sawed her own arm off with no anesthetics because "eh, what the heck".

    Nukledus posted: »

    Ok, that could explan it. But for me its hard to believe that somebody would give up his natural bodyparts voluntarily. Except Wilhelm of course xD

  • Actually i was gonna ask that lol good question.

  • also have any of t noticed that in the "future" (or is it present?) his arm is like a chrome color? where in the story its yellow or whatever color you change it.

    Piggs posted: »

    Despite it's strength, devs have confirmed that it's relatively delicate, and not built for much beyond clerical work and hacking. Breaking an arm like that would be a bitch; a little scratch wouldn't heal up just like that.

  • in episode 3 at the quick change station if you hover over Rhys arm it will say Hyperion loyalty reward

  • Hey, if ECHO eye's and robotic arms were given to those who donate their eyeballs/arms for surgical/scientific purposes, I'd be on top of that in no time.

  • i dont think their eyeballs are given up i think their implants into the actual eye, the arm however is lost

    Hey, if ECHO eye's and robotic arms were given to those who donate their eyeballs/arms for surgical/scientific purposes, I'd be on top of that in no time.

  • I think it would be more complicated to put cybernetics into an existing eyeball than make a cybernetic eye from scratch.

    I kinda want to take out Rhys cybernetic eye now for the luls.

    i dont think their eyeballs are given up i think their implants into the actual eye, the arm however is lost

  • You sure? It's called an "echo eye implant", as if it's an entirely new and separate eye.

    i dont think their eyeballs are given up i think their implants into the actual eye, the arm however is lost

  • edited July 2015

    Well, If people donate their normal eyeballs and arms for surgical purposes (Surgeon Simulatior Eye transplant, plz strangle me now m8), then they would basically be saving lives of course I would do it, but according to the EyeSmart webpage, one part of the eye which is the Cornea can be only donated, but if you want to do a whole eye transplant, you can't since the Optic Nerve can't be reconnected.


    Hey, if ECHO eye's and robotic arms were given to those who donate their eyeballs/arms for surgical/scientific purposes, I'd be on top of that in no time.

  • I'm 100% sure it's a new eyeball.

    i dont think their eyeballs are given up i think their implants into the actual eye, the arm however is lost

  • shit ;-;

    So that debunks the theory that the entire eyeball is removed and replaced. I guess they just work with the natural eyebrow and put wires and all that technical stuff into it.


    Well, If people donate their normal eyeballs and arms for surgical purposes (Surgeon Simulatior Eye transplant, plz strangle me now m8), the

  • Actually, it doesn't debunk anything. Borderlands is a futuristic science-fiction game. Since it's 600+ years in the future, it's not unfair to assume that they've had some great advances in replacing body parts (electronic eyes are pretty common in these types of settings).

    shit ;-; So that debunks the theory that the entire eyeball is removed and replaced. I guess they just work with the natural eyebrow and put wires and all that technical stuff into it. Damn.

  • I'm not sure if they'd come up with an invention to reconnect the Optic Nerve. Isn't that impossible?

    Piggs posted: »

    Actually, it doesn't debunk anything. Borderlands is a futuristic science-fiction game. Since it's 600+ years in the future, it's not unfair

  • If they can digitally construct a car, they can probably manage to pull something like that off.

    I'm not sure if they'd come up with an invention to reconnect the Optic Nerve. Isn't that impossible?

  • True. After all, it's like you said. 600+ years into the future.

    Piggs posted: »

    If they can digitally construct a car, they can probably manage to pull something like that off.

  • edited July 2015

    Im just guessing that its the same one duet o the fact its called implant It could be new in going to have to find out I hope we can find out In episode 4 or 5

    I'm 100% sure it's a new eyeball.

  • Yeah, now that it was cleared up for me, I'm doubting it's a new eyeball, actually. But, yeah. Let's hope for a small one liner about it or something.

    Im just guessing that its the same one duet o the fact its called implant It could be new in going to have to find out I hope we can find out In episode 4 or 5

  • I believe the nerve was also transplanted. If the eye were to send back info to the brain tro the optic nerve, the UI Rhys sees would not be 3d and it would be hazy, as only one eye sees it but the other doesn't.

    That or he has some kind of brain-transplants, which makes it seem that both eyes see it. This one would also confirmed by the fact that Handsome Jack could take over his entire body when he was knocked out.

    Well, If people donate their normal eyeballs and arms for surgical purposes (Surgeon Simulatior Eye transplant, plz strangle me now m8), the

  • He can plug a usb drive into his head. I'm pretty sure he has a bunch of stuff implanted into his skull.

    Reliqum posted: »

    I believe the nerve was also transplanted. If the eye were to send back info to the brain tro the optic nerve, the UI Rhys sees would not be

  • The sci-fi genre isn't always about what works. It's imagination, fantasy, of the future. Literally everything can be possible in a setting like that.

    I'm not sure if they'd come up with an invention to reconnect the Optic Nerve. Isn't that impossible?

  • I think that Rhys cybernetics are responsible that Vasquez and Valory always found the Group, because Vasquez said that Hyperion always find its property.

  • With the type of character Rhys is, I just can't see him voluntarily going to that extreme of having parts of his body removed and then replacing them like that, not unless he had to. Also deleted lines are deleted lines, they might've cut those lines for those reasons in that they're scrapped ideas.

  • Alot of characters in the series have eye implants, it's not uncommon, the best example i can think of right now is sir Hammerlock (if you look at the eye behind the broken lens on his glasses) also all dahl soldiers have an implant above their left eye (it is unknown what these do),finally, your echo communicator (hud, inventory, etc) is projected direcly onto your field of view, as the eye is an "echo eye" it is possible that the eye is just a smaller ehco made by hyperion with a less practical, more cell phone like purpose.

  • edited July 2015

    I assume that in the Borderlands universe loss of limbs isn't that big a deal like we today think it is. I mean, if you have the drones shoot of Vasqeuz's arm he just proceeds as normal because "meh, I'll get a new and BETTER one."

    I'd get my arm removed if it meant I could replace it with one that has a built in computer. Hell, I'd get it removed to replace it with a cybernetic arm that is no different from my regular arm in any way other than material.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    With the type of character Rhys is, I just can't see him voluntarily going to that extreme of having parts of his body removed and then repl

  • edited July 2015

    Now I think about it, Rhys actually has very little backstory.

    We know hardly anything about his life, his family, etc.

  • We know he was a nerd who liked to par-tay... at least in his school years. Also he probably went to school with Vaughn.

    This is the actual bit from the cosplay guide about his cybernetics:

    Alt text

    Based on this I gather he didn't get paid to do it, he actually paid a lot of money himself, money he got for the Eridium deal Vaughn mentions at the start of ep.1, it seems. I don't know how canon the notes in the guide are though.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Now I think about it, Rhys actually has very little backstory. We know hardly anything about his life, his family, etc.

  • edited July 2015

    I'd assume it's pretty canon. I mean, they do mention that deal in-game and all. Vaughn mentions he loses sleep over it so if Rhys was willing to do something like that (whatever it was) then he'd probably have no issue removing an arm to replace it with something more efficient.

    We know he was a nerd who liked to par-tay... at least in his school years. Also he probably went to school with Vaughn. This is the actu

  • Maybe he gets a stronger arm? That would be pretty awesome.

    jamex1223 posted: »

    also have any of t noticed that in the "future" (or is it present?) his arm is like a chrome color? where in the story its yellow or whatever color you change it.

  • maybe. who knows cant wait for this episode!

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    Maybe he gets a stronger arm? That would be pretty awesome.

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