Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!




    ABigBadWolf posted: »



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    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Here it is @XDJulieXD I hope this is good enough...I could have done this so much better..(>_<)>

  • edited July 2015


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    XDJulieXD posted: »


  • fine, I will root for it too!


    XDJulieXD posted: »



    Quiff posted: »


  • KIMMYYYY <3 You're back with amazing artwork!!!! I love everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • So adorable! I really really missed your kid Fiona and Rhys! :3

  • Ok then!! :D

    buntingsir posted: »

    It's normal here Just like spooky skeletons and 69.

  • Oh my gosh Kimmy I love your drawings!

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  • Welcome to the family :D

    Mickey92 posted: »

    Hello everyone! can I join this group? I have always like them together but I don't have many people to discuss it with.

  • I am enjoying watching this more than I should.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    how fkn dare u

  • Welcome newcomer!!! We ALWAYS want new Rhyiona shippers! :D

    Mickey92 posted: »

    Hello everyone! can I join this group? I have always like them together but I don't have many people to discuss it with.

  • edited July 2015


    XDJulieXD posted: »


  • Come at fite me m8

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    Quiff posted: »


  • AAA You like this! Good, that's good! Phew! :D

    nice gif btw

    XDJulieXD posted: »


  • have I ever told you that


    nohuhhuh posted: »

    fine, I will root for it too! SASKEH4LIF

  • Thank you!! You guys are so nice already :)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Welcome newcomer!!! We ALWAYS want new Rhyiona shippers!

  • I would've shunned you like they do in the Amish communities.

    :') Yeah I discovered them by accident tbh. I've always liked the blend of symphony with metal, they compliment each other in a way that not everyone seems to get.

    Basically I was watching part of the final battle in Evil Dead 3: Army of Darkness, and they had used Nightwish's song Planet Hell as the music... I fell in love the instant I heard it! XD

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    What would have you done to me if I said that I hate them? Aw there there! I'm actually amazed right now that there's someone who likes something that comes from Finland. ;D Finnish stuff is not very popular among the Non-Finns.

  • welcome! :D Enjoy your stay in the Rhyiona ship.

    Mickey92 posted: »

    Hello everyone! can I join this group? I have always like them together but I don't have many people to discuss it with.

  • edited July 2015

    Hey there guys! Here's the fanfic I promised! This is actually my THRID draft on this. At first, it didn’t make any sense. Then, the second time around, I found that I had too much padding, and I really mean that. Third time’s the charm, right? :)

    Scenario: While traveling to the dome for Gortys’ upgrade, Athena decides to stop by Tiny Tina’s house to help teach both Sasha and Fiona new skills. Rhys, who wants something other than punches to the face and bullets flying everywhere, proposes to Tina if she can set off some fireworks for the group.

    Inspiration: Honeyworks’ ‘The World is Falling in Love’ PV

    Fun fact: One time, I got an ask on Tumblr saying I was like Tiny Tina. I asked my friends what they thought about this and they agreed. At this point in my life, I’ve accepted that I’m a crazy and energetic girl who makes absurd comments/jokes.


    “So, who is this Tina and why are we here?” Rhys asks. Back on their little road trip, Rhys had to keep telling Athena where to go, but she constantly kept taking a wrong turn. At first, he was okay with it. After the 30th time though, he started to get annoyed.

    “Tina is a explosives expert-”

    “Explosives expert?! Fi, what explosives do you’ll think she’ll have? Maybe she’ll have a grenade launcher!”

    “You’re way too excited for this...” Vaughn mumbles.

    “As I was saying...I brought you guys here so I can teach Fiona and Sasha how to deal with explosives properly and use them effectively. For you two Hyperions...it’s to avoid you guys dying. She doesn’t like Hyperion very much.”

    “No one does on Pandora...well...” Rhys eyes Fiona and smirks, “maybe someone does!” He nudges her arm which causes her to punch him in his stomach. “O-OW! What the hell!”

    “Don’t touch me.”

    After taking a bit for Rhys to recover from the ‘harsh’ blow, the five arrive at a building with its garage door wide open. Isn’t that a safety hazard here?

    “Okay,” Athena turns to the group before entering inside, “just a little warning for you all. Tina is a bit...crazy”

    “How crazy are we talking here?”

    “You’ll see...Just heed my warning. And don’t make comments about her toys.” Once finishing up her warning, Athena peeks her head inside to see Tina talking amongst her stuffed animals at a small table. Tina looks up and notices Athena’s presence.

    “ATHENA! GIRL, HOW ARE YOU DOING?!” Tiny Tina jumps out of her tiny red chair and runs up to Athena with a wide grin and crazy eyes, natural look for Tina.

    “Uh, good. Anyway, I have some people you need to meet,” she turns and points at the group. “This is Fiona and Sasha. The other two are Rhys and Vaughn.”


    “Don't worry about them. They’re not even high in the ranks, Rhys is janitor.” Fiona comments.

    “...Shut up. I am VICE janitor.”

    “Oh wow, nice. Makes you more important, right?”

    “Hey hey hey! Fiona, right? Are you...y’know...” Tina, someone she just met winks at her and looks at Rhys. “It must be exciting right, I mean, he has a ROBOTIC HAND! You also got the buns, hun. I’m sure he-”

    “Hell NO!” Fiona and Rhys’ face turn red at Tina’s crazy comment. How come Athena didn’t mention THIS about her?

    "Oh come on! You sure? You guys are acting like an angry couple! Maybe things are rough in the-"

    “Tina.” Athena calls her out to finally get her attention. “I need you to train Fiona and Sasha on explosives, not to make...comments like that.”

    “Aw, always straight to business ‘Thena? I gotta have some fun before I get down and dirty!” Oh god, she keeps going!

    “Wait, hold up...You’re an explosives expert, right?” Rhys asks.

    “Yep yep! The best here! I actually launched a psycho earlier today into the sky! He insulted my bitches!” She points to her stuffed animals.

    “Yeah yeah. Um...since you want to have some fun and I want to as well-”

    “Whoa whoa, hold onto your pants boy! I’m not sure your girl-”

    “FIREWORKS. CAN YOU LAUNCH FIREWORKS FOR US?” Rhys couldn’t take make much of her comments either or else he’ll be as red as a tomato.

    “Oh hell yeah I can! I’ve always wanted a bigger crowd for them too!” Tina hurries to the back of the garage, throwing junk everywhere until she finally comes back with a box full of fireworks.

    “But-” Athena tried to stop Tina but she just shook her head, knowing it’s futile to even try to change her mind once she’s set on something.

    “LET’S LAUNCH THESE BOYS!” Tina hurries outside into the night, Rhys following closely behind.


    Once the fireworks started to get sent off, everyone split into different parts of the area in a group. Sasha was with Tina, utterly fangirling about weapons and explosives, so Fiona couldn’t bother her. She then noticed the lone Rhys watching the spectacle on a rock. For whatever reason, she decides to go over there...What was that reason?

    I mean, Rhys is an annoying guy. He was from Hyperion for crying out loud! Although...should that even be a reason to hate him? There were positives! He’s funny with how idiotic he can be, he tries to act tough but when in actuality he’s a complete dork. He even trusted her back when they got Gortys. That meant so much...and that smile he always puts on that never fails to make her smile back, even if its a little one.

    “Oh god...what is this feeling?” Fiona asked herself. She put her hand above her heart and could feel that it was ready to burst on out like a bird in a cuckoo clock. She kept denying it, yeah. Fiona isn’t one to admit things easily or to break, she was taught this.

    Soon enough, she was standing behind Rhys, whose attention was stuck to the sky that was colored by the fireworks. She sits next to Rhys, and that’s when he finally noticed her. “Oh hey, you actually want to spend time with me?”

    “You were alone. I felt bad.” Rhys smiles and turns his attention back to the sky while Fiona avoided his gaze and looked at the ground. Her heartbeat started to become faster than it did before.

    “Is this a ploy to just gain my trust and attack me?”

    “N-no! I wasn’t planning on it! I was going to...” A few minutes go by while the two stayed silent. Fiona covered her face from Rhys, knowing what she exactly came over here for and with her feeling becoming unbearable at this point, she had to let it out.

    “I...I like you, okay?” Fiona can feel her cheeks turning the same color as her jacket. “Despite how much trouble you land us in...or how much of an absolute idiot you can be.”

    “You trusted me back there and you always make me smile with your stupid antics and...” she stops. She breathes in and exhales, trying to prepare herself for her final words, “...I’m glad...I’m glad you messed up the deal with Sasha and August. I wouldn’t have met you any other way...”

    She continues to look down at the ground as the fireworks go off in the background. Minutes pass by, which seemed like an eternity to Fiona. No response from Rhys. Why isn’t he saying anything?! She thought. She just confessed her feelings and he can’t even give her the courtesy to decline her?!

    She looks up at Rhys to see his attention completely fixated on the fireworks, his eyes glimmering in excitement. Her heart sinks, and her need to punch him square in the face started to grow.

    As if he could feel Fiona’s stare, he turns to look at her with a smile, “You see them?” He points towards the sky, “They sure look...” he pauses to find the right word, “beautiful, right?” he gives her his charming smile. Fiona turns her frown upside down so she doesn’t distract Rhys’ from his enjoyment.

    “...Yeah, they’re wonderful Rhys.” She sighs. She gets up off the rock and pats his back, “I’m going to go and bother Sasha. I’m afraid she’ll learn way too much from Tina. You...you just enjoy those fireworks.” Fiona gets up and walks away in defeat.


    “Hey Rhys, what did you do to Fiona?” Vaugh practically runs up to Rhys. No response. “Dude, I overheard your name when she was talking to Sasha just now! What happened-” When Vaughn set himself down on the rock with Rhys, he noticed something strange about his bro for life.

    “Why is your face red?”

    “Vaughn, I messed up!” Rhys grabs onto his best friend’s shoulders and starts shaking him.

    “Well, I know that. What did you do!?”

    “Crap man...She confessed to me and...AND I COMPLIMENTED THE FIREWORKS INSTEAD OF HER! I panicked man, I DIDN’T KNOW WHAT TO SAY!” Rhys cried out as Vaughn pats him on the back. This therapy session is going to take a bit...

  • We are a very friendly bunch with a common interest :)

    If you like fan art, fan fiction. video games (especially TellTale) and some awesome randomness, then you're in the right place XD

    I joined here barely a week ago, and everyone was very welcoming to me :P

    Mickey92 posted: »

    Thank you!! You guys are so nice already

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    Mickey92 posted: »

    Hello everyone! can I join this group? I have always like them together but I don't have many people to discuss it with.

  • You've come to the right place

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    Mickey92 posted: »

    Hello everyone! can I join this group? I have always like them together but I don't have many people to discuss it with.

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    XDJulieXD posted: »

    have I ever told you that I LOVE YOU

  • Hello there :) good to have you here :)

    Mickey92 posted: »

    Hello everyone! can I join this group? I have always like them together but I don't have many people to discuss it with.


    Quiff posted: »


  • u stole me gf ya prick

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    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    how fkn dare u

  • There is so many people here I love it

    who do you think is more romantic??

  • edited July 2015


    ABigBadWolf posted: »


  • i dnt fkn want her complain to shitlord kishimoto

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    Quiff posted: »

    u stole me gf ya prick

  • edited July 2015

    Adding you ASAP, welcome! <3

    Mickey92 posted: »

    Hello everyone! can I join this group? I have always like them together but I don't have many people to discuss it with.


    Quiff posted: »


  • it's on for real this time

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    XDJulieXD posted: »

    Come at fite me m8

  • Both.

    Mickey92 posted: »

    There is so many people here I love it who do you think is more romantic??

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    nohuhhuh posted: »

    AAA You like this! Good, that's good! Phew! nice gif btw

  • I think Rhys would be the more romantic one. Fiona is too tsun to show a lot of love.

    Mickey92 posted: »

    There is so many people here I love it who do you think is more romantic??

  • edited July 2015

    ha sucks 2 be u man

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    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    i dnt fkn want her complain to shitlord kishimoto

  • What's up? just came back from an amusement park, seeing so many new comments in this thread just makes this day better :) as always the works of you guys are hella awesome!

    every. single. one.

  • SO TRU

    XDJulieXD posted: »


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