Handsome Jack, video tribute

Initally I was going to do a funny one, but I found so many great quotes, I'd thought I would for a serious video, and I think for those of you who haven't experienced Jack in any of the others games, I hope this helps you understand him more.




  • This is pretty amazing. Keep me posted if you create more.

  • I've got two others on my channel,, ahve a look :D

    tyler8160 posted: »

    This is pretty amazing. Keep me posted if you create more.

  • Holy shit, that was amazing.

  • Why thank you sir, feel free to sub, I've got two other tale videos.

    Holy shit, that was amazing.

  • I reallllly enjoyed that man! Thanks for that!

    Got any plans to do more?

  • I hope to, but I have no iea on what to the next video on :D

    Greenzoid2 posted: »

    I reallllly enjoyed that man! Thanks for that! Got any plans to do more?

  • I LOVE it!

    I absolutely adored your Fiona and Rhys ones - but this is just phenomenal. You have such a great eye/ear for picking different imagery, vocal clips and songs to convey tone and manipulate emotions...

    That legitimately broke my heart (when the gunshot rang out I actually gasped), even though Jack is a massive manipulative liar I completely felt for him - I think you captured the fact that besides lying to everyone around him, more than anything he's lying to himself. He completely justified Angel's enslavement in his mind and was blind to how much she hated him - we (or more specifically the Vault Hunters) really were the villains in his story.

    Awesome work - can't wait to see what comes next (maybe some love for our Robo-pals?)

    Alt text

    kaza125 posted: »

    @HandsomeJack like it bruv?

  • I think the moment I felt for Jack, was when you have to kill angel, and he says it like a father, not a menancing villain "please, don't hurt my baby girl"

    I think when I was making this, I was thought "I wonder will jack like this?" since I know you love jack, so to see your praise is really nice pal :)

    I LOVE it! I absolutely adored your Fiona and Rhys ones - but this is just phenomenal. You have such a great eye/ear for picking differen

  • Aw, well thank you for thinking of me.

    I think it was pretty much a given that the Jack fanboys/girls would love it, but IMO this should be compulsory viewing for any Tales player who hasn't played the main games - this is the side of Jack that they don't get to see, and I think it would definitely change more than a few people's opinions of him (okay, they may still not trust him, but they'll be able to see what a complex and multi-layered character he is)!

    kaza125 posted: »

    I think the moment I felt for Jack, was when you have to kill angel, and he says it like a father, not a menancing villain "please, don't hu

  • edited July 2015

    That was great but the voice volume was too low and the music was too loud.

  • edited July 2015

    I really liked that it was awesome I watched your Hustlers and Hyperions videos as well.

    Edit: I liked the Hyperions one but not so much the Hustlers mainly because there was no dialogue.

  • May I recommend one dedicated to Fiona, Sasha and Felix? Oh and maybe even Fiona and Athena?

    kaza125 posted: »

    I hope to, but I have no iea on what to the next video on

  • There's two more on his youtube channel, one for fiona and sasha, and another for Rhys and Vaughn

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    May I recommend one dedicated to Fiona, Sasha and Felix? Oh and maybe even Fiona and Athena?

  • yeah I know, I some of the audio had to be lower, epsically the default echo ones, at normal volume they hurt your ears :D

    JackMarco posted: »

    That was great but the voice volume was too low and the music was too loud.

  • I watched it a couple more times and I did notice how the dialogue was a little too quiet. Could probably have used a little boost so the music doesn't overpower it.

    kaza125 posted: »

    I hope to, but I have no iea on what to the next video on

  • For decisions I would trust you better, so if you think I'm the only one that trusts on Jack, think again, because I'm not, and if you are gonna kill me for that, go ahead.

    Aw, well thank you for thinking of me. I think it was pretty much a given that the Jack fanboys/girls would love it, but IMO this should

  • Alt text

    For decisions I would trust you better, so if you think I'm the only one that trusts on Jack, think again, because I'm not, and if you are gonna kill me for that, go ahead.

  • Thanks for the love here guys :)
    Any suggestions on any other characters? I'll give it my best shot if I think I can do it

  • I'd love to see one for Loader Bot, Gortys and Dumpy!

    kaza125 posted: »

    Thanks for the love here guys Any suggestions on any other characters? I'll give it my best shot if I think I can do it

  • hmm, I'll have dig around for a good song

    I'd love to see one for Loader Bot, Gortys and Dumpy!

  • Handsome Jack, who can trust this guy, just take a look at him, an awesome, and the best person who had his rise and his fall, we will admire his work wherever he is, people might think I'm obsessed with him, just a reminder for those guys who think that: I AM NOT OBSESSED WITH JACK.

    Jack, you are still gonna be trusted.

  • Alt text

    Handsome Jack, who can trust this guy, just take a look at him, an awesome, and the best person who had his rise and his fall, we will admi

  • Good friends! I'm considering doing an Athena video, as I've just finished the TPS and I loved it, and her character. I've found a really great song, sort of similar to the Jack one, but this instrumental, just wondering if you guys would like to see a Athena video?
    PS, I'm finding the Gortys/LB one difficult, as I can't find a good song :D

  • Jacks voice in my language. What do you think about it

  • Always hated the german version. I also hate how they didn´t translate "Badass".

    Nukledus posted: »

    Jacks voice in my language. What do you think about it

  • Ouch :(

    JackMarco posted: »

    Always hated the german version. I also hate how they didn´t translate "Badass".

  • THe music is a bit to loud

  • Meh, it happens :D

    THe music is a bit to loud

  • This is awesome! So awesome I cried... ;_; It's the combination of the music and those lines about Angel that just get to me - brilliantly done :)

  • Cheers! :) I've got lots of other videos on my channel, feel free to checkk them out

    This is awesome! So awesome I cried... ;_; It's the combination of the music and those lines about Angel that just get to me - brilliantly done

  • An Athena one would be awesome! ^_^

    kaza125 posted: »

    Good friends! I'm considering doing an Athena video, as I've just finished the TPS and I loved it, and her character. I've found a really gr

  • im finding it a bit difficult,cause I'm running out of cinematic shots that I've already used in other videos :DD

    An Athena one would be awesome! ^_^

  • Is it bad that I'm secretly glad that you used all the best cinematics for the Jack one?

    I'm sorry - IT'S JUST SO PERFECT!

    kaza125 posted: »

    im finding it a bit difficult,cause I'm running out of cinematic shots that I've already used in other videos :DD

  • Yeah, I think out of all my videos, the jack one I'm most proud of :)

    Is it bad that I'm secretly glad that you used all the best cinematics for the Jack one? I'm sorry - IT'S JUST SO PERFECT!

  • This kinda makes Jack seem sympathetic.

    I hate it.

    No, but actually really well done, love this.

  • Thanks cupcake.

    Tac_Poke posted: »

    This kinda makes Jack seem sympathetic. I hate it. No, but actually really well done, love this.

  • Ehh, sorry for not making any videos guys. I tried to make a Athena one, I found an incredible song, but there isn't much to go on with her character, I might try and make a Rodrik video in Game of Thrones, but honestly I found the dialogue and writing in GoT to be a bit naff :D

  • that was awesome kinda like a movie trailer

  • I've got two other tale videos as well on my channel :)

    that was awesome kinda like a movie trailer

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