I want Sera to die



  • I'm just saying because she acts like she cares about you and your her friend that doesn't mean its true. Its the same for Royland or Duncan, they treat you like you're there lord but most likely one of them is the traitor.

    KCohere posted: »

    You cant just distrust everyone on principal

  • You have to threaten her to get into the wedding if you're mean to her, I think.

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    Is she mean to Mira if Mira is mean to her? I think she still agrees to help Mira, if you apologize or something, so she's still nice anyway.

  • Just saying that Sera is not my favourite character too, but remember that everything happens in game, because of your actions maybe your relationship with her is bad not jsut because she's annoying but becuase of your choices...

    My relationship with her is like mixed right now we trust and support each other but not to the point where we would risk anything for each other... But I ouldn't say I WANT her dead, I mean if I can stop her from dying maybe I will maybe I won't depends on the circunstances, but I wouldn't be too upset if she died either.

  • Speaking of getting Tom killed, I think it was Reggie who made this for me on my b-day (if it wasn't Reg, I apologize to the creator)

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    dojo32161 posted: »

    Man that's cold. Or should I say coal?

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Actually, you're talking to the creator currently.

    Speaking of getting Tom killed, I think it was Reggie who made this for me on my b-day (if it wasn't Reg, I apologize to the creator)

  • A character doesn't have to be like Ramsay to warrant a strong reaction. That's a bad metric.

    KCohere posted: »

    I camt imagine having that strong a reaction to her. Its not like shes Ramsay.

  • Im just using him as an example of someone who has done enough harm to warrant that kind of hate, which I would not describe Sera doing. I find her fairly inoffensive for the most part.

    BipedalP posted: »

    A character doesn't have to be like Ramsay to warrant a strong reaction. That's a bad metric.

  • Alt text

    Now I remember! Reggie made the Gryff one and you did this, ah!

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Actually, you're talking to the creator currently.

  • That has nothing to do with Sera and your theory. Mira never knew about the plans in the first place, and even if she did, do you really think she would just tell them to Tom so Sera could overhear? The theory just makes no sense.

    Wigams posted: »

    Unless you read the novels it would have been pretty hard to predict the Red Wedding. that betrayal was a possible avenue but not something many thought would happen. (aside from book readers)

  • If Sera is going to die, I want to see her naked first.

  • I hate the fact that i can't trust anyone in this game.

  • If her caring about you is just an act, why can you overhear her arguing with Margaery that you be allowed to stay in King's landing?

    Wigams posted: »

    I'm just saying because she acts like she cares about you and your her friend that doesn't mean its true. Its the same for Royland or Duncan, they treat you like you're there lord but most likely one of them is the traitor.

  • Oh, I guess that's right. I've been nice to her so far (I refused to help her at first though), so I wasn't sure.

    Flog61 posted: »

    You have to threaten her to get into the wedding if you're mean to her, I think.

  • it's called a "comparison". I didn't say it had anything to do with it really. You just aren't always able to predict betrayal. thats why betryal is so shocking..

    and even if she did, do you really think she would just tell them to Tom so Sera could overhear?

    Well yes I think that Tom is privy to Mira's plans. He knows "people who would be willing to help us". Lol we just spent Episode 4 eavesdropping on conversations and you're acting like it's impossible for Sera to do the same thing?

    IbaMelly posted: »

    That has nothing to do with Sera and your theory. Mira never knew about the plans in the first place, and even if she did, do you really think she would just tell them to Tom so Sera could overhear? The theory just makes no sense.

  • Idk why does Cersei pretend to argue for Margery when the high sparrow is having her trial? I have to ask because you're so against Sera being the traitor...tell me who is the traitor? Duncan....or Royland....or Lady Forrester....or the Maester? Because all of them are the same as Sera and considered our friends and them caring about us and helping us would all be an ACT.

    Flog61 posted: »

    If her caring about you is just an act, why can you overhear her arguing with Margaery that you be allowed to stay in King's landing?

  • You want to compare the situation to the Red wedding? Okay. Well, Walder Frey had a reason and real power to betray the Starks the way he did. Robb crossed his word so Walder wanted his revenge. And lets not forget, he is a lord, he is actually able to pull off something like that. Sera is just a handmaiden, she has no power, no influence over anybody important (you could say that she can influence Margaery now that Mira's out of the picture, but we have seen the way Margaery is about helping other people). I know this is Game of thrones where everything is possible but keep in mind that everything that happened, unpredictable as it may have been, was logical and it had sense. Your theory just doesn't.

    Wigams posted: »

    it's called a "comparison". I didn't say it had anything to do with it really. You just aren't always able to predict betrayal. thats why

  • Always keep your foes confused. If they are never certain of who you are or what you want, they cannot know what they are likely to do next. Sometimes the best way to baffle them are to make moves that have no purpose, or even seem to work against you. Remember that when you play the game.

    IbaMelly posted: »

    You want to compare the situation to the Red wedding? Okay. Well, Walder Frey had a reason and real power to betray the Starks the way he di

  • I get it. You want to prove your point, but this isn't just some random situation we are talking about. It's Sera, a person of no power, no influence, no money, no title and a bastard at that. She can't be the traitor. What would be her motiv?

    Wigams posted: »

    Always keep your foes confused. If they are never certain of who you are or what you want, they cannot know what they are likely to do next

  • Again, she has no motive, power, money, influence AND she's a bastard.

    Wigams posted: »

    Idk why does Cersei pretend to argue for Margery when the high sparrow is having her trial? I have to ask because you're so against Sera be

  • Its amazing how so many people hate Sera before anything bad about her has been proven,.. wow.

  • I sincerely 100% thought that I was the only one who wanted Sera to die a horrible death. Thank you for disproving that. XD

  • Perhaps she has no motive, power, money, and influence. But there are tons of people who do and Sera has alot to lose. She wants a husband and somebody could be holding her bastard secret over her head to spy on us.

    IbaMelly posted: »

    Again, she has no motive, power, money, influence AND she's a bastard.

  • You are way to concerned with how I feel about Sera. You're not gonna change my mind about Sera. Might as well just give up

    IbaMelly posted: »

    Again, she has no motive, power, money, influence AND she's a bastard.

  • Sees thread name

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  • You say you don't like Kenny yet you comment on everything Kenny related. That's rubbish.

    Flog61 posted: »

    No, she also cares about Mira being allowed to stay in King's Landing, as you can overhear her fighting for Mira to be allowed to stay in a

  • She is very annoying. Idc if she lives or dies either way it will be bull shit.

  • What are you talking about?

    You say you don't like Kenny yet you comment on everything Kenny related. That's rubbish.

  • It was a reply to Flog61 ignore my comment Wigams.

    Wigams posted: »

    What are you talking about?

  • edited July 2015

    Well, erm...

    Firstly, that's completely non-related to my post?

    Secondly, threads about Kenny aren't just for people who love him. They're for people who have opinions about him.

    I'm not going to hide my opinion just because you disagree with me. If you'd rather have an echo chamber where people are only allowed to express positive opinions about Kenny in a Kenny thread, then you're missing the point of a forum.

    You say you don't like Kenny yet you comment on everything Kenny related. That's rubbish.

  • If you don't like something, common sense says stay away from it. But keep arguing about him. You're account not mine. I apologize for my immaturity.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Well, erm... Firstly, that's completely non-related to my post? Secondly, threads about Kenny aren't just for people who love him. The

  • edited July 2015

    Never said Sera was the "mastermind". There could be "Someone with INFLUENCE, MONEY, TITLES, and NOT A BASTARD that needs her to help him and in return he keeps his mouth shut about her bastardry

    IbaMelly posted: »

    I get it. You want to prove your point, but this isn't just some random situation we are talking about. It's Sera, a person of no power, no influence, no money, no title and a bastard at that. She can't be the traitor. What would be her motiv?

  • edited July 2015

    Not to mention the fact that saying I comment on 'everything kenny related' is ridiculous. Firstly, it's not true, secondly, I haven't even been here for a month.

    I comment on Kenny threads asking for opinion, and see no problem in doing so. I do not comment on threads such as the Kenny art thread.

    I don't get what you mean by 'if you don't like something, common sense says stay away from it.'. If there was a thread entitled 'do you like Jane?', should only people who like Jane comment in it, because if they feel otherwise they should stay away due to common sense?

    If you don't like something, common sense says stay away from it. But keep arguing about him. You're account not mine. I apologize for my immaturity.

  • Look Flog61, considering our differing views on Sera I never thought we'd agree on something but I'm glad Kenny's in the ground lol.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Not to mention the fact that saying I comment on 'everything kenny related' is ridiculous. Firstly, it's not true, secondly, I haven't even

  • I told her secret in episode 4, which maybe I shouldn't of done but fuck it! What could possibly go wrong from that?

  • In the books (and show) Robb and his army have people standing outside the Twins purely to shoot down any ravens that are leaving. They weren't even at war with Walder Frey yet. The Forresters probably wouldn't send ravens with that sort of info on the chance the Whitehills (or Boltons) have someone outside who may simply shoot it down and read the letters.

    Wigams posted: »

    Of course ...NEVER would they do that. Except they're "counting on MIRA and Asher to get us the army we need" so Mira is involved in the pl

  • I hope she lives just to spite you

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  • Fine, have it your way. We will see in a few episodes who's right.

    Wigams posted: »

    Never said Sera was the "mastermind". There could be "Someone with INFLUENCE, MONEY, TITLES, and NOT A BASTARD that needs her to help him and in return he keeps his mouth shut about her bastardry

  • Cersei does it for Tommen doesn't she. She wants Tommen to like her more before Marge turns him against her.

    Wigams posted: »

    Idk why does Cersei pretend to argue for Margery when the high sparrow is having her trial? I have to ask because you're so against Sera be

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