The Glenmores never really had a reason to fear the Whitehills

I remember is episode 2, Rodrick's small council meeting said that Elaenas father is no coward and that the Glenmores army can destory the Whitehills easily. I highly doubt Ludd would threaten a house over something small like marriage espcieally when he wasn't ready for war. It would be like a kid in middle school picking a fight against a ufc fighter. It could be Gywn saw reason and was scared for her family, so teaming up with the Forresters would help both houses. Though the whole war with the Boltons aside. Lol


  • Rodrick somehow severely wounded survived the journey from the Twins to Ironrath unconsious without food and water. According to the books the journey would have taken weeks. So Telltale isn't really doing their research. Also Decisions do not Matter at all, no matter what you do

  • Yes, but the whitehills are also hiring an army of sellswords that no one knows about but Mira, which I think is why Ludd is going around making such bold demands.

  • The Boltons.

  • edited July 2015

    Because it's safer that way

    Avoiding a war is better than causing it , even if you're more capable than the enemy

    But of course , that's not an "okay" solution for the forresters

  • Very interesting post because I too have always thought the Glenmores have no reason to fear the Whitehills. Call me crazy, but I don't even think they have a reason to fear the Boltons. If my memory serves me correctly the Glenmores are from the Reach and this is why the Tyrells hold so much influence over them. If either the Whitehills or Boltons attacked the Glenmores, the Lords of the Reach could easily muster an army between 20,000 to 30,000 men. The Big Bad Boltons only have an army of like 6,000 men. I believe in the books they can field an army up to around 60,000 people.

    In conclusion, boltons or whitehills fuck with glenmores, they have to face power of the reach.

  • The Glenmores are from the Rills of the North.

    Very interesting post because I too have always thought the Glenmores have no reason to fear the Whitehills. Call me crazy, but I don't even

  • I just now saw that you are right:/ haha. But then why would the Tyrells hold any influence over them if they're a northern house?? That's what through me off.

    The Glenmores are from the Rills of the North.

  • Its never been explained what kind of influence the Tyrells have over the Glenmores, but they are without a doubt a Northern house - maybe the Glenmores rely heavily on the Tyrells for food trade?

    I just now saw that you are right:/ haha. But then why would the Tyrells hold any influence over them if they're a northern house?? That's what through me off.

  • Oh I bet your right sense the tyrells have such a large annual harvest!

  • Glenmores being from Rills explains a lot. I also thought they were from the Reach.

    The Glenmores are from the Rills of the North.

  • The Whitehills have the Boltons at their back and the Glenmores have no interest in going to war with the Warden of the North.

  • Reason: Plot convenience.

  • the tyrells had influence u know... and a soon to be queen at the time.

    Harian96 posted: »

    Its never been explained what kind of influence the Tyrells have over the Glenmores, but they are without a doubt a Northern house - maybe the Glenmores rely heavily on the Tyrells for food trade?

  • We know the Tyrells have influence, the question is what kind of influence?

    Margaery being Queen doesn't mean much for the North due to the lack of interaction between the North and South. The only interactions that occur are trade which will happen regardless of who is ruling what. If Robb had won Northern independence the kingdoms would probably still engage in trade.

    AstroZombie posted: »

    the tyrells had influence u know... and a soon to be queen at the time.

  • edited July 2015

    Deleted comment

    Reason: Plot convenience.

  • edited July 2015

    Well, he's not wrong. There is literally no reason for it.

    Deleted comment

  • To be fair, Littlefinger in the show has the power of teleportation from which of the seven kingdoms he's in from episode to episode.

    shogun991 posted: »

    Rodrick somehow severely wounded survived the journey from the Twins to Ironrath unconsious without food and water. According to the books

  • If I remember right Tyrells tracks their origin from Garth the Gardener and Gardeners were originaly from the north. Maybe Tyrells didnt forget their roots in the north. That would also explain why Margery has handmaiden from the north.

    We know the Tyrells have influence, the question is what kind of influence? Margaery being Queen doesn't mean much for the North due to t

  • edited July 2015

    it's not that complicated, really xD. the queen says do it, the girl from the minor house felt "forced" to do it.

    EDIT: Oh, and Marg is a rich b!tch

    We know the Tyrells have influence, the question is what kind of influence? Margaery being Queen doesn't mean much for the North due to t

  • Eh, but the Queen isn't a notable figure in the North. Southerners never send anyone North and they aren't going to for minor houses. The Glenmores (or any Northern House) could tell the Tyrells to piss off and there isn't anything the Tyrells could do about it.

    AstroZombie posted: »

    it's not that complicated, really xD. the queen says do it, the girl from the minor house felt "forced" to do it. EDIT: Oh, and Marg is a rich b!tch

  • edited July 2015

    but elaena says it herself "Oh rodrik, you are forcing my hand" when and if Mira sends the fake letter of "the queen"

    Eh, but the Queen isn't a notable figure in the North. Southerners never send anyone North and they aren't going to for minor houses. The Gl

  • Yes, but there is literally no reason for her to. We know the Tyrells have some sort of influence because the game says that they do, but never explains why. It makes zero sense from a lore perspective. The Tyrells shouldn't have influence over a Northern House. The Tyrells having influence isn't what's up for debate, what that exact influence is is up for debate because there isn't any obvious or reasonable answer. (Other than plot convenience)

    AstroZombie posted: »

    but elaena says it herself "Oh rodrik, you are forcing my hand" when and if Mira sends the fake letter of "the queen"

  • One thing I did notice was that when Elena is talking to rodrik in the grove in episode 4, she says that her father thinks that these men are on a ship to the reach. Now this is an interesting question, why would Lord Glenmore send his "elite 20 person guard" to the Reach? Yes what kind of influence do the Tyrells have on the Glenmores indeed...

  • see, the queen has influence because she is married to the king, and the king has influence over the warden of north which has influence over the northern houses, glenmores included.

    Yes, but there is literally no reason for her to. We know the Tyrells have some sort of influence because the game says that they do, but ne

  • Maybe Arthur is marrying into the Tyrells.The Tyrells have many cousins just like the Lannisters.

  • Why?

  • The King has no influence over the Warden of the North either. You don't seem to understand what I am saying. The North and the South do not interact much. At all. The only reasons they've interacted recently is because of the war and Eddard and Robert's friendship. The King has literally no power in the North.

    AstroZombie posted: »

    see, the queen has influence because she is married to the king, and the king has influence over the warden of north which has influence over the northern houses, glenmores included.

  • edited July 2015

    king's landing is not the south, it's the capital, and the very own king choses the wardens

    The King has no influence over the Warden of the North either. You don't seem to understand what I am saying. The North and the South do not

  • Yes it is. It's not quite as South as Dorne, but it's the South. The King chooses the Wardens yes, but that's just a title. Roose is in power because he is the lord of the strongest Northern house as Eddard and the Starks were before him. Roose himself says that the king has no power in the North in his talks with Ramsay. Read the books. Watch the show more carefully. The South has no actual influence over the North. Even Renly acknowledged that the only reason the North and South interacted was because of Robert and Eddard's friendship.

    AstroZombie posted: »

    king's landing is not the south, it's the capital, and the very own king choses the wardens

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