Costumes? COSTUMES!!



  • I honestly don't know! I remember there was a glitch for some players where they had more money - so maybe that's what happened?

    I had over $3000 when I started episode 3 despite buying the Scooter Special in episode 2 (which I thought was weird). I bought every single character the most expensive upgrade and I still had about $185 left over (and then got even more from the loot crate near the giant flower). I'm not sure if it's only that save or all of them - I didn't check my main one because I don't spend any of that money.

    fayescarlet posted: »

    I got the Scooter Special too, and I could only afford a fancy black arm for Rhys. :v How did you do it, Handsome Jack?

  • That was my fave too - I love that the bodice looks like scales!

    armis37 posted: »

    I bought a phoenix costume for Fiona, that one looked BAD-ASS!

  • Steampunk Princess for Fiona (dapper!) and Cyberpunk arm to replace the garish yellow hyperion thing (swag!). Didn't fancy the glasses for Sasha and Vaughn and couldn't afford anything for LoaderBro after other purchases. Shame, i would have liked the tux for LoaderBro :(

  • And the phoenix on the back - glorious!

    That was my fave too - I love that the bodice looks like scales!

  • the garish yellow hyperion thing

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    Steampunk Princess for Fiona (dapper!) and Cyberpunk arm to replace the garish yellow hyperion thing (swag!). Didn't fancy the glasses for

  • Does anyone know if they actually do something? Like can buying a "stylish arm" for Rhy's give me options I would not have otherwise or are the things jus purely cosmetic?

  • But then what will happen to her nickname"Hat lady"? "lady" isn't a nickname at all! she needs her hat, it's her identity!

    brbsmoking posted: »

    Black robot hand for Rhys and this white awesome costume for Fiona! She's pretty without a hat!

  • So many anti-hat people on here. :(

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    I got really excited when I saw that New-U station. Was even more excited when I saw we could actually use it to buy new outfits! Unfortu

  • maybe they were all 1's :)

    I bought the 1500 dollars upgrade for the caravan so i couldn't afford shit... btw. that loot crate had like 20 stacks of cash yet Fiona decided to take only one which was like 200 dollars, which was kinda shitty...

  • You replay episode 2 and there's a glitch to where your money is more than it was in beginning of episode 2 and I got that glitch I had $5245 in the beginning of episode 3 but if there's a glitch to not buy a new skin car in episode 2 if your playing Xbox then you have to uninstall episode 3 and reinstall episode 3 after you finish episode 2

    Dear god, how? Scooter special's like, $1550.

  • OMG I screamed "TAKE MORE DAMMIT" I was so mad she took one stack. I got a glitch where I started episode 3 with 0 dollars, but you get like 300 dollars from Felix's loot crate

    I bought the 1500 dollars upgrade for the caravan so i couldn't afford shit... btw. that loot crate had like 20 stacks of cash yet Fiona decided to take only one which was like 200 dollars, which was kinda shitty...

  • purely cosmetic.... but totally worth

    Bacbi posted: »

    Does anyone know if they actually do something? Like can buying a "stylish arm" for Rhy's give me options I would not have otherwise or are the things jus purely cosmetic?

  • Those are my picks. They all look good in black. And in Loader Bot's case, with a dapper 'stache.

    gwendog posted: »

    the new black orange-ish costume with hat for fiona and the black robot arm for rhy. the loaderboat tuxedo was awesome but I was short on money by like 50

  • The Hat is to Fiona as the Robot Arm is to Rhys!

    AdamGoodtme posted: »

    But then what will happen to her nickname"Hat lady"? "lady" isn't a nickname at all! she needs her hat, it's her identity!

  • it did seem however that like "X will remember this" like Vaughn getting upgraded glasses etc. Kinda regretted buying the arm for Rhy's because we know he is getting a new arm and outfit in the future, though I had to buy the outfit for fiona since playing her with no hat just felt wrong :p good thing I had alot of money saved up because I didn't buy a mask or the most expensive car upgrade. But when fiona gets basically unlimited ammo in the new episode does that mean that u really no longer have to save that one bullet? Had a couple of times I could use it before but I kinda thought that I should save it cause I was sure that u would somehow get rewarded if u saved the bullet for the last episode where u truly needed it for something.

    PoopBrown posted: »

    purely cosmetic.... but totally worth

  • edited July 2015
    • 1st PT: Hatless outfit (teal?) for Fiona, red arm for Rhys
    • 2nd PT: Fancy suit paint job for Loader Bot
    • 3rd PT: Steampunk outfit for Fiona, new glasses for Vaughn

    I didn't buy anything for Sasha since the goggles cover up her eyes. I got a different paint job for the caravan every time too!

  • I ended up buying the Steampunk Princess and some others I can't really remember, unfortunately, but I do remember that I didn't bring anything for Loader Bot as I read that his clothes would get wrecked later anyway.

    But I was also shaking with rage as I wondered what kind of sadist CHARGES FUCKING MONEY IN A FUCKING QUICK CHANGE, WHICH NEVER DID THAT IN ANY GAME.

  • I got Steampunk princess for Fiona because it was awesome and she needed a new hat after sacrificing the first one then I got the tiger stripes for Loader bot I wish there was a whole outfit for Rhys.

  • I got a fancy new red robot arm for Rhys. Wish I had more money, though, that was all I could afford. :v

  • I hope the developers for BL3 don't get any ideas...

    :goes up to quick change machine:


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    LawmanZero posted: »

    I ended up buying the Steampunk Princess and some others I can't really remember, unfortunately, but I do remember that I didn't bring anyth

  • i got sasha and vaughn new futuristic glasses, i figured fiona and rhys get new clothes eventually anyway, plus i ship Vasha so i wanted them to both have new outfits, also it seemed kinda selfish to get things for the player characters

  • Loader Bot only lost his legs it's not that much of an issue it doesn't ruin the outfit at all. He'll probably get his legs back anyway unless... he dies.

    LawmanZero posted: »

    I ended up buying the Steampunk Princess and some others I can't really remember, unfortunately, but I do remember that I didn't bring anyth

  • My Loader bot is looking toight!!! Like a Toiger!!!!!

  • It's been way too long since I've heard/read someone use an Austin Powers reference.

    kurisu10 posted: »

    My Loader bot is looking toight!!! Like a Toiger!!!!!

  • edited July 2015

    And THIS would be the reaction of any Vault Hunter:

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    I hope the developers for BL3 don't get any ideas... :goes up to quick change machine: INITIATING MICRO-TRANSACTION

  • lol Saw an opportunity, couldn't pass it up. I put the grr in swinger baby! Yeah!!

    It's been way too long since I've heard/read someone use an Austin Powers reference.

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