Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Wolf just told me about this scan thing, where can I get one?

  • thanks, scanning people is fun!

    Welp he has been saying that a lot xD That's classic Hazza!.. :P

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    This is seriously amazing. I'm laughing so hard at the catchphase.

  • I'm sure someone can make one.

    Whoever it is pleeease sneak in a MGS reference. :P

    bloop posted: »

    Wolf just told me about this scan thing, where can I get one?

  • I'm sure he'll really appreciate this. :D

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    thanks, scanning people is fun! Welp he has been saying that a lot xD That's classic Hazza!.. :P

  • edited July 2015

    I second this.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I'm sure someone can make one. Whoever it is pleeease sneak in a MGS reference. :P

  • This is AWESOME!!!!!

    You forgot to put master of language's for special talents but it's still AWESOME :D


    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Everybody is probably sleeping already (why I'm not sleeping?) but I'm posting this anyway.. :P So Yeah @HazzatheMan I hope you like this

  • edited July 2015


  • Thanks! :3 Bro fistaaah!

    This is AWESOME!!!!! You forgot to put master of language's for special talents but it's still AWESOME YOU DID AN AWESOME JOB ON THIS (AM SURE HAZZA WILL LOVE IT) BRO FIST

  • the silence in this thread is 4spooky20me

  • edited July 2015

    I left for a bit and only 2 new comments.


    Then again, it's sleeping time for most.

    the silence in this thread is 4spooky20me

  • Goodnight everyone! C:

  • Sweet rhyiona dreams <3

    Goodnight everyone! C:

  • edited July 2015


    Manufacturer: Green Inc.

    STRENGTH: F*%#ing High!!

    LIKES: It's Art, It's Fanfic,It's lewd comments,It F*%#ing love's it's cheese, It's wonderful,amazing,talented,awesome audience :D

    Dislikes: When the audience is not doing anything, when people are talking s*%# about Rhyiona, Also when telltale took out the kiss |:<

    Our motto is...

    "Rhyiona is love Rhyiona is life Never forget <3 "
    Also "they took away the kiss bring it back"

  • Update on the fanfics. One of them is going along very well, and since I love this thread and you all so much, I'm going to try my best to get it up ASAP! TIME TO SOMEWHAT KICK IT INTO OVERDRIVE.

    Alt text

  • Alt text

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Update on the fanfics. One of them is going along very well, and since I love this thread and you all so much, I'm going to try my best to get it up ASAP! TIME TO SOMEWHAT KICK IT INTO OVERDRIVE.

  • Been off the the thread for a few days but its great to see the community still thriving and active even with the long hiatus between each episode so its bitter-sweet to say goodbye, I'm going to be away for a week to visit my grandparents and the rest of my extended family for the first time,they live in Mexico.But hopefully when I get back I'll be drowning in posts again!! Goodbye and see you all later.Alt text

  • I love plotless cheese. XD Gives me warm, fuzzy feelings. Lol at Fiona calling the frying pan an "abomination" too. I guess years of Sasha's sandwich eggs haven't endeared her to sizzling. :D

    Damn, now I want Rhys to cook for her when they go to Hyperion. Or in the caravan, but on Hyperion he'll have fancy gadgets.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    The smell invades her nostrils and wakes her against her will. It takes a few seconds for where exactly they are and what exactly they're

  • We will miss you. Remember to have fun :)

    Been off the the thread for a few days but its great to see the community still thriving and active even with the long hiatus between each e

  • edited July 2015

    This is accurate as hell :)

    Name: RHYIONA THREAD Manufacturer: Green Inc. STRENGTH: F*%#ing High!! LIKES: It's Art, It's Fanfic,It's lewd comments,It F*%#ing l

  • Aww! Quiff x nohuhhuh is the best ship after Rhyiona. :D

    Quiff posted: »

    OK here's my scan of @nohuhhuh my ducky It's not that long, but I did me best. Also, mind that this is a very serious scan. Analysis

  • tfw Rhyiona finally confirmed in episode 4

  • Bye, we'll miss you ;[

    Enjoy the trip though ^-^

    Been off the the thread for a few days but its great to see the community still thriving and active even with the long hiatus between each e

  • Alt text

    Makes me happy to know you're excited!

  • Aaa can't wait! I'm glad you feel that way! ;)

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Update on the fanfics. One of them is going along very well, and since I love this thread and you all so much, I'm going to try my best to get it up ASAP! TIME TO SOMEWHAT KICK IT INTO OVERDRIVE.

  • Alt text

    We'll miss you! I hope you have fun with your family. :)

    Been off the the thread for a few days but its great to see the community still thriving and active even with the long hiatus between each e

  • tfw the scene cut out

    Alt text

    Green613 posted: »

    tfw Rhyiona finally confirmed in episode 4

  • scene cut out

    DON'T SAY THAT ;______________;

    Alt text

    tfw the scene cut out

  • It's wonderful,amazing,talented,awesome audience :D

    Huh?! I'm apart of the fandom which means...

    Alt text

    I DON'T THINK I'M AWESOME OR TALENTED, BUT THANK YOU. Shoves all the well-deserved credit to the artists and other fanfic writers

    Name: RHYIONA THREAD Manufacturer: Green Inc. STRENGTH: F*%#ing High!! LIKES: It's Art, It's Fanfic,It's lewd comments,It F*%#ing l

  • Me neither, all I basically do here is make lewd unfunny comments and praise the people who actually do stuff

    kristi78968 posted: »

    It's wonderful,amazing,talented,awesome audience Huh?! I'm apart of the fandom which means... I DON'T THINK I'M AWESOME OR TALENTED, BUT THANK YOU. Shoves all the well-deserved credit to the artists and other fanfic writers

  • Marvellous! :D

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Everybody is probably sleeping already (why I'm not sleeping?) but I'm posting this anyway.. :P So Yeah @HazzatheMan I hope you like this

  • Alt text

    We're all going to be the little girl.

    Green613 posted: »

    tfw Rhyiona finally confirmed in episode 4

  • pish posh! Everyone is needed here! ;)

    Me neither, all I basically do here is make lewd unfunny comments and praise the people who actually do stuff

  • Found out that the ESRB rated you.

    Alt text

    Me neither, all I basically do here is make lewd unfunny comments and praise the people who actually do stuff

  • ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Found out that the ESRB rated you.

  • Going to sleep now (almost 4 AM) making this post to remind myself to create an imgur gallery for everyone who made/ is making a Echo Eye scan so we don't lose them. Also, if you made one/ know where the others are, if you could reply to me with it that would be great so I can just wake up and save them to Imgur. ^-^

    See you in the morn- well I usually wake up at noon


  • edited July 2015


    Alt text

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    pish posh! Everyone is needed here!

  • Night Green! We'll be sure to wake you if you decide to oversleep. (Especially if Rhyiona is confirmed!)

    Green613 posted: »

    Going to sleep now (almost 4 AM) making this post to remind myself to create an imgur gallery for everyone who made/ is making a Echo Eye sc

  • We'll all of you guy's deserve the credit because with out you guy's this thread would have never had achieved this much AWESOMENESS. Also don't say that you are not awesome because you are all awesome people, we all know that there are some scary places in the internet were other people treat each other like s*%# but here you feel welcomed and you don't feel like your an outcas and that's why I think all of you are awesome :D

    kristi78968 posted: »

    It's wonderful,amazing,talented,awesome audience Huh?! I'm apart of the fandom which means... I DON'T THINK I'M AWESOME OR TALENTED, BUT THANK YOU. Shoves all the well-deserved credit to the artists and other fanfic writers

  • Bye, we'll miss you! Have fun with your family in Mexico :)

    Been off the the thread for a few days but its great to see the community still thriving and active even with the long hiatus between each e

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